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Road to Independence

Road to Independence. Bill Fay, MD University of Missouri. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: No relevant financial relationships exist. AHA Research Strategic Plan. Target early career investigators Promote collaborative/multi-disciplinary studies Support high-risk/high reward research

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Road to Independence

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  1. Road to Independence Bill Fay, MD University of Missouri FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: No relevant financial relationships exist

  2. AHA Research Strategic Plan • Target early career investigators • Promote collaborative/multi-disciplinary studies • Support high-risk/high reward research • Fund a balanced research portfolio • Have an international scope

  3. AHA Research Grants Grant-in-Aid Established Investigator Award Established Investigator Programs Scientist Development Award Beginning Grant-in-Aid Clinical Research Program Fellow-to-Faculty Transition Award Postdoctoral Fellowship Predoctoral Fellowship Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Early Career Programs

  4. AHA Affiliates

  5. Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Offered by Affiliates – New in 2009 Objective • Encourage promising undergrads to consider research careers while supporting the highest quality scientific investigation broadly related to CVD and stroke. Eligibility • Juniors or senior enrolled full-time in an undergraduate degree program

  6. Predoctoral FellowshipOffered by all Affiliates Objective • Help students initiate careers in CV research by providing research assistance and training Eligibility • Post-baccalaureate, pre-doctoral MD, PhD, DO, DVM or equivalent degree • Sponsor/mentor required • Devote full time to research or activities directly related to research development

  7. Postdoctoral FellowshipOffered by all Affiliates Objective • Help trainee initiate a career in CV and stroke research • Support highly meritorious research Eligibility • MD, PhD, DO, DVM or equivalent degree • Sponsor/mentor required • Not for individuals with faculty/staff appointments • Must devote at least 80% effort to research training

  8. Clinical Research ProgramOffered by Affiliates & National Objectives • Target early career investigators in mentored environment • Support introductory and pilot clinical studies • Foster translational science and population-based research

  9. Clinical Research Program Eligibility • Health care professionals with Masters, MD, DO or PhD degree • Mentor required • Cannot hold or have held: • NIH RO1, R21, PO1 • AHA BGIA, SDG, EIA, GIA • Other equivalent independent award

  10. Fellow-to-Faculty Transition AwardOffered by National Objective • Fund highly meritorious physician-scientists • Target crucial period of career development spanning completion of research training through early faculty years

  11. Fellow-to-Faculty Transition Award • Eligibility • Physician (MD, MD/PhD, DO or equivalent) • Must be enrolled in or have completed an ACGME-approved residency or clinical fellowship program • Must have completed the clinical portion of training program

  12. Beginning Grant-in-AidOffered by Affiliates Objective • Promote independent status of promising beginning scientists Eligibility • MD, PhD, DO, DVM or equivalent degree • Must have faculty or staff appointment • Rank < Assistant Professor

  13. Scientist Development GrantOffered by Affiliates & National Objective • Support highly promising beginning scientists • Target career stage between completion of research training and emergence as independent investigator

  14. Scientist Development Grant Eligibility at Application: • MD, PhD, DO, DVM or equivalent degree • May be in final year of postdoctoral training or initial years of independent research career • Must have faculty or staff appointment • Rank < assistant professor • No more than 4 yrs since 1st faculty/staff appointment at Assistant Professor or equivalent level • Cannot have received a prior national-level grant

  15. AHA Early Career Funding Opportunities

  16. Some advice… • Mentorship is key! • Lab director, program director, chair • Where, when, how to apply • Multiple drafts promote success • Get colleagues to read your grant • Actual reviewers may be outside your field • Makes you start early • Read successfully funded grants

  17. Some advice… • Attend local grantsmanship workshops • Avoid over-ambitious proposals • Don’t give up after one try! • Demonstrate institutional commitment • SDG/Non-tenure track faculty position • Know your study section • Do peer review!

  18. Some advice… • Assemble a team • Include senior investigators • Enjoy the process!

  19. And if you get an AHA grant….this could be you! Martin Chalfie, Ph.D. 2008 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Type of AHA Awards: British-American Research Fellowship, 1977

  20. Questions

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