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FIRST PLACEMENT IS THE RIGHT PLACEMENT. Governor’s Action Group for Safe Children. Draft Recommendations for Discussion. GUIDING PRINCIPLES. Issues of confidentiality should not be allowed to be impediments to helping children. Placement decisions should be child-focused and family-centered.

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  1. FIRST PLACEMENT IS THE RIGHT PLACEMENT Governor’s Action Group for Safe Children Draft Recommendations for Discussion

  2. GUIDING PRINCIPLES • Issues of confidentiality should not be allowed to be impediments to helping children. • Placement decisions should be child-focused and family-centered. DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY DRAFT

  3. GUIDING PRINCIPLES • Cross-training is necessary to successful implementation of assessments and the wise use of resources in providing services and programs to children. • Assessment instruments should be free of any cultural bias. DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY DRAFT


  5. TIMELINESS • Establish a standard window of time (e.g., 24 hours) for collecting a prescribed set of common data elements. • Involve a sufficient number of experienced staff (24/7 – “real time”) as early as possible in the process • (Use as “crisis intervention managers”) DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY DRAFT

  6. CONTENT • Require all agencies that come into contact with a family or child for out-of-home placement to use a set of common data elements to gather information. • Require Mental Health to use a standardized assessment aligned with those of DFCS and DJJ. DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY DRAFT

  7. Safety Risk Factors Resources (assess strengths) Family Dynamics Timeliness (See handout) CRITICAL ELEMENTS FOR FIRST ASSESSMENT DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY DRAFT

  8. PROCESS • Reduce the redundancy of children’s assessments. • Require agencies that deliver services to children to accept one another’s assessments (DJJ, DFCS, DOE, Mental Health, Community Health). DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY DRAFT

  9. PROCESS • All common data element information should be • Automated • Transparent • Web-based, and • Populate appropriate agency-specific assessment records. DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY DRAFT

  10. PROCESS • Once a revised assessment and placement system is implemented, there needs to be standard concepts of disengagement for children. DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY DRAFT

  11. PROCESS • Provide appropriate confidentiality safeguards—including an initial family information permission release and electronic signatures —so that the system can offer access to all authorized organizations and individuals. DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY DRAFT

  12. COLLABORATION • All decisions regarding statutes, regulations and policies that require collaboration, alignment, and coordination among those primary agencies impacting children’s lives must have all agencies represented in and committed to consensual decision making and implementation. DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY DRAFT

  13. COLLABORATION • DOE should be an integral part of the system of organizations: • In decision-making • In providing assessment information and appropriate programs and services to children who require them DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY DRAFT

  14. COLLABORATION • Provide cross-training to DJJ, DOE, DFCS, Juvenile Court Judges, Community Health, private and non-profit service providers, and MH/MR/SA staff DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY DRAFT

  15. COLLABORATION • Children in joint custody of DFCS and DJJ need to be “fast-tracked” (given preferential access) in terms of obtaining services such as MATCH. DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY DRAFT

  16. COLLABORATION • Phase in implementation of any newly developed assessment/placement system: • Use a limited number of counties in the pilot phase • Redeploy assessment resources to the initial phases of contact with a child and family DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY DRAFT

  17. COLLABORATION • Provide to any child known to DFCS through CPS comprehensive assessments (including family conferencing) to prevent out-of-home placements. • Track the number of prevented placements & redirect the saved revenue to services for children at risk of out-of-home placements. DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY DRAFT

  18. COLLABORATION • Provide access for families and staff to appropriate translation services, including sign language, and to culturally appropriate resource staff, especially outside of the metro area. DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY DRAFT

  19. REMINDER • Once a revised assessment and placement system has been developed, there should be careful analyses of all options considered to prevent any systemic “unintended consequences.” DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY DRAFT

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