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Making KS3 interesting....

Making KS3 interesting. Sara Vaughan http://sdvaughan.edbublogs.org. New curriculum, new flexibilities. Year 7 Pupils arrive with (considerable and varied) prior learning KS3 curriculum offers a less prescriptive content KS4 offers a wider range of qualifications

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Making KS3 interesting....

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  1. Making KS3 interesting.... Sara Vaughan http://sdvaughan.edbublogs.org

  2. New curriculum, new flexibilities... • Year 7 Pupils arrive with (considerable and varied) prior learning • KS3 curriculum offers a less prescriptive content • KS4 offers a wider range of qualifications • There is a broader range of ‘tools’ than ever before to use in the classroom

  3. I waste so much time looking for materials.... We don’t know where to start with Yr 7 these days... There’s so much to cover for exams... Changing things takes so much time... How do we persuade pupils to take languages at KS4 if they’re bored? It’s much harder to keep them interested if they feel they’ve done it before....

  4. New challenges... • Pupils have different expectations from their Language learning in Yr 7 • Progression and academic rigour are paramount • Ensuring the best fit for students is key in raising standards and ensuring good KS4 uptake • We need to be selective with materials and our curriculum content to ensure that they enhance learning


  6. Türkçe हिन्दी 华语 • C reative communication • O pening doors • Meanings that matter • Super skills italiano Русский язык français Bahasa اردو 日本語 Deutsch polszczyzna español

  7. www.omniglot.com/language/ml.htm

  8. Creative communication

  9. ¡Es fenomenal!¡Es fatal! ¡(No) me gusta! ¿Qué piensas? ¡Sí, es verdad!¡No, no es verdad! ¡Yo también!¡Yo tampoco!  X X X ¡Estás loco/a! Pienso que... Gracias @ Greg Horton

  10. ¡Yo también!¡Yo tampoco! ¿Qué piensas? ¡(No) me gusta! X ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué?  ¡Sí, es verdad!¡No, no es verdad! X Porque... Porque... Prefiero.. porque Pienso que... porque ..es mejor que....es peor que....es más..que....es menos..que.  Sí, tienes razón No, no tienes razón ¡Ni hablar! ¡Qué va! (no) estoy de acuerdo ¿Qué piensas? X

  11. (No) me gusta porque ...  Sí, tienes razón No, no tienes razón X Pienso que... Sí, yo también No, yo tampoco  X Has dicho que....pero yo pienso que. Por una parte..pero por otra parte.. ¡Ni hablar! ¡Qué va! (no) estoy de acuerdo ¿Qué piensas?

  12. Il est Je suisGrand Mince De taillemoyenne Petit Assez Cependantmaigre

  13. Formulate sentences using each word • Formulate sentences using words in the same font • Formulate sentences using more than one word • Formulate sentences using all of the words • Replace the featured words with another • Use as a starter with key words for the lesson then use in plenary to outline learning Il est Je suisgrand mince de taillemoyenne petit assez cependantmaigre

  14. Il est Je suisgrand mince de taillemoyenne petit assez cependantmaigre • Word selection: • Teacher/pupils select around a topic • Teacher/pupils selects around a theme/focus • Pupils • Select at random through a word wall or similar • Collect through learning and use as a HW

  15. ¿Quéva a hacer Lara esteverano? ¿Qué no va a hacer ? Rachel Hawkes

  16. ¿Quéva a pasarahora? ¿Dóndeestamos? ¿Quéacaba de pasar? ¿Qué o quién hay en la foto? ¿Qué no se puedever? ¿Cuándo se hizo la foto? ¿Qué se puedever?

  17. À partir de quandest-on riche ?

  18. Odd One Out - Model Plays an individual Sport Only woman Not brilliant at their chosen careers! Professional Sportsmen British Celebrities Only blond person Married Couple Jackie Howis AST Bennett Memorial Diocesan School 18

  19. Ex. 1:Read the text and find the following…. Ex.4: Answer the questions in English Ex.2:True or false? Ex.5: Answer the questions in German Ex.3: Fill the gaps using the words underneath Ex.6: Write a letter back to Markus Freiburg, den 12 März Liebe Mandy Vielen Dank für deinen netten Brief. Ich habe mich darüber sehr gefreut. Ich bin fünfzehn Jahre alt und wohne in Freiburg. Das ist eine schöne, alte Stadt in Südwestdeutschland. Ich habe zwei Brüder. Martin, mein älterer Bruder, ist zwei Jahre älter als ich und Peter, mein anderer Bruder, ist zehn Jahre alt. Martin ist manchmal ungeduldig und auch sehr laut. Peter ist lieb und immer gut gelaunt. Haustiere habe ich auch! Meine Katze heisst Mitzi und ist schwarz und weiss und mein Meerschweinchen heisst Rudi. Meine Eltern müssen lange arbeiten. Mein Vater ist Bankangestellter und meine Mutter ist Zahnärztin. Ich weiss noch nicht, was ich später werden möchte. Meine Schule ist eine Gesamtschule und liegt ganz in der Stadtmitte. Meine Lieblingsfächer sind Englisch und Französisch. Mathe finde ich ziemlich schwierig! Heute abend gehe ich ins Kino. Ich sehe sehr gern Gruselfilme! Was machst du gern in deiner Freizeit? Schreib bald Markus

