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Legislative Update

Legislative Update. FY 2009-2010. Educational Initiatives & Cost of Education. DOE Budget $1.7 Billion: . Other Centrally Expended 6%. Weighted Student Formula 36%. Other Programs 6%. Federal Funds 15%. Special Education 12%. Food 5%. Facilities 3%. Other SPED Programs 11%.

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Legislative Update

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  1. Legislative Update FY 2009-2010 Educational Initiatives & Cost of Education

  2. DOE Budget $1.7 Billion: Other Centrally Expended 6% Weighted Student Formula 36% Other Programs 6% Federal Funds 15% Special Education 12% Food 5% Facilities 3% Other SPED Programs 11% Student Transportation 3% Utilities 3%

  3. DOE Budget $1.7 Billion: Other Centrally Expended $96.8 Million Weighted Student Formula $629.7 Million Other Programs $107.0 Million Federal Funds $256.2 Million Special Education $204.1 Million Food $93.5 Million Facilities $47.2 Million Other SPED Programs $191.1 Million Utilities $53.3 Million Student Transportation $48.8 Million

  4. Weighted Student Formula: $ 1.7 Billion The Weighted Student Formula (WSF) promotes equity by allocating funds to schools based on individual students’ educational needs. $629.7 Mil. • Weighted Characteristics: • Economically Disadvantaged • English as a Second Language • Geographic Isolation • School Size • Multi-track • K-2 Class Ratios • Transient Students With 178,649 students enrolled, approximately $3,524 of the WSF is averaged per student. $629.7 Million of DOE Budget= 36%

  5. Other Programs: $ 1.7 Billion Separate funding is allocated to ensure that extra-curricular programs are established and supported. $107 Mil. • Athletics • JROTC • Hawaiian Language Immersion Program • Hawaiian Studies • Other Instructional Services (Even Start, Science Textbooks, Audio Visual Centers, etc.) • Learning Centers • Student Activities (Engineering/Science Fair, Student Conference, Student Council, Awards, Student Exchange) • Peer Education Program • At Risk Programs • Risk Management • Space Education • Environmental Education • Summer School • Driver Education • Lost Textbooks • School Health Aides • A+ • Etc… • Resources for New Facilities Educational Research & Development • Trust Funds (Grants, Donations, Athletics, Olelo) • Hawaii Content/Performance Standards, Restructuring, Curriculum Improvements • In-School Suspension • Non-School Hour Programs ≈ $598 per student $107.0 Million of DOE Budget= 6%

  6. Federal Funds $ 1.7 Billion $256.2 Mil. Title 1 Impact Aid No Child Left Behind Vocational Education Smaller Grants ≈ $1,434 per student $256.2 Million of DOE Budget= 15%

  7. Special Education $ 1.7 Billion School-specific SPED Needs School Principals spend according to the specific needs of special education students. $204.1 Mil. • Teachers • Classroom Supplies • Teaching Assistants ≈ $1,142 per student $204.1 Million of DOE Budget= 12%

  8. Special Education $ 1.7 Billion Centrally Expended for SPED and Student Support Programs Separate funding is allocated to ensure that specialized programs for student support are established and sustained. $191.1 Mil. • Federal Funds • Special Olympics • School Based Behavioral Health • Services for Children with Autism • Student Support Services • Recruitment and Retention Incentive • Edu. Assessment/Prescriptive Svcs • Integrated Special Ed. Database • Extended School Year • Primary Prevention/Intervention • Comprehensive System of Professional Development • Home/Hospital Instruction • Early Learning System • Etc… ≈ $1,069 per student $191.1 Million of DOE Budget= 11%

  9. Special Education $ 1.7 Billion $395.2 Mil. • 17,432special education students enrolled in ‘09 • 10.2% of total student enrollment School-Specific Needs Centrally Expended for SPED and Student Support Programs ≈ $11,709 per SPED student ≈ $10,965 per SPED student ≈ $22,674 per SPED student $395.2 Million (SPED Combined)= 23% of Budget

