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LOCKJAW. MsK block. OBJECTIVES. By the end of this lecture, you should be able to: 1- What is the Lockjaw? Etiology (causes of this disease ). 2- 3- symptoms or signs that appear on the patient . 4- investigations . 5- management. 6- prognosis of lockjaw. 7-Methods of treatment .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LOCKJAW MsKblock

  2. OBJECTIVES By the end of this lecture, you should be able to: 1- What is the Lockjaw? Etiology (causes of this disease ).2- 3- symptoms or signs that appear on the patient . 4- investigations . 5- management. 6- prognosis of lockjaw. 7-Methods of treatment .

  3. LOCKJAW Definition lockjaw also has scientific name, trismus. The word "trismus" is often used to differentiate the condition that affects the mandible from tetanus infections Lockjaw affects the fifth cranial nerve (the trigeminal nerve) A lock jawed person temporarily and in some cases, permanently loses the ability to open and/or close his or her mouth. Some cases of lockjaw can cause extreme pain and discomfort. When left untreated, lockjaw can permanently impair the motor functions of a person…


  5. Etiology of Lockjaw Causes of this disease : - Lockjaw is the common name for bacterial disease known as tetanus. (An-aerobic bacteria Clostridium tetani ) indicative of a long period of infection . - There are many possible causes, including : • trauma and various infections and diseases that affect the mouth or jaw area. • Some people can suffer from this disorder simply due to aging . • Bruxism. People who have a habit of grinding their teeth (Because it leads to inflammation of the jaw spasm temporomandibular joints and muscles)

  6. Tetanus microorganism

  7. Symptoms • The important symptoms of lock jaw are given below- • - Pain in the temporo-mandibular joint and in the facial muscles. The pain can radiate to the neck and shoulders. • - Swelling of the mouth and face on the affected side . • - Ringing sound in the ears, pain in the ears • - A clicking, grating or popping sound while trying to move the joint. • - sweating excessive .

  8. Medical diagnosis of tetanus Doctor diagnosed the disease through physical examination, and through the symptoms of muscle contraction and stiffness and pain.

  9. Treatment Antibody Antitoxin Taking vaccination (Human Tetanus Immunoglobin ) antibiotics (such as penicillin & metronidazole) use a respirator device

  10. Methods of prevention • -You can very easily avoid this disease by taking preventive vaccination, because the disease affects people who did not take preventive vaccinations or booster doses over a period of ten years. • - Gives Vxan tetanus vaccination for children within the diphtheria, pertussis (DTP) • As adults, they should take a booster dose of tetanus every ten years, and when you travel, too, must take booster doses. • As if the injury has wound and was the last dose over five years to be taking a booster dose.

  11. video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6tMcetooG8

  12. Reference • Lippincott 2 nd edition • http://www.who.int/immunization_monitoring/diseases/MNTE_initiative/en/index.html • http://www.easterndrugs.com/blog/human-body/lock-jaw-syndrome • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetanus#Cause • http://www.howtogetridofstuff.com/health/how-to-get-rid-of-lockjaw/ • http://www.easterndrugs.com/blog/human-body/lock-jaw-syndrome

  13. Thank you for your attention

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