  20. Turn a text into…… • Bullet points • Conversation • Vocabulary list Do all of this conversely to turn them into a text Mind map Flow diagram Storyboard Chart Key word plan Venn diagram Graph

  21. Provide creative tasks which prompt open ended, creative language use

  22. Türkçe हिन्दी 华语 • C reative communication • O pening doors • Meanings that matter • Super skills italiano Русский язык français Bahasa اردو 日本語 Deutsch polszczyzna español

  23. Opening doors

  24. A B

  25. http://www.rafaelnadal.com/es Wimbledon 2010 ?

  26. le navet énorme : MFL Sunderland complete resource http://wsgfl.westsussex.gov.uk

  27. Point of View As an alternative to writing, have the class take a secret ballot vote on A. Wolf's innocence. Ask volunteers to explain why they voted the way they did. Then have students draw a picture of a favourite scene in the story of A. Wolf with a caption explaining why he is innocent or guilty. A Letter to A. Wolf Write the letter as a whole-group activity. Allow every volunteer to add a question to the letter to A. Wolf. Character mapping Pupils build up a character map over time to illustrate each character. Act it out! Schedule time for each group to have a chance to perform. As an alternative or extension to writing their versions of tales, have students record the versions to audio or video. PVA!

  28. Create a character Numbers Percentages Fractions Who, what, when where, why…. Graphs Bar charts E-mail Text/Chat/letter writing. Personal description/ Guess Who Compare & Contrast Venn Diagrams

  29. http://blogs.tv5.org/my_petit_mundo/

  30. http://www.in-terre-actif.com/fr/ http://www.in-terre-actif.com/fiches_pays/haiti.htm#

  31. Liberté

  32. Revolution pour liberation le 14 juillet (et la fête nationalefrançaise) commémore la prise de la Bastille, en 1789 par le peuplefrancais. C’etait le début de la Révolutionfrançaise de 1789 et la fin de la monarchie en France. La Bastille estune prison situe a Paris, et celarestesymbole de pouvoir de l'AncienRégime de Louis XVI.

  33. 1ère Revolution Française 1789 1850 1870 1944 1958 2009 1ère 2ème 3ème 4ème 5ème Monarchie et Famille Royale Président et République de France Régimeféodale pauvréte

  34. The Party The celebration The Monarchy Le drapeau Le défilé la fête le bal les feuxd'artifice La revolution L’ ancienRégime Le monarchie Le bourgeoisie La bastille The parade The Revolution Flag Old Order The middle classes The Prison Fireworks

  35. Egalité

  36. Le Roi L’Eglise Le Clergé Le Paris La noblesse Le sang/la lutte Le Paris Le bourgeosie Que symbolise le tricolor de la France?

  37. Symboled’égalité • The "tricolor" (three-colour) flag is an emblem of the Fifth Republic. • The colours of the flag are representative of the three main social classes of the ‘AncienRégime’. • The Clergy and the King were represented by the white, the nobility by the red and the bourgeoisie by the blue. Blue and Red also symbolised the city of Paris at the time. • Today, the "tricolor" flies over all public buildings. It is flown at most official ceremonies, both civil and military.

  38. Images du tricolor

  39. Fraternité

  40. Qu’est que la Marseillaise? C’est l‘hymne national français • La Marseillaise a été composée par Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle en 1792 et a été déclarée « l'hymne nationale français » en 1795.

  41. Qu’est que la Marseillaise? • All revolutionaries praised singing as an ideal means to rouse republican enthusiasm. Songs and hymns allowed performers to proclaim revolutionary ideals and unified audiences; singing was available to literate and illiterate alike; the simplest tune could carry a sense of the Revolution into the most mundane tasks of daily life. And because singing could also be a group activity, it helped to affirm the collective solidarity of those participating: la fraternité!

  42. Ecoute: http://french.about.com/library/weekly/aa071400m.htm

  43. Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité, • http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/french/experience/14july/answer_page.shtml • In the first sequence of interviews how many words ending in -técan you hear? • What are the key elements of the 14th July celebrations today? • What do the celebrations symbolise for most French people?

  44. Top 5!

  45. http://newsmap.jp

  46. Provide content which reflect & draws upon TL countries, promotes intercultural understanding explores ‘global dimension’

  47. Super skills

  48. comer pelar prensar cortar beber cocinar coger preparar comprar robar tirar dar Gracias a Steven Fawkes

  49. Skills & Processes Can you find all of the INFINITIVES in the grid? 3 WIPEOUTS = GAME OVER!!!! Click here to begin! With thanks to mflresources@yahoogroups.com

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