  10. $ 1.7 Billion Other Parts of the DOE Budget: ≈ $264 per student Facilities (Repairs & Maintenance, School Inspection, State Administration, etc.): $47.2 Million 3% ≈ $523 per student Food Services: $93.5 Million 5% Utilities: $53.3 Million 3% Student Transportation: $48.8 Million 3% ≈ $298 per student ≈ $273 per student

  11. Summary $ 1.7 Billion 94%$9,129 per student Other Centralized Expenses for Schools/Complex Areas: 6% ≈ $542 per student Weighted Student Formula Extra-curricular Programs Expended by each school for students: 69%≈ $7,000 per student Federal Funds School Specific Special Education Centralized expenses for students: 25% ≈ $2,429 per student Food Facilities Centrally Expended Special Education Utilities Transportation

  12. All Other Centralized Expenses: 6% of DOE Budget- $96 Million In addition to supporting student achievement, the remaining 6% of the DOE Budget supports a combination of the schools, the complex areas, and the state level functions. Many of these impact student education directly and all others affect student education indirectly. ≈ $542 per student Per Student 6% Breakdown $108 $111 $118 $114 $ 44 $ 27 $ 20 1.1% 1.2% 1.2% 1.2% 0.5% 0.3% 0.2% • Complex Area Administration • Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Support (Teleschool, Adult Education, Federal Funds for Homeless, National Science Foundation, NAEP, Etc.) • Office of Human Resources (Teacher Improvement Services, Leadership Development, Etc.) • Office of Information Technology • Office of the Superintendent (Systems Accountability: Testing, Evaluation, Planning, Etc.) • Office of Fiscal Services • All Other (BOE, Hawaii Teacher Standards Board, & Art in Public Places)

  13. Labor & Costs Total % of Total Operating Budget: Costs Subtotals: • Salaries and Casual Hires • Other Costs: supplies, utilities, contracts, repair & maintenance, SPED, equipment , motor vehicles 67% 33% $1,153,132,777 $574,572,764 Total 100% $1,727,705,541 Labor 67% Other 33%

  14. BudgetBreakdown PerStudent Budget Total: $1,727,705,541 2009: 178,649 Students Enrolled Centralized Expenses Affecting Districts, Complex Areas, etc. at 6%: $542 per student Weighted Student Formula 36%: $3,524 per student 94% of Budget= $9,125 Per Student Other Student Expenses at 58%: $5,601 per student

  15. BudgetBreakdown PerStudent Budget Total: $1,727,705,541 2009: 178,649 Students Enrolled Centralized Expenses Affecting Districts, Complex Areas, etc. at 6%: $542 per student Weighted Student Formula 36%: $3,524 per student 100% of Budget= $9,667 Per Student Other Student Expenses at 58%: $5,601 per student

  16. Public VS Private School Comparison: Total Cost Per Student $22,925 Donations$5,625 Top Private School Tuition: $17,300 $9,667 $8,498 $9,125 $7,956 $542 $542 Top Private School Each Public School Student(including SPED funds) Each Public School Student( No SPED funds)

  17. Comparison: Cost Per Student $9,125 (total) + $542 (centralized expenses) = $9,667 per student VS Top Private School: $22,925 ≈ $96.67 per block

  18. Comparison: Cost Per Student Top Private School: $22,925 DOE: $9,667 ≈ $99.67 per block

  19. Total: $1.7 Billion Funds: $1,076,240,392 SPED: $395,257,524 DOE/Charter School Comparison Funds: $52,732,012 (Proportionate Share) Federal Funds: $256,207,625 Charter share of Federal $ is program specific SPED Costs per IEP and School SPED Need

  20. Funds Per Student 178,649students 7,819 students Charter School Students $52,732,012 ÷ 7,819 Funds:$6,024 = $6,744 per student Charter School Students = $6,591 per student Charter School Students $52,732,012 ÷ 8,500 Federal Funds: $256,207,625 = $6,203 per student SPED: $395,257,524 Charter School per student spending is derived from the amount of students allowed in.

  21. Questions? Mahalo for your time! CONTACT US: Hawaii State Capitol, Rm. 230415 South Beretania St.Honolulu, HI 96813Phone 808-586-8585Fax 808-586-8588 Email: sensakamoto@capitol.hawaii.gov Visit our website: www.normansakamoto.com

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