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The PC-Axis family A consortium for output databases

IT Directors Group, Luxembourg 2007-10-16. The PC-Axis family A consortium for output databases. Presented by: Lars Nordbäck, Statistics Sweden. The PC-Axis family of software. QQQ, TPL, PC-Axis files Space Time Research, PC-Axis files FAO, SDMX-ML Gothenburg, PC-Axis files

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The PC-Axis family A consortium for output databases

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  1. IT Directors Group, Luxembourg 2007-10-16 The PC-Axis familyA consortium for output databases Presented by: Lars Nordbäck, Statistics Sweden

  2. The PC-Axis family of software • QQQ, TPL, PC-Axis files • Space Time Research, PC-Axis files • FAO, SDMX-ML • Gothenburg, PC-Axis files • Croatia, GUI SQL • Slovenia, GUI SQL • Distributed development • Statistics Sweden, PC-Axis+SQL+PX-Web • Norway, PX-Map, ODBCCELLS • Denmark, PX-Make,PX-iGraph, PX-Publ • Finland, PX-Edit, PX-Tools,XML, SAS-PX-files • UNECE, PX-Admin • Spain, Jaxis • Iceland, PX-Excel • Ireland, PX-Batch extension • Eurostat, PC-Axis files

  3. Cooperation • Data model • PC-Axis file • Software development • Why do we cooperate • Economic reasons • Together a critical mass of competence in the dissemination area • The product keep the cooperation alive in a natural way

  4. The Consortium • Sweden managing the consortium • Nordic core - Sweden, Denmark and Norway • Develop the common Meta data model • International reference group • Swedish user group • Internal use group at Statistics Sweden • Internal group SSD • Steering committee for the Data Base project at Statistics Sweden

  5. The PC-Axis license offers • PC-Axis and PX-Web • SQL extension • Membership in the PC-Axis family of users • Sublicensing to minimize administration and support • Denmark • Finland • Spain • Iceland • Ireland • Slovenia • Taiwan

  6. The PC-Axis license gives the following rights • Dissemination with in country/geographical area • Sublicense • Support • International reference group meetings • Take Part of all updates in the PC-Axis family

  7. The PC-Axis license covers the following costs at Statistics Sweden • Development of new versions • User documentation • Support via e-mail and telephone • Annual meetings in the reference group • Customer administration and invoicing • Marketing efforts • Maintenance of the PC-Axis website: new versions of software and documentation for download • Distribution of software on CD-ROM

  8. The use of PC-Axis at Statistics Sweden • Internal use, PC-Axis SQL • On the Statistics Sweden website, components and PC-Axis main module • Commissioned services using PC-Axis SQL • Statistics to international organizations, PC-Axis SQL

  9. PC-Axis in Sweden Municipalities Licenses (10) Göteborg Halmstad Helsingborg Karlstad Linköping Täby Växjö Västerås Örebro Enköping Prospects Kalmar Varberg Falköping Governmental bodies Licenses (5) Folkhälsoinstitutet Räddningsverket SLL Epidemiologisk enhet Socialstyrelsen EPC Jordbruksverket Prospects CSN Lotteriinspektionen Other organisations Licenses (1) Västra Götalandsregionen Prospects Malmö Allmänna sjukhus

  10. Europe Licenses (65) Basque (5) Croatia Denmark (9) Estonia Faroe Islands Finland (15) Åland Greece Greenland Iceland Ireland (2) Latvia Lithuania Macedonia F.Y.R. Norway Slovakia Slovenia (2) Spain (3) UNECE Sweden (16) PC-Axis around the world Americas Licenses (3) Brasil Bolivia Guatemala Prospects Canada El Salvador Costa Rica IMF Bahamas UNSD US Dep.Agric. Ohio state Africa Licenses (12) Algeria Mocambique Namibia South Africa Tanzania Uganda East Africa -Commission West Africa - (ECOWAS) UEMOAS Kenya Senegal Mali Togo Asia Licenses (5) Philippines (2) Taiwan(R.O.C.) Bhutan Iraq Prospects Hong Kong Prospects Greece II Cyprus Moldova Montenegro UK D Work&P. Romania Serbia Kirgizistan (FAO) Ukraine Albania Sweden (5) Germany Dev. FAO Prospects Ghana(FAO) Cap Verde

  11. Technical description for future output databases .NET SCB SQL SSB SQL NSIs SQL DSt SQL Data model Data model Data model Data model Internet GUI Internet GUI PX-Web PX-iGraph PX-Map2 PC-Axis Internet GUI Functions in common Site spec functions Plug in functions Table function Pivot function …. Menu class library Storing metadata for selection§ PAXIOM class library Storing metadata based on the PX-file Extra SQL class library Metadata not based on PX Menu 1 Parser Reading PX-files Menu 2 Parser Reading SQL PX-file Parser Reading px-files SQL Parser Reading SQL Finnish Parser Reading XML PX

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