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SoLLs.INTEC.09. Collaborative Skills and Learning Processes in a Virtual Context. Anuratha Kanniah anuratha412@gmail.com.sg Pramela Krish pkrish10@yahoo.com  Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Introduction.

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  1. SoLLs.INTEC.09 Collaborative Skills and Learning Processes in a Virtual Context Anuratha Kanniah anuratha412@gmail.com.sg Pramela Krish pkrish10@yahoo.com  Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

  2. Introduction • Collaborative learning  interdependence of learners as they share ideas and reach a conclusion (Roberts, 2004; Anuratha, 2009) • CSCL  group based learning +computer (Daphne, 1996) - Computer  tool to put forward thought - Learning is invisible in virtual context

  3. Purpose of the Study • To find out learners’ preferred collaborative skills and subskills in a virtual learning context. • To study how the internal and external processes in an online learning mode predispose collaborative learning.

  4. Research Questions • What are the preferred collaborative learning skills and subskills among the participants in the weblog? • How the internal and external processes predispose a collaborative discussion in a weblog?

  5. Relevant Theories and Perspectives to Study CSCL Constructivist Collaborative Learning & CSCL Sociocultural Internal & External Processes in CSCL

  6. Learners work together to solve problems Collaborative Learning • Creates space for negotiation (Dilenbourgh,1999) • - Learners produce ambiguous statement>misunderstandings>explain, justify Helps to develop higher level thinking Fosters teamwork – Interdependence of learners to handle complicated tasks.

  7. CSCL Synchronous -Chat rooms -Audio / video conferencing • Asynchronous • e-mail • CD-ROM • Weblog • Learning takes place anytime, anywhere • free to post entries • anonymous

  8. Internal & External Processes External Process • Use of social environment to discover learning (Vygotsky, 1978) eg. seek external help • Internal Process • thinking takes place in the • individual (Piaget ,1954) • eg. Construct arguments, • explanation, initiating • doubts

  9. Surrounding plays an important role Surrounding plays and important role Sociocultural (Vygotsky) Learning has only significant value in the context of joint activity Surrounding knowledge is important in learning Ability to understand something complex with the help of others

  10. How learners create meaning out of individual mind Constructivist (Piaget. et.al) Knowledge is constructed by individuals Knowledge is constructed based on previous knowledge Individual mind is capable to form abstract thought and solve problems Mind is important to interpret outside world

  11. Research Design Allows researcher to seek a real world setting to understand the actual process that takes place in a situation. Patton (2001) To explore a topic where it requires researcher to listen to the participants to construct a picture based on their ideas (Creswell, 1994) Qualitative

  12. Sample • 20 students from SKBI 6053, Critical Reading Approaches course (compulsory Masters program course) • Working adults and fresh graduates • Mixed gender population

  13. Research Procedure Stage 1: Data Collection Stage 2: Data Reduction Stage 3: Coding Stage 4: Compression of data Stage 5: Data Interpretation Documentation Simplifying the data Easy referencing - P20 (TSH) Tables Use of established theories to analyse the data

  14. Findings: Research Question 1 • Dominant Skills and Subskills in the Collaborative Learning Skill Taxonomy Collaborative Learning Skills Creative Conflict (59.28%) Conversation (21.68%) Active Learning (18.5%) Argue (100%) Acknowledge (52%) Task (32%) Maintenance (16%) Inform (94.6%) Request (4.35%) Motivate (0.96%) Familiar with the topic and have sufficient background knowledge + Positive interdependence of learners to accept or reject others point of view = Joint product - participants acknowledge others  instills emotional connection and encourages continued investment and involvement - extensive evidence - constructing questions mind as an important tool to interpret information - lack of motivational aspect learners are more concern to produce constructive comments than explicitly encourage other participants.

  15. Findings: Research Question 2 Internal and External Processes in the Weblog Discussion Internal Process External Process Constructing the Questions Setting up Hypothesis Using Evidence Monitoring Own Thinking Progress through Task Dealing with Competition & Conflict Supportive Behavior

  16. Collective Mediation Importance of environmental competence as a means of learning Collective mediation (a shared mediation of internal and external processes) + Importance of Individual mind =

  17. P1 (DYP) P22 (HVC) P35 (HVC) P37 (HVC) P34 (MRW) P36 (DYP) P13 (DWN) P31 (BOH) P32 (DOD) P3 (HVC) P1 (BOH) P11 (MMR) P31 (HVC) P34 (MRW) P4 (MMR) P15 (HVC) P37 (HVC) P36 (DYP) Collective Mediation A Model Showing How Learning Takes Place in a CSCL Environment

  18. Collective Mediation • Arrows  connection between the individual participants in the subgroup • Circles  Importance of individual mind to generate discussion • Vygotsky  Social nature provides necessary condition for learning • Piaget  Individuals play important role in learning

  19. Significance of the Study • Course coordinator • Easy to construct course modules based on the • findings • Should consider CSCL to enhance learner-centered • environment • Academic weblog designers • -Create an effective interface design • -Should consider theoretical tenets (cognitive & social skills) to foster collaborative learning in virtual mode  sentence openers • Students • -students can understand the important of openness in learning • -gives an idea that online discussion is convenient and “safe” to exchange ideas

  20. Thank you........

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