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It Takes a District—Developing and Implementing an Effective Literacy Action Plan that Gets Results

It Takes a District—Developing and Implementing an Effective Literacy Action Plan that Gets Results. December 8 & 10, 2009 Presenter: Julie Meltzer. Today’s goals. To discuss WHY we need to focus on literacy To describe WHAT we need to do to improve student literacy and learning K-12

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It Takes a District—Developing and Implementing an Effective Literacy Action Plan that Gets Results

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  1. It Takes a District—Developing and Implementing an Effective Literacy Action Plan that Gets Results December 8 & 10, 2009 Presenter: Julie Meltzer

  2. Today’s goals • To discuss WHY we need to focus on literacy • To describe WHAT we need to do to improve student literacy and learning K-12 • To provide practical tools, approaches, and ideas about HOW to do it

  3. Today’s agenda • Welcome and Opening Remarks • Keynote: It Takes a District • Breakout Sessions: 4 Approaches to School-based Literacy Action Planning The HILL Keys to Literacy PCG Education SchoolRise • LUNCH • Panel Discussion • Closing Session

  4. The goal of a K–12 school experience To graduate LITERATE ADOLESCENTS who have the capacity to be COMPETENT, INDEPENDENT, LIFELONG LEARNERS

  5. Numerous reports stress that literacy is key

  6. RAND Report: Meeting Literacy Goals Set by NCLB Conclusion: Unless we, as a nation, are prepared to focus attention and resources on this issue, our schools are likely to continue producing students who lack skills and are ill-prepared to deal with the demands of post-secondary education and the workplace…The costs of inattention are very high, in both personal and economic terms. RAND Research Brief -- 2005 Meeting Literacy Goals Set by No Child Left Behind: A Long Uphill Road Available at http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/RB9081-1/RAND_RB9081-1.pdf

  7. Does Massachusetts need to worry about this?

  8. UNESCO definition of literacy The “ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, compute, and use printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge and potential, and to participate fully in their community and wider society.”

  9. Definition of “adolescent literacy” Adolescents who are fully literate KNOW and USE reading, writing, listening, speaking, and thinking strategies to learn across all content areas and CAN DEMONSTRATE/COMMUNICATE that learning to others who need to know and CAN TRANSFER their learning to new situations.

  10. Are gaps narrowing fast enough?

  11. Do we know how to do this? Question: If we wanted to address this issue, do we know what it will take? Answer: YES

  12. What were you like as a reader in high school?

  13. The BIG question… Do you want your students to be a reader/writer like you were?!!!!? • If the answer is YES – a collective concerted effort is required. • If the answer is NO – a collective concerted effort is required. Either way, working together on this is how to make it happen!!!!

  14. Who needs literacy support? • Non-readers • Struggling readers and writers • Reluctant readers and writers • Average readers and writers • Excellent readers and writers • English language learners who may be any of the above

  15. If they learn to read in elementary school won’t they be set? Can’t students just take a reading class or get extra help? Can’t the English teachers take care of it? Why does the whole school need to get involved?

  16. Systems thinking • Really good teachers working on their own can make some difference. • Really good teachers working collectively can make ALL the difference!

  17. Goal: Get rid of Swiss cheese • The problem is NOT the parents, the teachers or the students • The issue is that throughout our schools and districts we have “Swiss cheese” literacy programming

  18. Taking Action Literacy Leadership Model

  19. Model Components Taking Action on Adolescent Literacy: An Implementation Guide for School Leaders ASCD, 2007 Meeting the Challenge of Adolescent Literacy: Practical Ideas for Literacy Leaders IRA, 2009 Taking the Lead on Adolescent Literacy: Action Steps for School-wide Success Corwin Press, 2010 Taking Action LiteracyLeadership Model

  20. Taking Action Literacy Leadership Model Student Motivation, Engagement, and Achievement

  21. Literacy Engagement and Instruction Cycle Provide instruction, modeling, and guided practice of literacy support strategies in context. Engage students in literacy tasks that are meaningful and purposeful. Improve student confidence, competence, and efficacy.

  22. Taking Action Literacy Leadership Model Integrating Literacy and Learning

  23. Asking the right question Not “Everyone a reading teacher?” but “How will students become better readers, writers, speakers, and thinkers of this content (English language arts, math, science, health, geography, etc.) as a result of being in your class?”

  24. Content literacy • How, why, and what you READ and WRITE in a particular content area • How and why you SPEAK/PRESENT in a given content area • Types of THINKING required by a specific discipline • Applicable vocabulary, formats/text structures, and discourse elements

  25. What do we mean by “literacy demands”? CROSS CONTENT literacy demands Students need to strategically read, write, speak/listen, present, and think across content areas (however these may need to be APPLIED in different ways to each discipline of study) Examples: Activating prior knowledge, setting purpose for reading, clarifying, questioning, predicting, summarizing, visualizing, deductive and inductive thinking, brainstorming, responding

  26. What do we mean by “literacy demands”? DISCIPLINE-SPECIFIC literacy demands Specific ways of reading, writing, speaking/listening, presenting, and thinking WITHIN each discipline of study are more applicable to some disciplines as opposed to others Examples: Rules of evidence, text types and structures, presentation formats, conceptual vocabulary, technical vocabulary

