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SILC CONGRESS 2016 Who Are The UNDERSERVED Veterans & Non-Veterans?

SILC CONGRESS 2016 Who Are The UNDERSERVED Veterans & Non-Veterans?. Presented by Danita Applewhite, PhD, CRC, Member of AZ SILC.

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SILC CONGRESS 2016 Who Are The UNDERSERVED Veterans & Non-Veterans?

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  1. SILC CONGRESS 2016 Who Are The UNDERSERVED Veterans & Non-Veterans? Presented by Danita Applewhite, PhD, CRC, Member of AZ SILC

  2. Danita Applewhite, PhD, CRC aka "Professor Apple"Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Retired Psychology Professor, Author, Army Veteran, Host of "Ask Dr. Applewhite" Radio Talk Show, and Founder/CEO of White Apple Institute Arizona Statewide Independent Living Council, Arizona State Rehabilitation Council, Women's Army Corp Veterans Association, Veterans Medical Leadership Council, Disabled American Veterans, Black Board of Directors Project, NAACP

  3. EXPECTATIONS • Acknowledge your perceptions, awareness of other’s • Enhance understanding about term UNDERSERVED? • Increase awareness of UNDERSERVED Veteran vs. Non-Veteran • Understand the urgency for SILC’s to act NOW! • SILC and CIL’s develop strategies for Underserved in SPIL • Awareness of “All Lives Matter” and “Veterans’ Lives Matter” I am not aware of my needs…I don’t know how advocateequal opportunity for me and others..I can’t contributein my community….I have no control over my decisions regarding work and life!

  4. Regularly check out your perceptions of disabled versus person who has disability • WHAT DOES DISABLED LOOK LIKE? • WHAT DOES DISABLED VETERAN LOOK LIKE? • WHAT DOES CIL CONSUMER LOOK LIKE? • What does this tell me about other’s perceptions? • Please don’t DIS me anymore

  5. What does the term “UNDERSERVED” really mean? • an underserved population is defined as a particular sociocultural group that is historically marginalized and faces disadvantages based on their sociocultural identities. http://ncda.org/aws/NCDA/asset_manager/get_file/40107 • to offer inadequate services or facilities. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/underserved • Index of Medical Underservice (IMU): defines the term as the ratio of primary medical care physicians per 1,000 population, infant mortality rate, percentage of the population with incomes below the poverty level, and percentage of the 60 + years of age. http://www.hrsa.gov/.../imutables • Individuals who seek independent living skills and are not able to access resources due to geographic location, economic challenges, lack of exposure, and other psychological, social, and cultural factors -Danita Applewhite, PhD, CRC

  6. What does the term “UNDERSERVED” really mean? -Veterans identified as living in rural and remote areas -People with Disabilities -Poor and Homeless People -Older Adults -People of Color -Rural, Native, and Tribal communities -Incarcerated People and Ex-Offenders -Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender People SERVED OVERSERVED UNDERSERVED

  7. SILC’s and CIL’s ask, Is there really a difference in servicing UNDERSERVED Veterans versus Non-Veterans? YES!!! Identify, Initial Contact, Evaluation, Planning, Counseling, Job prep & training, Accommodations, Emotional Adjustments

  8. SILC’s and CIL’s Ask Where are The UNDERSERVED Veterans & Non-Veterans? • With families • In Shelters • In cars • In Skilled Nursing Facilities • At Churches • Local agencies providing food, housing, transportation….and more

  9. What is the role of SILC with UNDERSERVED Veterans?? Ask ourselves: WHAT HAVE WE DONE FOR VETERANS LATELY? AZSILC promotes: • Choice • Inclusion of all disabled deemed eligible • Programs to assist persons who have disabilities • Change in public policy • Collaboration with five CIL’s, RSA/VR and related CBO’s

  10. Does your SILC know what the UNDERSERVED need? • Experience more POSITIVES than NEGATIVES! + + + + + - - • Teach me how to meet my basic needs NOW! • Ways to handle the rejections • Understand Self-Advocacy • Build resilience and coping skills • Where I can get Help with appeals? • Using about Transportation? • Reconnect with family, friends, community, • Most critical is, How will you follow up with me?

