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Should You Get Your Wisdom Tooth Removed at Epping Dentist Clinic?

Dentist Epping, At our Dental clinic in Epping we provide a comfortable, friendly environment for our patients to receive high quality dental services, including children& dentistry, cosmetic dentistry and sleep dentistry. . There can be problems with the way the wisdom tooth grows or emerges and, in such cases, removal of wisdom tooth at Epping Dentist clinic is the best solution.

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Should You Get Your Wisdom Tooth Removed at Epping Dentist Clinic?

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  1. 1 Should You Get Your Wisdom Tooth Removed at Epping Dentist Clinic? The wisdom tooth can be problematic. It is the last to emerge and, as such, there is very little space for it to emerge and stay perfectly positioned. There can be problems with the way the wisdom tooth grows or emerges and, in such cases, removal of wisdom tooth at Epping Dentistclinic is the best solution. What Can Go Wrong With Wisdom Tooth? Unlike other teeth in your mouth the wisdom tooth is the last one to grow. It may not even emerge completely and may stay fully or partially hidden in the gums. This is known as impaction and it can lead to infection that can damage other healthy teeth. In such cases removal of wisdom tooth at Epping dentist clinic is advisable. The tooth may grow horizontally and cause discomfort. It can have gaps where food can lodge and bacteria can breed. It happens in many cases that the tooth does not grow perfectly straight up but grows at an angle inward or outward. Again this feels awkward besides leaving spaces in which food particles can stay stuck and cause spread of bacteria. Sometimes the wisdom tooth can grow in such a way as to exert pressure on the neighboring tooth and subsequently damage it. https://www.eppingdentist.com.au/

  2. 2 In all the above cases the sooner the wisdom tooth is removed the better it is. Ideally, regular checkups at Epping Dentist clinic will help the dentist identify the problem and recommend wisdom tooth extraction. It is best done at a young age rather than leaving it for when you grow up and the tooth decays, causing pain. If a wisdom tooth does emerge at an angle it will not usually cause pain or much discomfort. However, infection can set in due to the gap that lets food particles stay stuck and bacteria to flourish. Eventually tooth decay occurs and the tooth is best pulled out before infection spreads to other healthy teeth. Extraction of Wisdom Tooth is not Always Necessary The wisdom tooth can emerge and grow in a straight line, fully aligned with the other teeth. There are no gaps, you can bite properly and you can clean them well. If this is then there is no cause for worry. Let them stay in place. A Painless Procedure A checkup at Epping dentist clinic will help your caring dentist determine if your wisdom tooth is a prime candidate for extraction. In the event it is and if it is still healthy but is slanted or impacted then the procedure is somewhat extended. A tooth X-ray is taken to determine if the dentist can do it or if it should be done in a hospital. If it requires removal of bone in order to get to the tooth then the procedure may be done under general anesthesia in a hospital. However, in most cases, a local anesthetic is injected to numb the area and the dentist makes an incision in the gum and then uses a mechanical tool to cut the tooth into pieces or rocks it back and forth to loosen it prior to pulling it out. Afterwards gauze is put in place and you are prescribed antibiotics until the wound heals. Instead of worrying about wisdom tooth and whether it should be removed or left in place, get a checkup at Epping dentist clinic and set your fears at rest. https://www.eppingdentist.com.au/

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