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Juan P. Flores Márgez , Joel A. Hernández E., Nadia Rodríguez M., Marcos Delgado R. Manoj K. Shukla y Dave DuBois Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (www.uacj.mx) New Mexico State University ( www.nmsu.edu ) Las Cruces, NM, April 22 , 2013.

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  1. Juan P. Flores Márgez, Joel A. Hernández E., Nadia Rodríguez M., Marcos Delgado R. Manoj K. Shukla y DaveDuBois Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (www.uacj.mx) New MexicoStateUniversity (www.nmsu.edu) Las Cruces, NM, April 22 , 2013 AIR QUALITY DURING DUST STORMS IN JUAREZ, MEXICO

  2. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU Sources of SoilEmissionto Air Natural Anthropogenic

  3. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU Dustsources (red points) detectedthroughremotingsensorsimage and windspeed. Rivera Rivera, N.I., Gebhart, K.A., Hand, J.L., Bleiweiss, M.P., and Fitzgerarld, R.M. 2009. Wind modeling of Chihuahuan Desert dust outbreaks. Atmospheric environment. 43, 347-354.

  4. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU Pérez, S.A.L. 2008. Climaticanalysis in Ciudad Juárez , and Juárez Valley, Chihuahua. Thesis of Bachelor, Biology Programa , UACJ.

  5. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU In additiontothe natural emission of dust in theJuarezregion, theproblem of thelow air qualityisveryserious in Juarez City becausealmost 40% of itsstreets are unpavedroads, and exist2 500 ha of uncoverareas, oldvehicles, and factories(IMIP, 2002).

  6. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU Newspaper 2011. Windreachs 80 km/hr

  7. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU JuarezAirportclosed as a Result of highwind and dust DuringMarch 18, 2012.

  8. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU Duststormduringmarch 18, 2012 in El Paso, and Juarez Area.

  9. http://enhs.umn.edu/5103/particles/character.html FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU SEMARNAT, PROAIRE (2006).

  10. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU PROAIRE, 2006-2012. Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua.

  11. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU • Emission of PM10and PM2.5are regulatedby NOM-025-SSA1-1993: maximumlimitvalueis 150 µg/m3in 24 hours, and forchronicexpositionis 50 µg/m3 as annual mean. • US-EPA (2006) reducedthe mean limitforemission of MP2.5fortheperiod of 24 hoursfrom 65 to35 µg/m3. • Epidemiologystudieshaveshownthatexistence of significantassociationbetween PM concentrations and adverse impactsonhumanhealth (WHO, 2000).

  12. Toestimatetheconcentration of PM emittedto air in different places of thecity and usingtwomethods. Toquantifythe PM dispersed at twoheigthonthesoil (1 and 2 m). Analyzeclimaticconditions in specialwindspeed and direction. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU ObjeCTIVES

  13. As windspeedincreasesisexpected a higher PM emissionfromsoilto air, and PM concentrationwillbehigher at 1 m than 2 m heigth Sticky tape techniquewilldetect more PM thanthedusttrackinstrument, becausethislasttechniquedetectsonlythefilterdiameterinstalled as PM2.5 FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU HYpotHesis

  14. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU Materials y Methods 2011 2012

  15. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU

  16. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU DustTrak Instrument

  17. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU Results WindspeedforMarch, and April, 2011 in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua

  18. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU Average and standarddeviation of PM detectedwiththesticky tapes technique at 1 and 2 m height in differentsites of Juarez Regulations: 150 ug/m3, Results 1,500 ug/m3

  19. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU

  20. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU RangE OF pm DETECTED • 2011 0 to 2.766±1.035 mg m-3 Range of PM measured in study: 1,800 a 2,700 µg m-3 • 2012 0 to 1.893±0.246 mg m-3 MexicanRegulation, NOM-025-SSA1-1993: 150 µg m-3

  21. Theamount of PM detectedwithsticky tape techniqueresultedhigher at 1 m height (0.698852±0.08537 mg/m3) than at 2 m height (0.599964±0.93615 mg/m3) butnotsignificantdifferencewasobservedbetweenthetwoheight. Thiswasattributedtothehighweight of largeparticulesthat are transportedtolowheight and are retainedbysticky tapes. Sites 1 and 4 presentedhigh PM retained at 1 m, whilesites 2 and 3 was at 2 m height. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU ResultS

  22. As windspeed and directionisvery variable foreachsamplingsite, itisobviousthatsignificantdifferences can beobservedamong dates and places, duringAprilthehighestwindspeedwereobserved. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU

  23. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU Conclusions • Duringmost of theeolicevents of highintensity in aridareas of northMexico, the PM valuesobservedwere 18 times higherthanthoseindicatedbythemexicanregulations. • Thetechniquebasedonsticky tapes and rotorods, wasconsideredpractical, economic, and versatilformeasurements of duststorms, the PM data detectedwas in therange of thoseobservedwiththedusttrakinstrument.

  24. The PM valuesreflectedlow air quality in theareaduringduststorms, and negativeeffectsonrespiratorysystems of people. • Itisneededtocontinuedoingmeasurements of PM emissionsunderdifferentscenaries, climaticconditions and types of soils. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU Conclusions…..

  25. FloresMargez et al.2013. air quality symposium NMSU Thankyou !!! Contact: Dr. Juan Pedro Flores Márgez juflores@uacj.mx http://www.uacj.mx/docentes/juflores/Paginas/default.aspx. Also the soil is in the air

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