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Karen Cowden, M.A. Ed Professor of Reading Valencia College

Informational Literacy to Build Lifelong Learning A Model of Teaching and Learning in the Community College. “Just when the caterpillar thought life was over, it became the butterfly ”. Karen Cowden, M.A. Ed Professor of Reading Valencia College. Outcomes. You will be able to…

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Karen Cowden, M.A. Ed Professor of Reading Valencia College

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  1. Informational Literacy to Build Lifelong LearningAModel of Teaching and Learning in the Community College “Just when the caterpillar thought life was over, it became the butterfly” Karen Cowden, M.A. Ed Professor of Reading Valencia College

  2. Outcomes • You will be able to… • Learn how to integrate “Information Literacy” in your current course design – with minimal stress. • Evaluate your “Informational Literacy” • Describe the “ABC3” method of evaluating websites • Evaluate websites for validity and reliability using a rubric • Differentiate informal and formal research • Identify tools and support services for integration • Contribute to the campus database for students and citizens

  3. Integrating information literacy • The first thing: • Combine skills formerly taught through traditional delivery models into an information literacy model. • It really can be easy! Traditional Delivery Model Information Literacy Delivery

  4. Integrating information literacy • The second thing: • Consider what makes a student “information literate” in your discipline(s). Traditional Literacy in Discipline Information Literacy In Discipline

  5. Pop quiz – warm-up • www.polleverywhere.com

  6. Pop quiz - #1

  7. Pop quiz - #3

  8. Do we Really have a Problem? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77UPUxB2b7o&feature=related

  9. What do Students say? • Students • Instructors need to teach me the skills that matter. • Instructors need to make the material relevant and relatable. • Instructors need to be current. • Instructors need to be….

  10. What do Instructors say? • College Instructors • Students need to be well-informed citizens. • Students need to be focused. • Students need to be ready-to-learn. • Students need to be….

  11. Free Sources #1 - Pinterest

  12. Fun facts of pinterest • Began in 2010 • Fourth largest social media mogul • Google+, LinkedIn, and YouTube combined have less traffic! • Retains users 2-3 times more effectively • Easy to share and focused on limited feedback allowing individual research/review.

  13. How instructors are using pinterest • Quotes and inspiration sharing • Links to reading material/recommendations • Natural student participation • “Bulletin Board” of student work • Quick lead to valuable resources

  14. Free Sources #2 – lib guides

  15. Free Sources – Your lib guide

  16. Fun facts of libguides • The LibGuides Community Site aggregates all public content from institutions using LibGuides. • It is a useful resource for anybody interested in learning new things or doing library research. • The system harvests the knowledge from librarians at thousands of institutions worldwide.Retaining users 2-3 times more effectively • Easy to research/review.

  17. Free Sources #3 - Polleverywhere

  18. Integrating Information Literacy with Library/Courses

  19. Models: Any Course can work with a “LibGuide”

  20. Challenges, Solutions and Effects

  21. Workshop Outcomes • You will be able to… • Learn how to integrate “Information Literacy” in your current course design – with minimal stress. • Evaluate your needs for“Informational Literacy” • Evaluate your students’ needs for “Informational Literacy” • You will learn tips and tricks on how to search information on the web for curriculum and research. • Identify tools and support services for integration • Contribute to the campus database for students and citizens • You will measure your course against ACLR Standards • Describe the “ABC3” method of evaluating websites • Evaluate websites for validity and reliability using a rubric • Differentiate informal and formal research

  22. Best Practices: Creating Base of Information Literacy • Choose an appropriate number of modules for each course. • Valencia College uses 1 module with four objectives. • Create Power Points and choose videos which clearly teach the information for each topic. • Include a writing assignment as part of the Module work.

  23. Models: Information Literacy with Library/Courses

  24. Models: Information Literacy with Library/Courses

  25. Models: Information Literacy - ACRL Standards

  26. Models: Information Literacy - Baseline information

  27. Informational literacy Pre-Course Survey • Directions: • Log-in to our Blackboard course and locate “Share” tab. • Complete the “Informational Literacy Pre-Course Survey”.

  28. Informational literacy vs. Traditional literacy • Traditional Literacy: • http://www.literacy.org/node/235 • http://www.literacy.org/links • Informational Literacy: • http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/informationliteracycompetency • http://setda.org/web/guest/projects • http://www.digitalpromise.org/?utm_source=Digital+Promise+General&utm_campaign=8e4ca98eae-Website_Relaunch6_4_2012&utm_medium=email

  29. Informational literacy Definition: Team Activity • Directions: • Use the “Informational Literacy Defined” handout for your reference. • Decide as a team the key concepts of the term. • Complete the graphic organizer. • Prepare to share. • In Teams of three: Decide the definition of Informational Literacy and Informational Literacy for Higher Education.

  30. Informational literacy Definition: Team Sharing Time • Directions: Each team has 2 minutes to present their findings.

  31. literate vs. Illiterate Definitions – Discussion = What makes a student “literate” in your Discipline? lit·er·ate adjective \ˈli-tə-rət also ˈli-trət\ 1. a : educated, cultured b : able to read and write 2. a : versed in literature or creative writing : literary b : lucid, polished <a literate essay> c : having knowledge or competence <computer-literate> <politically literate> il·lit·er·ate noun \(ˌ)i(l)-ˈli-t(ə-)rə-sē\ 1:the quality or state of being illiterate; especially: inability to read or write 2:a mistake or crudity (as in speaking) typical of one who is illiterate Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/literate

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