  11. Why should your SILC get involved NOW? Some of OUR Veterans are in TROUBLE! Independent Living services for Individuals whose service-connected disabilities require intensive and frequent rehabilitation supports may not be ready and able to work. When these individuals need help to become more independent in their homes and communities, VA’s Independent Living services can help them by providing assistance that may eventually enable them to pursue employment. • LA Times: veterans have a suicide rate 50% higher than those who did not serve in the military http://taskandpurpose.com/truth-22-veteran-suicides-day/ • Increased homelessness, joblessness, and disability: Supplemental Security Income -- a program for children and adults who are both poor and disabled -- is almost seven times larger than it was 30 years ago. • Exacerbated mental and physical disabilities: In the past three decades, the number of Americans who are on disability has skyrocketed. The rise has come even as medical advances have allowed many more people to remain on the job, and new laws have banned workplace discrimination against the disabled. Every month, 14 million people now get a disability check from the government…The federal government spends more money each year on cash payments for disabled former workers than it spends on food stamps and welfare combined. http://apps.npr.org/unfit-for-work/

  12. DO YOU BELIEVE VETERANS’ LIVES MATTER? • Without Veterans SILC would not exist! • Our FREEDOM is because they SACRIFICED & SIGNED A BLANK CHECK Veterans have been trained to work on realistic plans, foster resilience and build coping skills Is there any training to prepare for being a Veteran who has Disability? (“Disabled Vet”)

  13. INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM Veterans Administration (VA) VS. SILC • The Independent Living Program is a United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) program aimed at making sure that each eligible veteran is able to live independently to their maximum capacity. The program is commonly referred to as VA ILP. The program is a two-year program that can be extended up to 28 months. There is an enrollment cap of 2700 participants per year. Imagine EVERY Veteran being offered the following services: • assistive technology specialized medical, health, and / or rehabilitation services • services to address any personal and / or family adjustment issues • independent living skills training connection with community-based support services • individualized equipment to assist with possible employment, volunteer opportunities or to decrease social isolation • animals to assist with coping or independent movement • attendant care during the period of transition • transportation when special arrangements are needed • peer counseling • training to improve awareness of rights and needs

  14. INDEPENDENT LIVING SERVICES OFFERED BY CENTERS FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING (CILS) FOR VETERANS With the large number of veterans with disabilities returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as many older veterans who served in prior conflicts, CILs should have in-depth knowledge and skill in linking individuals to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) services. The VA provides a wide range of information and assistance services. However, CIL staff should be prepared to: • Collaborate with these efforts to provide additional assistance, when needed. • Establish strong referral protocols with local or state Veterans agencies • Serve Veterans directly, CIL staff should be knowledgeable to assist veterans who seek information, assistance, or referrals. NATIONAL COUNCIL ON INDEPENDENT LIVING (NCIL)www.adrc-tae.acl.gov/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=27914

  15. What’s in your SPIL for UNDERSERVED PERSONS, including VETERANS? • Veterans do need a more specialized approach when discussing their need for IL skills • counseling for depression, anxiety and hopelessness, but they also need more specialized • job-hunting (short term and long term) • GOAL setting for appropriate training and education

  16. This is how we do it in Arizona • The AZSILC is responsible for developing,, monitoring, and reporting activities related to SPIL • Any individual with a significant disability, as defined in 34 CFR 364.4(b), is eligible for IL services….. Any individual may seek information about IL services under these programs and request referral to other services and programs….

  17. IL Movement addressed the run around for Persons with Disability • If I say I’m a “Disabled Veteran” than will I get another RRA or Resource Run Around? • Out of FUNDING again?? • Mr. ____ is the only one who can help me and he left early again???

  18. How can your SILC help? • Do we have time, resources, effective strategies, reasonable expectations? • What ifs ???????? How many barriers do you foresee? • What’s in your SPIL for outreach to underserved populations? Veterans? • Do the CIL’s in your state list tools, resources, and support programs for Veterans who have physical, mental, and nonvisible disabilities?

  19. Can local CIL’s take on the responsibility for outreach to the Underserved? A Navy Veteran says, “SILC please encourage CIL not to send me back to the same agencies that turned me down last month! Listen to what I need help with”

  20. EXPECTATIONS met?I am experienced about my needsI advocate equal opportunity for me and othersI contribute in my communityI control my decisions regarding work and life!

  21. Thank you for your interest and attention. You can reach me at danitaapplewhite@whiteappleinstitute.org or call 480-471-8082

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