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Thrdplace Social Networking

Thrdplace Social Networking. Remote Team Member. Strong Points. We are good at sharing our vision. We agree on a decision only after consulting everyone in the team and when everyone is satisfied with it.

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Thrdplace Social Networking

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  1. Thrdplace Social Networking

  2. Remote Team Member

  3. Strong Points • We are good at sharing our vision. • We agree on a decision only after consulting everyone in the team and when everyone is satisfied with it. • Familiarity with technologies like MySql and HTML 5 which are used in the project will make things easier.

  4. Weak Points • Due to clash of schedules, sometimes it becomes difficult to organize a team meeting. • Some technologies like PHP, thrdplace database are not known to the team members, but they will be implemented in the project.

  5. Concerns and solutions • Sometimes it is difficult to have long meetings due to clashing schedule of team members. • Possible solution is to have short meetings after the class. • No prior knowledge about technologies like PHP, thrdplace database. • Proposed solution is to learn about these technologies from the client. • Some team members will not continue into 577b or the development phase of the project, so there will be some different team members. • Proposed solution is try to use frameworks and libraries that are well known.

  6. Operational Concept Description

  7. System Purpose The new system will add • recommendation System • search Engine • user Homepage to the ThrdPlace mainly in order to increase • users’ satisfaction and use of ThrdPlace • user inflow and revenue of ThrdPlace

  8. Shared Version • The recommendation system will recommend users some projects and other users they may like automatically • The search engine will enable the users to search projects or users according to influence, success and similarity. • The homepage will provide a new project and friends manage for users.

  9. Benefits Chain 9

  10. System boundary and environment

  11. Capability Goals

  12. Capability Goals

  13. Level of Service Goals

  14. Prototype

  15. Two highest risk items 1. Two types of search view The ability to search for the similar users or project is very important to our client. 2. User interface mismatch The client mentioned the basic functionalities but not user interface. It is important to give client better understanding of what the final product will look like.

  16. User homepage • Profile • basic information • Announcement • Recent Activities • Recommendation Section • Recommendation from ThirdPlace

  17. Project Page • The list of Projects • The information about Project

  18. Friend Page • The list of Friends • The link to Projects list of a friend

  19. Seach Page(List) • Search Section • Result Section • Filter Section

  20. Seach Page(Map) • The list of Friends • The link to Projects list of a friend

  21. Requirements

  22. Agreed Win-conditions • (WC_2441)As a user, I can search for the most successful or influential clients and campaigns.(MMF search, Ranking system) • (WC_2442)As a user, I can search for clients and campaigns who are active in my community (active or closed projects or both).(MMF search, Ranking system) • (WC_2447)As a user, I can search other users and clients and campaigns similar to me. (MMF search) • (WC_2445) As a user, I can search for clients and campaigns by the capital (funds, supplies and volunteers) that I am looking for. (MMF search, Ranking system) • (WC_2800) As a user, I will have a recommendation section on my profile page displaying users and projects similar to mine.(MMF Ranking system) • (WC_2444) As a user, I can search for the most successful client and campaigns.(MMF search, Profile) • (WC_2449) System shall be deployed on Thrdplace servers.(MMF Deployment) • (WC_2450) Maximum budget is 10,000 dollars.(MMF Budget) • (WC_2451) Maximum downtime for the system is 3 days in a month.(MMF constraints, Levels of service)

  23. System Architecture

  24. System Context Diagram • Show our system’s external interfaces. • Define interactions with our system.

  25. System Context Diagram

  26. Use Case Diagram • Define Interface, Entity and Control objects and their classes. • Clarify activities & message exchange between objects & users

  27. Use Case Diagram

  28. Use Case Diagram • Profile part

  29. Use Case Diagram • Friends part

  30. Use Case Diagram • Projects part

  31. Use Case Diagram • Search part

  32. Life Cycle Plan

  33. Status of The LCP Skills and Responsibilites Approach Resources Milestoens andProducts 01 03 04 05 02 Topics

  34. Current Status of the LCP • By specifying monitoring and controlling methods, as well as facilities and tools which will be used in this project, decision on which approach will be adopted to help implementation of the project will be made in this version. Besides, resources necessary for the project’s success will also be identified. This document will be a part of Foundation Commitment Package.

  35. Milestones and Products 35

  36. Milestones and Products 36

  37. skills 37

  38. skills 38

  39. Approach • Monitoring and Control • Bi-Weely project plan and report • weekly team meetings • Mothly effort report • Closed Loop Feedback Control • Bugzilla • Wechat • Reviews • peer reviews • IIV&V • teaching staff

  40. Estimated CSCI577a Effort : 7 team members at 10 hrs./week for 12 weeks • Estimated CSCI577b Effort : 5team members at 10 hrs./week for 12 weeks 41

  41. 42

  42. According to COINCOMO II, one team member effort = 0.83 COINCOMO II person months. The most likely effort from the COCOMO estimation above is 8.93, so the total team members need for this project = 8.93/0.83 = 10.76 • Since we have 7 developers in total on our team, the estimated workload for this project would exceed our capacity to handle and thus may introduce risks of project failure. Thus, we may need to negotiate high-priority requirements to cut less valuable works and reduce the risk of project incompleteness.

  43. Feasibility Evidence Description 44

  44. Feasibility Evidence Description---Thrdplace • Purpose of FED • Process Feasibility • Risk Assessment • NDI/NCS Feasibility 45

  45. Purpose of FED • FED evaluate the degree of feasibility of the project based on making risk assessment. Then the key stakeholders can determine whether to proceed into the next level of commitment.

  46. Process Feasibility

  47. Process Feasibility

  48. Process Feasibility

  49. Risk Assessment

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