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What Should You Treat First?

What Should You Treat First? Rethinking Clinical Decision-making and Modifying Your Treatment Plan Nora Stern, PT, MSPT. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Nora Stern, PT, MS, PT. Has no real or apparent conflicts of interest to report. Objectives. Appreciate pain as an output

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What Should You Treat First?

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  1. What Should You Treat First? Rethinking Clinical Decision-making and Modifying Your Treatment Plan Nora Stern, PT, MSPT

  2. Conflict of Interest DisclosureNora Stern, PT, MS, PT Has no real or apparent conflicts of interest to report.

  3. Objectives • Appreciate pain as an output • Evaluate neurophysiological processes of nocioceptive, peripheral neurogenic, central and output driven pain experiences • Identify appropriate treatment interventions • Examine case studies

  4. Pain as an output: what does that change?

  5. Processes

  6. Looking at what is sensitizing the systems: • Nocioceptive input • Peripheral • Central • Output

  7. Assessing: Features for nocioceptive contribution • Pain is consistent w findings and proportionate to findings • In same region as original pain sensations • Consistent w anatomy • Within normal healing time • Pain dull ache, sharp w movement • Swelling

  8. Assessing nocioceptive/inflammatory • Inflammatory response: prostaglandins, histamine, cytokines, substance P involved in membrane leakage, causes swelling

  9. Treatment: nocioceptive • Anything different? • What do pts need to hear?

  10. Assessing: Peripheral neurogenic presentation • Follows nerve pathway or adjacent pathway, but in new areas along pathway • Shooting up or down along pathway • Evaluated through neural tension testing and palpation of sensitivity along the nerve pathway

  11. Peripheral Sensitization

  12. ALTERED IMPULSE GENERATOR SITE • Ion channels lay down on demyelinatedsegments of nerve and essentially create a new endplate.

  13. Treatment: peripheral neurogenic • Motion is lotion • Neurodynamics • Health of container: taping, manual therapy • Postural support • Decrease in threat value: pain education, normalize experience • What does pt need to hear?

  14. Assessing:Central sensitization features • Pain searing, stabbing, like a knife, hot poker • Appearing on other side of body, pain in new area • Does not follow anatomy, not consistent w findings • Large or diffuse areas of pain • Black body diagram • Altered 2 point discrimination • Delay in laterality recognition > 1.5 sec, < 90% accuracy • High score on StarT

  15. Assessing central involvement: cortical reorganization: Smudging Altered Two Point Discrimination Associated with Distorted Body Image in Back Pain Fig. 1 Patient data: TPD threshold, normal distribution of pain, and body image. Two-point discrimination threshold (TPD) was assessed bilaterally at 16 levels, shown here superimposed over line drawings of the sense of physical self, or body image, of six... Moseley, GL, “I Cant’ find it! Distorted body image and tactile dysfunction in patients with chronic back pain.” Pain Vol 140, Issue 1, 2008, 239-243

  16. Assessing central involvement: cortical reorganization: smudging Flor, H, Neuroscience 1997

  17. Assessing central involvement:Mirror neuron function

  18. Assessing central involvement: Quantifying psychosocial issues:StarT Generic Screening Tool

  19. Central: what aspects of the brain processing are contributing to central sensitization? • Thinking • Feeling • Sensing • Acting/moving

  20. Output • Pain response assigned to a part of the virtual body • ANS triggers  Neuroendocrine system uses cortisol, immune response using proinflammatory cytokines

  21. Immune response • Proinflammmatory cytokines exist in PNS and CNS, signal between immune system and nervous system • Delay of response to stressors: 10 days • Causes feelings of tiredness, loss of mobility, achiness everywhere

  22. Stress/pain relationship with CRPS Allen, R, et al, Phys Ther, 2011 4:32-42

  23. Allen, R, et al, Phys Ther, 2011 4:32-42

  24. Immune Response • Activated locally during injury • Activates myelin destruction and contribute to AIGS • Pro-inflammatory cytokine activity can increase wcatastrophizing

