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What do our cities say about us?

What do our cities say about us?. Q Skills Listening and Speaking Unit 8 . a greeable ( adj.) / ə ˈ ɡriːəbl / . attract (v) / əˈ trækt /. a greed ( adj ) (only used before a noun) . attraction (n) attractiveness ( n.unc ). a ttraction ( adj ) . a greement (n) . a gree (v) .

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What do our cities say about us?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What do our cities say about us? Q Skills Listening and Speaking Unit 8

  2. agreeable ( adj.) /əˈɡriːəbl/ attract (v) /əˈtrækt/ agreed (adj) (only used before a noun) attraction (n) attractiveness (n.unc) attraction ( adj) agreement (n) agree (v) attractively (adv) hand in hand ( phr) conscientious ( adj.) / ˌkɒnʃiˈenʃəs/  ˌkɑːnʃiˈenʃəs/ conscientiously (adv) conscientiousness ( n, unc) conscience (n)

  3. innovation ( n.) /ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn/ mobile (adj.) / ˈməʊbaɪl/ /ˈmoʊbl/ innovator (n) mobile (n.) innovate (v) innovative (adj.) region (n.) /ˈriːdʒən/ satisfy (v.) / ˈsætɪsfaɪ/ satisfaction (n.) regional ( adj.) satisfactory (adj.) satisfied regionally (adv.) satisfactorily (adv.)

  4. surroundings (n.)pl /səˈraʊndɪŋz/ surround (n) surround (v) surrounding (adj.) tend to ( phr.)

  5. At the wedding last night I was Surrounded by deafening music.

  6. The penguin is surrounded by baby penguins. This fire surround is quite plain.

  7. We need to tend to plants carefully. The mother duck is tending to her ducklings.

  8. This is the latest innovative mobile from Nokia. Should we stay in this mobile home for our holiday?

  9. You really need to be mobile if you live here.

  10. They agreed that the proposal was a good one. This man is a conscientious objector he does not want to fight. People are attracted to magnets,,

  11. He seems to be satisfied just lying in the sun. Tuscany is a beautiful region on the west coast of Italy.

  12. This building won a prize for its innovative design. The MMI is a recent innovation in medical science.

  13. Poverty and poor health usually go hand in hand.

  14. Each person has to make a decision according to their own conscience

  15. The sharks surrounded the boat. The island is surrounded by water.

  16. A study has found that students who use Facebook to share links or check up on friends tend to have higher GPA’s than those who use Facebook to make status updates.

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