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Another year over

Another year over. So this is. Christmas. And what have you done. 音乐片自动播放. A new one just begun. 当代流行乐首席天后 加拿大 Celine Dion 演唱. 1 /10. And so this is Christmas. The near and the dear ones. I hope you have fun. The old and the young. 2 /10. A very merry Christmas.

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Another year over

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Another year over So this is Christmas And what have you done 音乐片自动播放 A new one just begun 当代流行乐首席天后 加拿大Celine Dion演唱 1/10

  2. And so this is Christmas The near and the dear ones I hope you have fun The old and the young 2/10

  3. A very merry Christmas Let's hope it's a good one And a happy New Year Without any fear 3/10

  4. And so this is Christmas For weak and for strong The rich and the poor ones The war is so long 4/10

  5. And so happy Christmas For yellow and red ones For black and for white Let's stop all the fight 5/10

  6. A very merry Christmas And a happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear 6/10

  7. And so this is Christmas Another year over And what have we done A new one just begun 7/10

  8. And so happy Christmas We hope you have fun The near and the dear ones The old and the young 8/10

  9. A very merry Christmas And a happy New Year Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear 9/10

  10. And so this is Christmas And what have we done Another year over A new one just begun 链接简介 10/10

  11. 乐曲演唱歌手Celine Dion简介(PTLT摘自网络) 生日:1968年3月3日  全球最畅销的当代女艺人:流行乐首席天后席琳.狄翁,拥有5座葛莱美奖、20座加拿大朱诺奖、2座奥斯卡奖和全球1亿3千万张的销售纪录!2002年睽违乐坛两年的推出了席琳狄翁最新专辑A New Day Has Come 真爱来临 ,横扫欧美乐坛,荣登Billboard 专集销售榜第一!1968年3月30日,Celine Dion出生在加拿大魁北克省的一个音乐之家,这是一个大家庭,兄弟姐妹一共有14个之多,Celine是最小的。正由于这样,幼时的Celine没有什么新衣服。 在5岁的时候,Celine就充分展露了她的音乐才华。在她12岁的时候,Celine制作了她的第一张示范专辑Ce n'etait qu'un reve(It was only a dream),同时她的才华得到了魁北克名经纪人Rene的支持。在Rene抵挡了他的住宅后,Celine出版了她的第一张专辑。之后她就在加拿大和法国取得了不错的战绩。由于出生在法语区,在Rene的建议下,Celine去了蒙特利尔的一个学校学习英语,经过几个月的不懈努力,Celine基本掌握了英语。与此同时,她也与Sony公司签约,出版了第一张英文专辑Unison(调和)。之后Celine一发不可收拾,在Sony的旗帜下,先后出版了14张专辑,获得了无数的荣誉。

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