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Senior Design: Diesel Soot Filter Measurement

Senior Design: Diesel Soot Filter Measurement. Cummins 1 : Tedrick Rollings Jonathan Whitaker Partius Robinson Michael Erhardt. Agenda. 1. Problem Description. 2. Project Outline/Progress Diagram. 3. Industry Solution. 4. Research Project. 5. Conclusion. Problem Description.

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Senior Design: Diesel Soot Filter Measurement

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  1. Senior Design:Diesel Soot Filter Measurement Cummins 1: Tedrick Rollings Jonathan Whitaker Partius Robinson Michael Erhardt

  2. Agenda 1. Problem Description 2. Project Outline/Progress Diagram 3. Industry Solution 4. Research Project 5. Conclusion

  3. Problem Description • We are required to design a sensor or a similar system capable of measuring the amount of soot in a diesel soot filter. The sensor has to be able to operate with a soot filter with the following specifications: • 8 mm wall thickness • 200 cells per unit inch • manufactured with cordierite • Accuracy = +/- 0.5 g of soot per liter of filter.

  4. Project Outline • Industry Solutions • Horiba-Engine Measurements • Correspondence • Executive Summary + Proposal Report • Argonne National Laboratory • Correspondence • Executive Summary + Proposal Report • NGK Insulators • Correspondence • Executive Summary + Proposal Report • Research Proposal/Solution • Filter Heat-Soot Correlation Method • Overall Concept • Thermodynamic Modeling • Test Setup • Desired Results • Advanced Temperature Measurement Research

  5. Progression Diagram Phase 2 Phase 1 Phase 3 • Long term project research • Thermodynamic formulization • Segmented filter calculations • Industry interaction • and research • Combination of the two ideals • Finalization of project • Short term project research • Collection of ideas

  6. Industry Solutions Cummins Diesel Engine Measurement Project Horiba Engine Measurements Argonne National Labs NGK Insulators

  7. Horiba -Engine Measurements Vaporization and oxidation/deoxidation technique • Filter is placed analyzer's furnace and heated in N2 gas flow. • SOF and sulfate vaporized by heat in N2 atmosphere • Vaporized sulfate is deoxidized to SO2 by heat, measured by SO2 detector. • Organic components oxidized by O2 , measured as CO2 by NDIR detector. • Output of CO2 detector is integrated while O2 is flowing to determine soot mass.

  8. Horiba -Engine Measurements Mexa-1370 PM Measures soot, sulfate, and total particulate matter in diluted engine exhaust gas • Complications • Multiple Part Analysis • Size Issues (2.3 x 1.8 x 2.7 ft) • 4 Minute Analysis 1370 Analyzer and Data Processor

  9. Argonne National Laboratory Real-Time Portable Exhaust Analyzer • Laser-Induced Incandescence • Can measure • Mean size of the particles • Number of particles per cubic centimeter • Correlate Exhaust Particle Size/Number and Filter Fullness

  10. Argonne – Trans. Tech R&D • Thermophoretic sampling to study diesel PM. • High-Res transmission electron microscope (TEM) • Data recording • Analysis. • Better understand PM • Density • Weight • Specific heat capacity TEM Clip of Diesel Particulate Matter

  11. NGK Insulators, Ltd • Pressure Drop of • Segmented Diesel • Particulate Filter • Uses the flow resistance of a segmented Diesel particulate filter.

  12. Segmented Filter Given identical monolithic and segmented filters: • Segmented: • Holds lower filtration wall area • Reduces the filter open frontal area • Resulting in: • Higher flow resistance • Increase in the filter pressure drop • 15% Reduction in Filtration Area = 400 Pa Pressure Drop

  13. Research Project/Proposal Cummins Cummins Cummins Filter Heat-Soot Correlation Method Cummins Cummins

  14. Exhaust Vehicle Stack Ammeter (Measures Current) Wiring Cordierite Filter Constant Applied Voltage Power Supply (Supplies Voltage) Particulates (Soot) Conceptual Designs • Concept #1: Force Measuring System • Idea #2: Continuous Dilution Method • Idea #3: Temperature Monitoring • Idea #4: Particulate Measurement through Electrical Current Analysis • Idea #5: Incandescence Soot Measurement

  15. FACTORS (1 - 5) Production Idea Mass Specific Cost Time Complexity Production Factors Concept # TOTAL 1 3 4 3 4 3 17 2 1 2 3 4 2 12 3 5 4 5 4 3 21 4 3 3 4 3 4 17 5 1 3 2 3 4 13 Decision Matrix • Decision Matrix • Factor quantifying system: • 1 – Very Poor 2 – Poor 3 – Average 4 – Good 5 – Excellent • Largest Total: Most reasonable idea • “Filter Heat-Soot Correlation Method” was selected to be the most possible idea using the decision matrix.

  16. Filter Heat-Soot Correlation Method • Thermodynamic Background • Thermal Exchanger System • Thermal Conductivity • Thermodynamic Project Application • Specific Heat Capacity • ***Special Thanks to Dr. Chiang Shih and Dr. Juan Ordonez

  17. Thermodynamic Model • Simplified gradual representation of diesel particulate filter system

  18. Experimental Research Setup • Preliminary Experiment • Specific Heat Capacity of Diesel Soot • Specific Heat Capacity of Diesel Particulate Filter • Main Experiment • Simulated Exhaust System

  19. Experimental Research Procedure • Assemble Test Equipment • Assemble Temperature Monitoring Equipment • Prepare Mass Measurement Equipment • Phase I Experimental Procedure • Phase II Experimental Procedure

  20. Simulated Data Results

  21. Challenges Faced • Extraneous Factors • Pressure • Geometry • Altered Density • Non-Constant Mass • Long Term Temperature Measurement • K-Thermocouple Failure

  22. Long Term Solution:Temperature Measuring Devices • Type K thermocouples • Composed of a positive Chromel wire and a negative Alumel wire. • Most popular thermocouple • Wide measurement range • Good temp. precision.

  23. Long Term Temp. Cont.Stabilized Type K Thermocouples • Controls drift for more stabilized temperature readings for extended periods of time. • Can survive temperature readings of -145 to 2500°F. • Not just heat treated, but reinforced by heat resistance material that locks in the heat calibration. Type K Wire Thermocouple

  24. Initial Calculation Difficulty Initial Sponsor Discontent Temp. Measuring Device Lack of Industry Response Problems Encountered & Solutions • Revised Plan • of Action • New Division • of Labor • More “realistic” goal • setting • Persistence • More Persistence • Research • and discovery • of Type K • Thermocouples • In-Depth • Research • Collaboration

  25. Conclusion • Cummins and other industry leaders aremaking progress towards a viable solution 2. The research project/proposal is a viable solution to the problem at hand. 3. Goals were achieved…

  26. Questions? Jonathan Whitaker Michael Erhardt Cummins Patrius Robinson Tedrick Rollings

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