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San Franciscans united against SFMTA SFMTA needs new priorities

San Franciscans united against SFMTA SFMTA needs new priorities. SFMTA needs to get us where we need to go Not tell us how to get there. San Franciscans united against SFMTA

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San Franciscans united against SFMTA SFMTA needs new priorities

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  1. San Franciscans united against SFMTASFMTA needs new priorities SFMTA needs toget us where we need to goNot tell us how to get there

  2. San Franciscans united against SFMTA • The citizens of San Francisco have been fighting the SFMTA for a couple of years, one neighborhood at a time, and we have accomplished a lot. Some of the reasons why we are doing so well are: • We are united • We represent a broad base of interests • We are determined and not backing down • We are informed and involved in spreading information • We have the media’s attention • We have the Supervisor’s attention Stop SFMTA, sfenuf.org, contact@sfenuf.org

  3. San Franciscans united against SFMTA • We fighting groups that have more than 30 years on us: • Plan Bay Area – unelected district officials who are planning dense high rise development along public transit corridors • SFMTA and Planning Department are supposed to fulfill that plan • The Bicycle Coalition SPUR and other non-profits • Developers and banks big money • City, county, state, and federal politicians • Paid professional lobbies Stop SFMTA, sfenuf.org, contact@sfenuf.org

  4. San Franciscans united against SFMTA • We are approaching the fight on three fronts: • Using current laws that are in our favor • Effecting new legislation and changes we don’t like • Keeping the media informed and focused on our side of the issues Stop SFMTA, sfenuf.org, contact@sfenuf.org

  5. San Franciscans united against SFMTA • What seems to work so far: • Direct contact with the Supervisors • Encouraging your supporters to keep a constant flow of communications going to the Supervisors, SFMTA and other pertinent city officials • Informing everyone about what the SFTMA is doing • Posting detailed information online • Writing letters and comments to city officials and the media • Commenting on articles and writing letters to the editors • Attending meetings and hearings to support your positions • Speaking out at public meetings and events Stop SFMTA, sfenuf.org, contact@sfenuf.org

  6. San Franciscans united against SFMTA • What we need from you: • Support, dedication and reserve • Help with whatever tasks you are best suited to perform • Pushing social media messages and training others • Writing letters and comments to city officials and the media • Commenting on articles and writing letters to the editors • Attending meetings and hearings to support your positions Stop SFMTA, sfenuf.org, contact@sfenuf.org

  7. RESOURCES • Eastern Neighborhoods United Front, sfenuf.org • Contact ENUF, contact@sfenuf.org • metermadness.wordpress.com discoveryink.wordpress.net • savepolkstreet.com • savemasonic.com • Like Us on Facebook • Follow Us on Twitter • Write Letters to the Editor Stop SFMTA, sfenuf.org, contact@sfenuf.org

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