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Joint Oversight Group

Particle Physics Takes a Thrill Ride US-LHC Communication Task Force Judith Jackson Fermilab/ Office of Science May 21, 2007. Oversight body for US LHC project/program Chairs: John O’Fallon, Office of Science Jack Lightbody, NSF

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Joint Oversight Group

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  1. Particle Physics Takes a Thrill RideUS-LHC Communication Task ForceJudith JacksonFermilab/ Office of ScienceMay 21, 2007

  2. Oversight body for US LHC project/program Chairs: John O’Fallon, Office of Science Jack Lightbody, NSF Robin Staffin, Office of Science/HEP, and Joe Dehmer, NSF Division of Physics, MPS, charged JOG to form a US/LHC Communication Task Force Asked Judy Jackson to serve as chair, Curt Suplee as cochair. Joint Oversight Group JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  3. Charge • For some time, LHC-related communications in the US have been managed and coordinated in an informal fashion…. • Now DOE and NSF believe it is time to develop a more formalized structure in support of an effective and coordinated approach to US LHC communication. JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  4. Charge… • We ask JOG to appoint a Task Force for LHC Communications to develop a comprehensive communication plan for discussion by JOG. • Propose • Charter • Work scope • Processes …to enhance effectiveness and coordination of activities undertaken by DOE, NSF, the national labs, and the US/CMS and US/ATLAS collaborations, within the global context of LHC communications. JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  5. Charge… The US LHC Communications Group will be the public communications voice of JOG; and it will interface with the public relations offices at DOE and NSF to coordinate activities and to obtain agency approval of material it provides. JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  6. Charge… • In addition…there will continue to be the normal education and outreach activities led by members of the community…for example the very successful QuarkNet activity…. • The Group does not replace or reduce the need for such community-based activities; indeed the full effectiveness of our communications efforts requires that we look to baseour efforts on a wide set of independent activities. JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  7. Consult • JOG members • CERN Press Office • US/CMS & US/ATLAS • HEPAP Chair • Interactions Collaboration • Professional Organizations (APS, AIP…) • Agencies • Other stakeholders JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  8. A primary goal… “…of the task force is to lay the groundwork for a sense of shared purpose and the desire to cooperate among the various stakeholders.” JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  9. Members • In proposing members, Curt and I consulted • Funding agencies • US/ATLAS and US/CMS program managers • HEPAP Chair • Lab Director • DPF leadership • CERN communicators JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  10. Physicists plus communicators • One team • Quantum Universe, Discovering the Quantum Universe, Deep Science, ILC Companion Document • It’s a model that has changed the way we communicate in particle physics. • Here we go again! JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  11. Open to all • Participation not limited to members. A key job of the Task Force will be to get input from as many stakeholders as possible. • The lessons of Quantum Universe: Find out what your customers actually want and need. • Meetings are open. • The Task Force isn’t supposed to DO communication (although many of us do). It’s supposed to make a communication plan. JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  12. http://www.lhcus.org/communication/ JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  13. Funding agencies Policy makers & opinion leaders US/CMS, US/ATLAS, US/ALICE, US/LHCb US universities and labs collaborating in LHC experiments US labs collaborating on the accelerator CERN HEPAP LARP National Academies Grid computing community ILC community Users and users’ organizations InterAction Collaboration Students at many levels Teachers Press US industry Science-attentive public More… Stakeholders JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  14. CERN Press Office CERN Press Office is fully briefed on Task Force and strongly supports it. James Gillies, CERN Press Officer JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  15. From James this morning… 5/21/07 Dear Judy,I'd like to congratulate you on the establishment of the US LHC  communication task force, and wish you every success in communicating  the LHC in the US. It is our experience that within CERN's Member  States, we have the strongest impact in those countries with clearly  defined LHC communication plans, implemented by groups similar to the  US task force. I'm sorry I can't be at your meeting today, but am  looking forward to working with the task force over the coming months.Regards, James JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  16. Ongoing LHC Communication Katie Yurkewicz US LHC Communicator Jointly supported by DOE, NSF On the job since January 8 A key member of the CERNPress Office Very busy! Weekly reports JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  17. Ongoing LHC Communication JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  18. The InterAction Collaboration JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  19. Interactions.org JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  20. Ongoing LHC Communication • Press releases and media visits • Press monitoring and archive on Interactions.org, including new weekly summary • VIP visits • University PIO database for ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, LHCb. • CMS Times, CMS teacher fellows, new US/CMS Web page • A HOST of ATLAS programs and activities, from YouTube to Web sites to 3-D glasses • QuarkNet • I2U2 (Interactions in Understanding the Universe) e-labs using LHC data • Web sites far and wide. • UEC/SLUO: 290 visits in March, with LHC users this year • Seminars and workshops • Symmetry magazine and Web site • Remote Operations Center at Fermilab (Outreach Working Group) • Potential WNET or NOVA program • US LHC Web site, US CMS Web site in development • …and many more. JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  21. The left hand and the right hand • Simply making ourselves and each other aware of all these activities will already be a step forward. • Coordinating the various people, programs and activities in a strategic plan will be even better. JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  22. US LHC Communication • Will happen, with or without our Task Force • QuarkNet • Press releases • Web sites • Exhibits • …… • The Task Force can make it more effective by coordinating, systematizing, collaborating, avoiding duplication, leveraging resources, putting resources where they are most needed in order to achieve our goals. • Not just within the US, but with our international colleagues. JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  23. Relationships • That’s what it comes down to. • Within the Task Force • Within the physics community (including communicators) • With funding agencies, the media, policy makers, the local community, students and teachers • In the US and around the world JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  24. Case in point: Fermilab LHC Triplet Hi Judy,I've got to respect Pier's straight talk. The thing I'm wondering after talking to Lyn Evans yesterday is whether they're going to make the engineering run regardless of this problem.... Adrian InterAction collaboration JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  25. The Race for the Higgs Heats Up Following recent problems with FNAL-built LHC triplets, CERN reciprocates by offering to help with Tevatron maintenance. JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

  26. The Next Big Thing • After the B-Factory and the Tevatron… • Will be the largest program in US particle physics for the foreseeable future. • How we communicate the LHC adventure will help determine the future of US particle physics. JUDITH JACKSON, US-LHC Communication Task Force

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