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Elena Wildner, CERN For the Beta Beam Collaboration

ECFA review panel for future large infrastructures for neutrino oscillation experiments 5 th and 6 th May 2011, STFC Daresbury Laboratory. Elena Wildner, CERN For the Beta Beam Collaboration. 1. The Beta Beam Facility Collaborations.

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Elena Wildner, CERN For the Beta Beam Collaboration

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  1. ECFA review panel forfuture large infrastructures for neutrino oscillation experiments 5th and 6th May 2011, STFC Daresbury Laboratory Elena Wildner, CERN For the Beta Beam Collaboration ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner 1

  2. The Beta Beam Facility Collaborations FP6 “Research Infrastructure Action - Structuring the European Research Area” EURISOL DS Project Contract no. 515768 RIDS) Ended 2008 http://beta-beam.web.cern.ch/beta-beam/task/index.asp FP7 “Design Studies” (Research Infrastructures) EUROnu (Grant agreement no.: 212372) Ongoing work from 2008 Lasts until 2012 http://heplnv135.pp.rl.ac.uk/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=9&Itemid=12 http://heplnv135.pp.rl.ac.uk/joomla/ Contribution to the development of a beta beam facility is now going on mainly within EUROnu 2 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  3. Participating Institutes, EUROnu • Full Partners • CEA, Saclay • CERN, Geneva • LPSC, Grenoble • LNMCI, Grenoble • UCL, Louvain la Neuve • INFN, Legnaro • Associates • IAP, Novgorod • Technical University of Aachen, Aachen • Weizmann Institute of Science, Revohot • GSI, Darmstadt • Cockcroft Institute, Daresbury • ANL, Chicago • … 3 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  4. Participants, EUROnu, Beta Beams antoine.chance <antoine.chance@cea.fr>  berkova <berkova@soreq.gov.il>  Christian Hansen <Christian.Hansen@cern.ch> christophe.trophime <christophe.trophime@grenoble.cnrs.fr> Elena Benedetto <Elena.Benedetto@cern.ch>  Elena Wildner <Elena.Wildner@cern.ch> francois.debray <francois.debray@grenoble.cnrs.fr>  giacomo.deangelis <giacomo.deangelis@lnl.infn.it> gianfranco.prete <gianfranco.prete@lnl.infn.it>  Gianluigi Arduini <Gianluigi.Arduini@cern.ch>  Gianmaria Collazuol <gianmaria.collazuol@pi.infn.it>  graeme.burt <graeme.burt@stfc.ac.uk>  lamy <lamy@lpsc.in2p3.fr>  louis.latrasse louis.latrasse@lpsc.in2p3.fr marco.cinausero <marco.cinausero@lnl.infn.it>  mariej <mariej@lpsc.in2p3.fr>  Mats Lindroos <Mats.Lindroos@cern.ch> mauro.mezzetto <mauro.mezzetto@pd.infn.it>  Michael Hass <michael.hass@weizmann.ac.il> Michel Martini <Michel.Martini@cern.ch>  nolen <nolen@anl.gov>  payet <payet@hep.saclay.cea.fr> Mailing list semen.mitrofanov <semen.mitrofanov@uclouvain.be>  Achim Stahl stahl@physik.rwth-aachen.de sva1 <sva1@appl.sci-nnov.ru> chattopadhyay <swapan.chattopadhyay@stfc.ac.uk> thierry.delbar <thierry.delbar@uclouvain.be> Thierry Stora <thierry.stora@cern.ch> thuillier <thuillier@lpsc.in2p3.fr> tsviki <tsviki@soreq.gov.il> vardaci <vardaci@na.infn.it> Vasilis Vlachoudis <Vasilis.Vlachoudis@cern.ch> vassilo <vassilo@apc.univ-paris7.fr> vittorio.palladino <vittorio.palladino@na.infn.it> vladimir.kravtchouk <vladimir.kravtchouk@lnl.infn.it> zorin <zorin@appl.sci-nnov.ru> VOLPE Cristina (56251) <volpe@ipno.in2p3.fr> 4 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  5. The Beta Beam Concept • Aim: production of (anti-)neutrino beams from the beta decay of radio-active ions circulating in a storage ring with long straight sections. • Similar concept to the neutrino factory, but parent particle is a beta-active isotope instead of a muon. • Beta-decay at rest • n-spectrum well known from the electron spectrum • Reaction energy Q typically of a few MeV • Accelerate parent ion to relativistic gmax • Boosted neutrino energy spectrum: En  2gQ • Forward focusing of neutrinos:   1/g • Pure electron (anti-)neutrino beam! • Depending on b+- or b- - decay we get a neutrino or anti-neutrino • Two different parent ions for neutrino and anti-neutrino beams • Possible physics applications of a beta-beam • Primarily neutrino oscillation physics and CP-violation (high energy) • Cross-sections of neutrino-nucleus interaction, sterile neutrinos (low energy) 5 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  6. Choice of radioactive ion species • Beta-active isotopes • Production rates ( given by available technologies) • Life time • No dangerous rest products ! • Reactivity (Noble gases are good) • Reasonable lifetime at rest • If too short: decay during acceleration, loss and radiation • If too long: low neutrino production • Optimum life time given by acceleration scenario • In the order of a second • Low Z preferred • Minimize ratio of accelerated mass/charges per neutrino produced • One ion produces one neutrino. • Reduction of space charge and instability problems 6 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  7. t1/2 at rest (ground state) 1ms – 1s 1 – 60 s NuBase High-Q and Low-Q pairs 8Li and 8B 6He and 18Ne Higher Q-value gives higher n-energy, better x-sections but needs longer baseline 7 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  8. Beta beams at CERN • Use of CERN machines and infrastructures, existing technology • Bunching and first acceleration: ECR, linac • Rapid cycling synchrotron • Use of existing machines: PS and SPS • Relativistic gamma=100 for both ions • SPS allows maximum of 150 (6He) or 250 (18Ne) • Gamma choice optimized for physics reach • Opportunity to share detectors ??? • Frejus, Gran Sasso, Canfranc, CNGS-Umbria, … • Minimum n-rates after decayring for physics reach calculations • 2.9*1018 anti-neutrinos from 6He • 1.1 1018 neutrinos from 18Ne beta beams (CERN) 8 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  9. Motivation & Challenges • Beta Beam: a “cheep” option, with good reach • Use existing machines, infrastructures and technology • Gamma boost limited (upgrades of existing machines help) • We have to limit the size of the decay ring (cost) • High intensities in the accelerators is a challenge • Main activities to make the Beta Beam a solid option • Production of isotopes (simulations and experiments) • Ion collection and source (charge breeder) development • Stability of high intensity beams through the complex • Loss and radiation management ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  10. Reminder, inclination of DR Surface θ Decay Ring To Frejus θ =~ 0.6 ° For our present options (high-Q / Low-Q/High and nominal gamma) we aim at the same length of the DR (beam intensities may vary) To Canfranc/Gran Sasso/Umbria θ =~ 3 ° Influence on cost? ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  11. EUROnu physics Gamma 100 Gamma 100 Gamma 350 Gamma 350 Gamma 350 M. Mezetto Gamma 100 11 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  12. CERN Beta Beams, Synoptic Dotted lines: alternative layouts SPL Linac4 RCS Linac ISOL target Molten Salt Loop Collection PR 6He 18Ne n-Beam ECR ECR RFQ RFQ 6He/18Ne 8B/8Li Linac 100 MeV DR PS Baseline SPS PS and SPS existing RCS Br ~ 500 Tm, B = ~6 T, C = ~6900 m, Lss= ~2500 m, g = 100, all ions 12 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  13. Gamma 350? layout Br ~ 3200 Tm, B = ~26 T, C = ~6900 m, Lss= ~2500 m g = 350 Costing is crucial: Gamma 350 needs an upgraded SPS, beta beams must be in the shadow of this (no plans at CERN for the time being). 13 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  14. Gamma 350 implications • Choice: Decay ring the same size as the gamma = 100 decay ring • Choice: Flux after straight section the same as for the gamma = 100 decay ring • Duty factors can be reduced • We need an accelerator to give gamma 350 (SPS upgrade!?) • Superconducting magnets of 26 T not realistic for 20 years, means larger arcs • 20 T magnets may be envisaged, short models in 20 years… • Price related to superconductor and iron volume (aperture) in addition to a necessary bulk cost for development and tooling • Collective effects improved • Detailed studies needed (septa, RF, Radiation…) • The option is in the EUROn proposal but for us necessarily low priority Draft ! L. Bottura, A. Chance, C. Hansen, M. Martini, G. de Rijk, E. Wildner 14 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  15. Isotope production rates Targets below MWatt is a considerable advantage! Aim: 2.0 1013 for low-Q More is possible Planned experiments NB :8Li can be produced in rates comparable to 6He using similar technology T. Stora, P Valko, E. Benedetto, E. Wildner… ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  16. 6He experiments for Beta Beams Converter technology: (J. Nolen, NPA 701 (2002) 312c) T. Stora, N. Thollieres, CERN • Converter technology preferred to direct irradiation (heat transfer and efficient cooling allows higher power compared to insulating BeO). • 6He production rate is ??? x1013 ions/s (dc) for ~200 kW on target. Values get better….see next talk! T. Stora, P. Valko ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  17. Experiments 18Ne for Beta Beams • Measure production and release from a sodium target at ISOLDE • Proposal sent to INTC (ISOLDE and Neutron Time-of-flight Committee) • Accepted !! • Molten salt loop to produce 18Ne ! • Experimental setup and measurements, from May 2011 The ne beam needs production of2.0 1013 18Ne/s Theoretically possible with 10 mA 70 MeV protons on NaF We need measurements of the crossection 19F(p, 2n)18Ne ! T. Stora, P. Valko ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  18. The Production Ring (8B and 8Li) Production of 8B and 8Li C. Rubbia, EUROnu proposal • Gas Jet target proposed in FP7: • too high density would be needed • vacuum problems • Direct Production (D. Neuffer) with liquid film targets • Collaboration ANL (Benedetto/Nolen) • Basic lattice and 6D tracking ok, RF feasible (10 MHz, 300 kV) • Fluka-Sixtrack coupling ongoing • Charge exchange injection to be designed • Direct kinematics could give good production efficiencies • Experiment/simulations at ERIT, (FFAG solution, larger aperture) • Proposal postponed (hardware changes needed) • Experiment/simulations at TSR, ion storage ring, Heidelberg or CERN Aachen Univ., GSI, CERN 18 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  19. PR: Gas Jet Targets and Cooling (GSI) We need 10 19 cm-2 !! ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  20. Low energy b-beams: Tests in the TSR Beta Beam experiments with the TSR have been proposed: T. Stora, E. Wildner, C. Volpe, E. Fernandez-Martinez • Cooling techniques, isotope production/collection with internal targets • Radiation aspects • Physics issues might be covered by measurements of the neutrino magnetic moment, neutrino-nucleus coherent scattering, neutrino-nucleus cross sections (C. Volpe, J. Phys. G30 (2004), L1, hep-ph/0303222; J .Phys. G 34 (2007) R1, hep-ph/0605033), andconstraints on sterile neutrinos, (Agarvalla et. al. arXiv:0907.3145v2) 20 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  21. Managing intensities: “Ion Cocktails” 1 Collective effects important Less collective effects Less collective effects We can get 8Li “easily”, but not 8B Summary by A. Donini ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  22. Managing intensities: “Ion Cocktails” 2 Interesting Summary by A. Donini ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  23. Collective Effects limits, Decay Ring Only Transverse Mode Coupling Instabilities Recent Encouraging results, redesigned decay ring ! Phase slip factor changed C. Hansen, CERN & A. Chance, CEA 23 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  24. Collective Effects limits, Decay Ring Two beams, LHC style double bore Magnets !? Less heavy: ctupoles? RecentEncouraging results, redesigned decay ring Phase slip factor changed 24 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  25. Collective Effects limits, SPS Still much work to do and still several problems to solve, work ongoing C. Hansen, CERN & A. Chance, CEA 25 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  26. Integration: Upgrade PS & SPS • Make sure upgrades for LHC are not downgrades for beta beams… • Space-Charge limit at injection in the PS: ongoing measurements • (collaboration between Beta Beam working group and PS-LIU) • PS injection energy 2 GeV, EURISOL states > 3.5 GeV (RCS design) • New models for energy deposition and radiation for the PS • Models will be used for beta beam calculations • For the SPS, the RF in particular has to be discussed • We have to follow up carefully the upgrade proposals: • Communication LIUWG-Beta Beams essential • Access to meetings when appropriate 26 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  27. Decay Ring Redesign • Lattices for low-Q and high-Q options (2009) • Optimization (stronger magnets) to gain 10 % intensities done • However, as shown, collective effects are a problem • New lattice with lower phase slip (2011) 27 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  28. g =350 Decay Ring Draft… • Decay ring the same size as the gamma 100 decay ring • Flux after straight section the same as for the gamma 100 ring • Duty factors can be reduced • We need an accelerator to give gamma 350 (SPS upgrade!?) • Superconducting magnets of 26 T not realistic for 20 years, means larger arcs • 20 T magnets may be envisaged, short models in 20 years… • Price related to superconductor and iron volume (aperture) in addition to a necessary bulk cost for development and tooling • Collective effects improved • Detailed studies needed (septa, RF, Radiation…) • Not in the mandate of EUROnu (low priority) L. Bottura, A. Chance, C. Hansen, M. Martini, G. de Rijk, E. Wildner 28 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  29. Max ion intensities in DR, g =350 Relaxed DF Intensity limit goes down with energy Higher intensity needed (slower decay) 29 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  30. 8Li X-sections and distributions Comparison between the experimental peak energy at different lab angles and the values (curves) expected from two-body kinematics and different excited states of 8Li. INFN, Legnaro 30 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner E.Vardaci

