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Howd - Zur Hung Eric Lai Wei Jie Lee Yu - Chiang Lee Design Manager: Jonathan P. Lee

[M2] Huffman Encoder Project. Howd - Zur Hung Eric Lai Wei Jie Lee Yu - Chiang Lee Design Manager: Jonathan P. Lee. Overall Project Objective : Design a Low Power Huffman Encoder. Presentation #3 February 7 th , 2007. Huffman Encoder Project. Status.

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Howd - Zur Hung Eric Lai Wei Jie Lee Yu - Chiang Lee Design Manager: Jonathan P. Lee

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Presentation Transcript

  1. [M2] Huffman Encoder Project Howd - Zur Hung Eric Lai Wei Jie Lee Yu - Chiang Lee Design Manager: Jonathan P. Lee Overall Project Objective:Design a Low Power Huffman Encoder Presentation #3 February 7th, 2007

  2. Huffman Encoder Project Status Design ProposalChip ArchitectureBehavioral Verilog Implementation Size estimates/floorplanning Behavioral Verilog simulated Gate Level DesignComponent Layout/SimulationChip LayoutComplete Simulation

  3. Huffman Encoder Project About … Implement Huffman compression portion of GZIP on a single chip Provide fast & energy efficient compression for network devices

  4. Huffman Encoder Project What is GZIP? • Based on the DEFLATE algorithm, which is a combination of LZ77 and Huffman coding • Widely used in the HTTP/1.1 protocol and general purpose data compression • GZIP software compression speed(100 Mbits per second)

  5. Huffman Encoder Project Currently in Market: AHA362-PCIX 3.0 Gbits/sec GZIP Compression/Decompression Accelerator PCI-X, 64-bit, 133 MHz edge card interface Ideal for SAN servers, virtual tape emulation backup and recovery systems Huge, power hungry, require built-in processor

  6. Huffman Encoder Project Our Target Market Network Server, on chip solution for network card and motherboard Portable Devices

  7. Huffman Encoder Project Design Constraints Clock Speed >= 133MHz Hard to get benchmark for size and power in the market Optimize for power once speed constraint is met

  8. Huffman Encoder Project Detailed Block Diagram from Week 2

  9. Huffman Encoder Project Design Decision (week 3) • Add MemSelect module • Add TraverseAddr module • Serial Output

  10. Huffman Encoder Project

  11. Huffman Encoder Project

  12. Huffman Encoder Project

  13. Huffman Encoder Project

  14. Huffman Encoder Project Serial Output

  15. Huffman Encoder Project MemSelectFrequencyGroup

  16. Huffman Encoder Project MemSelectLengthCode

  17. Huffman Encoder Project Transistor Count (week 2) SRAM (Freq / Group) ~ 4,000 SRAM (Code / Length) ~ 7,000Adders ~ 1,000Comparators ~ 1,000FSM Control Logic ~ 1,000Registers ~ 1,000 Buffer ~ 2,000 Others (mux, demux, etc.) ~ 4,000 Total ~21,000

  18. Huffman Encoder Project Updated Transistor Count SRAM (Freq / Group) ~ 4,000 SRAM (Code / Length) ~ 7,000CountFrequency ~ 650 Find2Least ~ 2,500 Combine ~ 1,530 TraverseAddr ~ 440 SerialOutput ~ 1,300 MemSelect ~ 1,370 FSM Control ~ 500 Total ~19,290

  19. Huffman Encoder Project Initial Floorplan Find2Least Code/Length SRAM TraverseAddr Traverse Addr MemSelectFrequency/Group Combine Frequency/Group SRAM FSM Control SerialOutput MemSelectLength/Code CountFrequency

  20. Huffman Encoder Project Behavioral Verilog `include "SRAM_freqGroup.v" `include "countFreq.v" `include "control.v" module top(input clk, reset, en, start, done, input [4:0] dataIn, output ERR); wire [20:0] freqGroup, freqGroup1, freqGroup2; wire [3:0] enPhase, resetPhase; control control1(clk, reset, start, done, findReady, combineReady, oneGroupLeft, finish, enPhase, resetPhase); SRAM_freqGroup SRAM_freqGroup1(re, we, clk, reset, dataIn, freqGroup); countFreq countFreq1(clk, reset, start, freqGroup[20:5], freqGroup[4:0], re, we, ERR); find2Freq find2Freq1(freqGroup1, freqGroup2, freqGroupIn, ready, clk, reset, en); endmodule module topT(output reg clk, reset, en, start, done, output reg [4:0] dataIn, input ERR); always #10 clk = ~clk; initial begin $monitor($time,, "clk=%b, reset=%b, dataIn=%b, ERR=%b", clk, reset, dataIn, ERR); clk = 0; reset = 0; done = 0; en = 0; #20; reset = 1; #20; reset = 0; start = 1; dataIn = 5'b01101; #10; en = 1; // enPhase[0] should be on at time = 50 #10; dataIn = 5'b01111; #40; dataIn = 5'b01101; #40; dataIn = 5'b11001; #80; dataIn = 5'b01111; #80; $finish; end endmodule

  21. Huffman Encoder Project Behavioral Verilog Simulation Waveform

  22. Huffman Encoder Project Problems Timing Issues Multiple Clocks???

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