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PI Total time #CoIs, team

The immediate vicinity of AGN

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PI Total time #CoIs, team

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  1. The immediate vicinity of AGN We propose to obtain NIR H & K diffraction-limited LTAO images with a 42 m ELT and dynamic range > 1.e5 of NGC 1068 and a sample of other AGN. Resolutions will be 11 & 8 mas; for NGC 1068 0.8 & 0.6 pc. These images will be compared to radiative transfer models of the circumnuclear environment, and aim at directly determining the detailed morphology of the torus and other circumnuclear structure. PI Total time #CoIs, team Markus Wittkowski 1n (ELT 42m) Expertise in modern AGN unification schemes, radiative transfer modeling, comparison to VLTI/LBTI/ALMA/HSA results.

  2. Currently available studies 6m SAO 6m SAO 46m VLTI Wittkowski, Balega, Beckert et al.1998 Weigelt, Wittkowski, Balega, et al. 2004 Wittkowski, Beckert, Arsenault et al.2004 Dyn. range~20 Dyn. range~200 (Dyn. range~50), sparse Resolved for the first time with FWHM 40 mas=2pc. Part of the torus and/or material in the cone. 18x39 mas or 1.3x2.8 pc, PA -16 deg. plus more extended N-S structures. A considerable part of the flux originates from scales <5 mas or < 0.4 pc. Also available are MIDI, radio continuum, water maser observations, etc. Observations hint toward a morphology more complex than a uniform torus. Also theory predicts more complex structures such as clumps, e.g. Krolik & Begelmann 1998, Nenkova et al. 2002, Vollmer et al. 2004, Hoenig et a.l 2006.

  3. Other anticipated studies • VLTI Baselines 8-200 m. Sparse aperture. Dyn. range ~ 1.e3. • LBTI Baselines 0-23 m. Full aperture. Dyn. range > 1.e5. Immediate Objective for ELT Measure with highest possible dyn. range (>1.e5?, coronography?), highest image fidelity,and sub-parsec spatial resolution the morphology of NIR emission very close to the BH. Solve the long-standing puzzle of the morphology of the “torus” and material in the cone. Combine with VLTI data to a “super” image. Compare to MIR, ALMA, and radio interferometry, and to modern unification schemes. Follow up by spectroscopy to get radial velocities.

  4. ELT Justification: The goal is to reach diffraction-limited high-fidelity images with resolution corresponding to B=42m and full uv-coverage. Data Reduction: Good PSF subtraction needed to obtain faint structure close to the bright core. Highest possible dynamic range needed, maybe use of coronography. J-band useful if diffraction-limited res. reached.

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