  31. X-sections, Energies and Angles, Li and B 2011 Proposal Accepted and measurements are ongoing INFN, Legnaro 31 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner E.Vardaci

  32. Collection device • Device constructed, measurement equipment on line • Commissioning ok • Measurements/Analysis ongoing for the collected 8Li • Direct kinematics should be discussed • Setup and measurements for 8B production and collection ongoing CRC, Louvain la Neuve ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  33. The collection device setup 7Li(d,p) 8Li and 6Li(3He,n) 8B 7Li(10-25 MeV) and 6Li(4-15 MeV) ~ 1nA beams deuteron or 3Hetarget. S.Mitrofanov ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  34. The collection, first results Temperature optimization ! Diffusion time: l=0.75 (0.8) ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  35. Duty factor in DR and RF Cavities 1014 ions, ~0.5% duty (supression) factor for atmospheric background suppression in the detectors !!! .... 20 bunches, 5.2 ns long, distance 23*4 nanosseconds filling 1/11 of the Decay Ring, repeated every 23 microseconds Work on HW feasibility by Cockroft institute/Lancaster Univ. First results will be presented in June 2011 35 35 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  36. Radiation issues • Open midplane magnet for Decay Ring exists (2009) • Internal absorbers between short dipoles • Result not entirely satisfactory (2008) • Magnets at quench limit • Thick liners in the magnets an alternative? • Not conclusive from FLUKA Simulations • Vacuum ? • RCS and PS magnetsv ok Also: safety workshop in June • Work on collimation system to be continued (crystals? ) • SPS is still to be studied • Other machines ok for baseline using CERN rules (S. Trovati) • All to be checked for 8B and 8Li with high intensities 36 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  37. Magnet protection Dipole A. Chancé 6Li 3+ Beam Pipe Absorber 18F 9+ 8 cm radius needed for the horizontal plane where the decay products cause daughter beams + 1 cm for the sagitta (no curved magnet) 4 cm for the vertical plane E.Wildner 37 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  38. Large aperture dipole (beta beams) high tip field, non-critical C. Vollinger 6 T LHC ”costheta” design Good-field requirements only apply to about half the horizontal aperture. 38 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  39. 60 GHz Source Challenges O5+ O4+,... O6+ O+ O2+ O3+ 2) Charge state distribution Xen+ A test bench to study SEISM 28GHz plasma Mélanie MARIE-JEANNE 6th WP4 - Legnaro, Italy 28GHz SEISM 2x15000A - 1.5MW mass separation dipole extraction optics all charge states calibrated leak one charge state 1) Beam extracted from the cusp 3) Pulsed mode tests (pulse duration, efficiency) 39 39 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  40. 60 GHz Source news Puller electrode High voltage ring Conceptual design of the internal parts of the ECRIS prototype Delivery of the GANIL 28 GHz gyrotron to LPSC LPSC-LNCMI discussions for experiments Ion beam studies at 28 GHz with SEISM prototype (fall 2011- beginning 2011) Magnetic field measurements, 30000 A (60 GHz) Plasma electrode 28 GHz waveguide Extraction insulator Plasma chamber Design of the High intensity beam line Follow-up the 60 GHz gyrotron building 400 A Power supply and magnet • LPSC Euronu contract status • We plan to hire a one year post-doc T. Lamy 2010-06-04 40 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  41. Baseline Parameter List As document in the EUROnu web (date of report) 2010-06-04 41 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  42. Implementation and Costing • Part of EUROnu mandate • Synergy bB/SB • Place bB on site * 2 • Place SB (SPL ?) • Radiation • Integration (CLIC, other?) • Costing excersise • Safety has to be included ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  43. Continuation (2011- • Experiments on 18Ne production (molten salt loop) • Cooling and production simulations for 8Li and 8B • Cross-section measurements of 8B • Experimental setups for Heidelberg TSR to test P-ring concept • 8B collection setup and experiment • ECR fields for plasma -> 30 000A (structures supra…), Gyrotron tests, beam extraction, Proto -> ECR Source • Collective effects studies, all machines, DR optimization • Participation in upgrades of injectors for LHC • Decay Ring RF, technical feasibility studies • Costing and Safety, for performance/cost evaluation (EUROnu) ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

  44. Thank you for your attention 44 44 ECFA, Beta Beams, Elena Wildner

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