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A2 Historical enquiry: India and the British Empire, 1757-1947

A2 Historical enquiry: India and the British Empire, 1757-1947. Britain’s imperial strength in ww1. L.O. Be able to summarise Kennedy’s opinion of the effect of the First World War on Britain’s imperial position

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A2 Historical enquiry: India and the British Empire, 1757-1947

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  1. A2 Historical enquiry: India and the British Empire, 1757-1947

  2. Britain’s imperial strength in ww1 L.O. Be able to summarise Kennedy’s opinion of the effect of the First World War on Britain’s imperial position (Useful for many questions but especially if you decide to compare the effect of the 1st and 2nd World Wars)

  3. Research task 1. For each of India, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Ireland, East Africa find out the following: A) Attitude to entering WWI in support of Britain B) Numbers of troops deployed and casualties C) Other resources contributed D) Battlefronts where they fought/suffered heavy losses E) Effects of the war on that country’s attitude to empire Use the article and the internet to research the above Jonny B + Tim – India, Brad + Rob G – Australia, Cyrus + Jordy – New Zealand, Aarun + Josh – Canada, Adiel + Matt R – South Africa, Marco + Rob S – Ireland (not lots in article, you’ll need to look at Easter Rising too), Jonny W + Matt W – East Africa Produce a fact file for your country – this must be printed out and handed to me by the end of the lesson

  4. Colonial contribution The colonies felt that they deserved a reward for their contribution/suffering and Britain arguably responded to this pressure in e.g. the Montagu Declaration of 1917 to India: “Increasing association of Indians in every branch of administration, and the Gradual development of self governing Institutions with a view to the progressive realisation of responsible governments in India as an Integral part of the British Empire.”

  5. Questions 1. For each of India, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Ireland, East Africa find out the following: A) Attitude to entering WWI in support of Britain B) Numbers of troops deployed and casualties C) Other resources contributed D) Battlefronts where they fought/suffered heavy losses E) Effects of the war on that country’s attitude to empire • Read the last page from ‘One of the government’s goals’. How did the British government try to strengthen the ties within the empire? • Read the first two paras. In what ways did the First World War strengthen/weaken Britain’s imperial position?

  6. Written task Now write a summary (approx. a page) of Kennedy’s view, using key quotations in your answer

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