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T he “Desastre de ’98”?

T he “Desastre de ’98”?. Who was the war between ? Which Colonies were involved ? What was “La Generacion del ’98 La Setmana Trágica Between what dates de La Setmana Trágica take place? Where did it take place?

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T he “Desastre de ’98”?

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  1. The “Desastre de ’98”? Whowasthewarbetween? WhichColonieswereinvolved? Whatwas “La Generacion del ’98 La Setmana Trágica Betweenwhat dates de La Setmana Trágica take place? Wheredidittake place? Whywereciviliansbeing “called-up” (forced) tojointheArmy? Whydidworkingclasspeoplefeeltheselectionprocesswasunfair? WhatwasSolidarid Obrera? WhatactionsdisSolidarid Obrera takeagainstthecall-up? Whywere local Police and Soldiersineffective in stoppingtheprotests? Howdidthegovernmentfinally stop theprotests? Whatwasthereaction of theothercountriesto “La SetmanaTrágica”? Whachange in power in Spaindidthis lead to?

  2. The flashpoint occurred when " a party of conscripts boarded ships owned by the marques de Comillas, a noted Catholic industrialist, en route for Morocco. The soldiers were accompanied by patriotic addresses, the Royal March, and religious medals distributed by pious well dressed ladies. Spain's narrow social construction was thus on display for all to see, an affluent Catholic oligarchy impervious to the rise of secular mass politics. As the crowd jeered and whistled, emblems of the Sacred Heart were thrown into the sea. “ Mary Vincent, Spain 1833 - 2002 p.103

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