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Bridges . What is a bridge? Why do you build bridges? When did we start to build bridges?. Different kinds of bridges. Beam bridge = balkbro Arch bridge = bågbro Suspension bridge = hängbro Cable– braced bridge = snedkabelbro. Beam bridges.

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  1. Bridges What is a bridge? Why do youbuild bridges? Whendidwe start tobuild bridges?

  2. Different kinds of bridges • Beam bridge = balkbro • Arch bridge = bågbro • Suspension bridge = hängbro • Cable–braced bridge = snedkabelbro

  3. Beam bridges The beam bridge is the oldest kind of bridge thatweknow It has the simplieststructural form among bridges, it is a straight beamthat is supported by a pier at each end

  4. Beam bridges Pros: • Verycheap • It is easytobuild Cons: • Theycan’t be builttoo long without support To make the bridge moresteadyyoucouldeitheruse piles or youcanusetrussstructure

  5. Arch bridges The arch bridge is alsovery old. The Romans builtarch bridges 2000 yearsago.

  6. The arch bridge is morecomplicatedthan the beam bridge, but it cancarry a lotmoreweight and is oftenused for traintraffic etc. Pros: • It cancarrymorethan a beam bridge • It can be builtlongerthan a beam bridge Cons: • It is moreexpensivethan a beam bridge • It weighs a lot so it is not possibletobuild it too long.

  7. Suspension bridge The firstsuspension bridges werebuilt 1300 yearsago in China.

  8. The suspension bridge is verycomplicated. On the other hand it can be builtlonger and higherthanother bridges and canhandle a lotmoreweight. Pros: • Youcanbuild it veryhigh ad very long • It is the longest bridge typeofthem all. Cons: • It is complicatedtobuild • It is veryexpensive

  9. Cable-braced bridges • The cable-braced bridge is one kind of suspension bridge, it has a verysimilar design and function • Since it is so similarto the suspension bridge, it has the same pros and cons • It can’t be built as long butmaybe it is betterlooking, what do youthink?

  10. Questionstoworkwith • Whenwasyour bridge built? • Whywas it built? • Howwas it built? • What is the historyof the bridge? • Has anything special happenedaround the bridge? Accidents, been in a movie etc.

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