  27. Content of the English language arts classroom Literary genres and formats: Poem, essay, short story, play, biography, memoir, novel, letter Language usage: Grammar, technical and conceptual vocabulary related to the study of literature Writing: Narrative, persuasive, and expository writing English language arts is heavily dependent on reading and writing for success BUT teachers may not know how to support literacy development, especially in the area of reading

  28. Content of the math classroom Literary genres and formats: Word problems, textbooks, proofs, articles, graphs and charts Language usage: Operations, terminology with precise meanings, conceptual vocabulary Writing: Problem write-ups, manuals, proofs, statistical analysis, response to problematic situations, notes combining symbols and text Math is heavily dependent on critical thinking, vocabulary/concept development, and the ability to learn from dense concise text BUT teachers may not know how to support literacy development

  29. Content of the science classroom Literary genres and formats: Articles, lab reports, textbooks, websites, graphs, charts, diagrams Language usage: Process words, terminology with precise meanings, conceptual vocabulary Writing: Lab reports, analytical essays, notes, research projects, summaries, evidence-based conclusions Science is heavily dependent on reading and research skills, critical thinking and vocabulary/concept development for success BUT teachers may not know how to support literacy development

  30. Content of the social studies classroom Literary genres and formats: Primary sources, textbooks, articles, nonfiction texts, maps, historical photographs, graphs, charts, artifacts Language usage: Conceptual vocabulary, debate Writing: Analytical essays, opinion essays, I-search and research projects, summaries, evidence-based conclusions Social Studies is heavily dependent on reading, critical thinking, vocabulary/concept development and writing for success BUT teachers may not know how to support literacy development

  31. Reading, writing, and learning as processes • Beforereading, writing, or learning • Activate prior knowledge, teach vocabulary, set purpose • During reading, writing, or learning • Ask and answer questions, monitor comprehension, make inferences, make connections • After reading, writing, or learning • Summarize, make connections, evaluate, apply, synthesize

  32. Why are strategies important? You return from vacation and a week’s worth of mail has accumulated in your absence. Discuss what strategy you would use to deal with the pile of mail.

  33. What if students are struggling as readers or writers? • They will need core program literacy support AND strategic literacy interventions. • Strategic literacy interventions are supports put into place to acceleratethe progress of struggling readers and writers. • Strategic literacy interventions can be offered in multiple formats: One size does not fit all. • Tiered systems of instruction and intervention seem to have great promise.

  34. Eight ways to be a struggling reader • I can read it, but I don’t “get it.” • If the answer is “right there,” I’m okay. • I never see pictures when I read. • I have trouble sounding out the words. • I read very slowly. • I don’t know a lot of the words. • I like real stuff, not Shakespeare. • I like stories, not textbooks.

  35. What does this look like in grades K-2? • Universal screening/benchmark assessments • Tier 1: Focus on phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension using a strong core program • Modeling; whole and small group instruction; ample guided and independent practice; differentiated instruction • Writing and word work in conjunction with reading • 50/50 fiction and nonfiction • Focus on critical thinking and metacognition • Tiers 2 and 3: • Flexible grouping and interventions as needed • Use of appropriate progress monitoring tools

  36. What does this look like in grades 3-5? • Universal screening/benchmark assessment • Tier 1: Focus on fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension using a strong core program • Modeling, small group instruction (guided reading), guided and independent practice, differentiated instruction • Writing and word work in conjunction with reading • 50/50 fiction/nonfiction • Focus on critical thinking, metacognition and goal setting • Tiers 2 and 3: • Flexible grouping and interventions as needed • Use of appropriate progress monitoring tools

  37. What does this look like in grades 6-8? • Universal screening/benchmark assessments • Tier 1: Strong content literacy instruction in all content areas • Frequent reading, writing and vocabulary development in all content areas • Focus on writing to communicate as well as writing to learn • Focus on critical thinking, metacognition and goal setting • Tiers 2 and 3: • Intervention classes and support as needed • Use of appropriate progress monitoring tools

  38. What does this look like in grades 9-12? • Universal screening/benchmarks • Tier 1: Strong content literacy instruction in all content areas • Frequent reading, writing, and vocabulary development in all content areas • Focus on writing to communicate as well as writing to learn • Focus on critical thinking, metacognition and goal setting • Tiers 2 and 3: • Intervention classes and support as needed • Use of appropriate progress monitoring tools

  39. Taking Action Literacy Leadership Model Sustaining Literacy Development

  40. Sustaining literacy development • School culture, policies, and structures • Parents and community • District support

  41. Taking Action Literacy Leadership Model 5 Action Points

  42. Five action points • Implement a Literacy Action Plan • Support teachers • Use data • Build capacity • Allocateresources

  43. Focus on the role of the district Developing an effective District Literacy Action Plan

  44. What do we know about successful districts? • Systems thinking • Use of data • Alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment • Ongoing teacher professional development • Intense focus on instruction • Vision and communication • Clarity and accountability • Widespread participation

  45. Key district supports and practices District structures Professional development Resource allocation Policies and procedures

  46. Connecting school and district literacy plans

  47. Guidelines for Developing an Effective District Literacy Action Plan Version 1.0

  48. Process for developing a District Literacy Action Plan

  49. Stage 1: Organize for Action

  50. Stage 2: Assess Current Practice

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