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Sandi Snyder

Sandi Snyder. Math/Computer Teacher Shickley Public School. Why Math in the Middle???. To gain a deeper knowledge of mathematics To gain a deeper knowledge of teaching mathematics To become a teacher-leader within the school To help all of my students. Action Research Project.

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Sandi Snyder

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sandi Snyder Math/Computer Teacher Shickley Public School

  2. Why Math in the Middle??? • To gain a deeper knowledge of mathematics • To gain a deeper knowledge of teaching mathematics • To become a teacher-leader within the school • To help all of my students

  3. Action Research Project Cooperative Learning Groups in the Middle School Mathematics Classroom

  4. In what ways will students’ attitudes toward mathematics change by the inclusion of cooperative learning groups? • How does the inclusion of cooperative learning group work affect the mathematics scores of students? • How is written and oral communication in mathematics classes affected by the inclusion of cooperative learning group work?

  5. What is the importance? • Mathematics viewed as a difficult subject • Improvement of math scores • Improvement of communication skills

  6. What does the research say? • Verbal communication is more prevalent when working with someone • Sharing ideas improves confidence in the subject • A chance to analyze and evaluate mathematical thinking • Communication helps develop reasoning skills • Lower ability students show gains in achievement • Higher ability students do not suffer

  7. Surveys related to attitudes toward math and cooperative groups Understanding of concepts increased More time was needed to complete work Increase in the liking of math More comfortable asking questions What did my research show?

  8. Students journaled after cooperative learning activities Nine of eleven students stated that working in a group helped in understanding at least one time. Positive experience when they chose the groups.

  9. Cooperative learning activities were videotaped for later review On task with student-chosen groups Arguing, charge-taker, no interaction with teacher-chosen groups

  10. Cumulative averages were kept Averages improved Cooperative activity scores higher than those on individual papers

  11. Comparison of standardized test scores No change

  12. Oral and written communication Improvement More student involvement Increased vocabulary usage Still a need for improvement

  13. What Next? • Continue to use cooperative groups with the class • Incorporate into the new 8th grade class • Incorporate writing into all mathematics classes • Participate in the Nebraska Professional Development Series

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