  25. Assessment: Output • Swelling • Sweating • Itching • Cold sensitivity • Pain w thinking about movement, watching someone move • Altered 2 point discrimination • Poor accuracy and speed on laterality recognition • Altered body schema • Poor motor planning

  26. Treatment Interventions for Central Sensitization/output

  27. Treatment interventions:Central • Address fear avoidance through pain education

  28. Treatment Interventions: Central • Sensing: • Graded Motor Imagery • Body scan • General kinesthetic sensing with exercise • Whole body movement to restore virtual body representation

  29. Treatment for Central involvement and output drivenGMI used for: • CRPS (rsd) • Phantom limb • Stroke • Neck pain • Back pain

  30. Treatment: GMI Progression • Laterality Recognition: Cards or Recognise Online • Activates pre-motor cortex but not primary motor cortex • Imagined Movement • Activates both pre-motor and primary motor cortex • Less challenging than actual movement, can imagine movement perfectly • Mirror Box • Harnesses use of mirror neurons to restore normal output and motor function

  31. Treatment: GMILaterality Recognition

  32. Treatment: GMIImagined movement

  33. Treatment: GMIMirror therapy

  34. Treatment:Graded Activity • Moseley and Butler twin peaks model

  35. Treatment: Graded exposure • Movement: observed, imagined, actual: mirror and normal • Components of movement complexity: simpler to more complex, eg break down a fwd bend • Amount of time • Change the context, eg, do w friend, listening to music • Tune in to entire body: refresh homuncular map • Look at environment: non threatening to threatening

  36. Treatment: Physiological quieting

  37. Treatment Interventions:Central • Stress response: physiological quieting • www.meditationcenter.com: easy to follow meditations. • http://www.allaboutdepression.com/relax/ 8 free breathing tapes, relaxation activities. • http://vcc.asu.edu/relaxaindex.shtml: free guided instruction in progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery.

  38. Consider the immune system • Consider how quickly we introduce stretching and strengthening after an injury

  39. Case studies

  40. Case study #1 • Patient w wrist pain. Limitation and pain w wrist flexion and extension. Tender at elbow medial and lateral. • Pain began 1 month ago, while putting in long hours at keyboard, poor ergonomics, very engaged in writing a paper for publication. • Start score 1/5 • Body diagram: specific point of pain at R wrist • Exam: tender to passive wrist flexion and extension, tender at metacarpals, tender to palpation at R flexor carpiulnaris, extensor carpiulnaris .

  41. Case study #2 • Pt with wrist pain and elbow pain on R x 3 months. Pain w wrist flexion and extension and supination, and at R medial epicondyle, sometimes into fingers. Feels like it’s spreading, getting worse. • Draws pain as a line along medial aspect of R arm • Pain increases w deadlines, long hours. Lots of stress at work • Wondering if she should stop playing softball, afraid she is hurting herself because her arm hurts more when she does this. • Start score 2/5 • (Median neural tension testing +, cervical scan negative)

  42. Case study #3 • Pain for 2 years, Pain at medial elbow and wrist R, now also in lateral elbow R, and shoulder, and has neck pain and low back pain, sleeping poorly • Pain began with a lot of keyboarding at work, during staff cuts, spouse lost job at same location. • Draws black area in entire R arm, and neck and low back and across to L shoulder, and head • Start score 5/5. • Pt says she has stopped doing most of the things that she enjoys because she doesn’t want to hurt herself.

  43. Case study #4 • Pain x 1 yr, started as R wrist pain. Began after working long hours at computer to meet deadline, doing stretching and strengthening w PT, for about 2 months, got a virus, and then started to get severe pain and swelling in her R forearm and hand, now sweats when she tries to use it, avoids moving that hand. • Starting to have some pain in her L hand and having nerve conduction testing soon for this. Has neck pain. Wearing protective wrist splint, holds hand close to her chest. • Start score 5/5

  44. Questions

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