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General Introduction of Result-based Planning.

General Introduction of Result-based Planning. Dilip Kumar Chapagain. glthfd"lv of]hgf s] xf] <. @=!=! glthfd"ns Joj:yfkg (Result-based Management)

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General Introduction of Result-based Planning.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. General Introduction of Result-basedPlanning. • Dilip Kumar Chapagain

  2. glthfd"lv of]hgf s] xf] < • @=!=! glthfd"ns Joj:yfkg (Result-based Management) • glthfd"ns Joj:yfkgn] k|ltkmn / pknlAwnfO{ nufgL / lqmofsnfk;Fu cfa4 u/L nufgLsf] k|efjsfl/tf clej[l4 ug{ hf]8 lbG5 . ljsf; glthfsf nflu Joj:yfkg (Managing for Development Results-MfDR)glthfd"ns Joj:yfkgsf] Pp6f dxTjk"0f{ /0fgLlt xf] . o;n] ljsf; glthfnfO{ s]Gb|laGb'df /fvL /0fgLlts of]hgf, hf]lvd Joj:yfkg tyf pknlAwsf] dfkg u5{ / Joj:yfksLo lg0f{o k|lqmofnfO{ j:t'ut / ;an agfpg ;xof]u k'¥ofpF5 . • ljsf; glthfsf nflu Joj:yfkg b]zsf] cfGtl/s Ifdtf ;'b[9 ug]{, j}b]lzs ;xof]usf] ;fGble{stf / k|efjsfl/tfdf clej[l4 ug]{ / ljZjJofkL ;DaGwdf ;'wf/ Nofpg] u/L # cf]6f Jofks If]qdf k|of]u x'Fb} cfPsf] 5 .

  3. o;sf d"ne"t l;4fGtx¿ lgDgfg';f/ 5g\– • ljsf; k|lqmofsf ;a} r/0fx¿df glthf ;'lglZrt ug]{ . • glthf;Fu sfo{qmd th{'df / cg'udg tyf d"NofÍg cfa4 ug]{ • glthf dfkgsf nflu ;/n lsl;dsf ;"rs / kmf/fdx¿sf] k|of]u ug]{ . • glthf k|fKt ug]{ u/L cfjZos nufgL / lqmofsnfksf] th'{df ug]{ . • k|fKt glthfaf6 lzIff lnO{ cfjZos lg0f{o lng]] .

  4. Result based Planning (RBP) uses public need and desired results as the foundation of Planning.

  5. Results-based systems help answer the following questions: • What are the goals of the organization? • Are they being achieved? • How can achievement be proven

  6. M0nitoring Vs. Planning

  7. Nflhsn k|m]djs{ • Nflhsnk|m]djs{ sfo{qmdtyfcfof]hgfth'{dftyfJoj:yfkgsf] Pp6f dxTjk"0f{ cf}hf/ xf] . o;n] cfof]hgfsfnIo, p2]Zo, k|ltkmn, lqmofsnfk, nufgLcflbsfaf/]df qmda4 / ts{k"0f{ ¿kdf ;f]Rg / ljZn]if0f ug{ ;3fp k'¥ofpF5 . cfof]hgfsf] ;kmnsfof{Gjogsf ;t{ (assumption) / hf]lvdx¿ klxrfg u5{ . o;sf] d2taf6 cfof]hgfth'{df r/0fdf k|fKtug{ vf]h]sf] nIo / ;f]sf] dfkgug]{ tl/sf ;'?d} klxNofpg ;lsG5 . nlhsn k|]mdjs{ ;fdfGotof %X%sf] Dofl6«S; (Matrix) 9fFrfdf cfwfl/t x'G5 . • nlhsn k|]mdjs{nfO{ cfof]hgfsfof{Gjogsfqmddfk|efjsf/L cg'udgtyfd"NofÍgnfO{ ;'lglZrtug]{ cfof]hgfth'{dfcf}hf/ (Planning tool)sf ¿kdf :jLsf/ ul/Psf] 5 . ;a} gof+ cfof]hgfsf] cfo]fhgf k|:tfjx¿dfnlhsn k|]mdjs{ tof/ u/L ;+nUgug'{kg]{ gLltutJoj:yfePcg'¿ksfo{qmdcfof]hgfth{'dfubf{ o;sf] k|of]u ug{'k5{ . Nlhsnk|m]djs{ ;DaGwL ;+lIfKtljj/0f cg';"rL @ df 5 .

  8. Logical Framework -j:t'ut vfsf_ • Logical Framework -j:t'ut vfsf_

  9. Logical Framework -j:t'ut vfsf_ cntd..

  10. Elements of RB Planning • Present Status(Baseline Data) • Expected Results (Output, Outcome)

  11. g]kfnsf] lqalif{o of]hgfsf] pbfx/0f-Result Based Planning) kl/df0ffTds nIo • b]zsf] cfly{s, ;fdflhs tyf k"jf{wf/ ljsf; ;DaGwL k|d'v ;"rsx?sf] kl/df0ffTds nIo tflnsf -@=!_ adf]lhdx'g] cg'dfg ul/Psf] 5 .

  12. tflnsf @=! kl/df0ffTdsnIo at{dfg # aif{sf] cj:yf nIo • cfly{s j[l4b/ -k|ltztdf_ -jflif{s cf};t j[l4b/_ $=% %=% • s[lif If]qsf] j[l4b/ -k|ltztdf_ -jflif{s cf};t j[l4b/ #=@ #=( • u}/s[lif If]qsf] j[l4b/-k|ltztdf_ -jflif{s cf};t j[l4b/_ %=! ^=$ • u/LaLsf] /]vfd'lg /x]sf] hg;+Vof -k|ltztdf_ @%=$ @! • s"nk|hgg b/ -!%–$( jif{sf] dlxnf_ -k|ltztdf_ @=( @=&% • jfn d[To'b/ -k|ltxhf/ hLljthGddf_ %% $& • vfg]kfgL ;]jfk'u]sf] hg;+Vof -k|ltztdf_ *) *% • k|fylds txdf v'b egf{b/ -k|ltztdf_ (#=&(* • l;+rfO -x]S6/_ !@%@$&^ !$)@%&^ • agh+unn] 9fs]sf] If]q -k|ltztdf_ #(=^ $) • ;8softfoftsf] s"nnDjfO -ls= dL=_!((^* @!$ • ;8softfofthf]l8Psf] lhNnf ;b/d'sfd -;+Vof_ &! &%

  13. ;"rsx? • s'g} klg cj:yfnfO{ ;+VofTds tyf JofVofTds ¿kdf ;/n tl/sfaf6 dfkg ug]{ cfwf/ ;"rs xf] . ;"rssf] cfwf/df sfo{qmd tyf cfof]hgfx¿df ePsf] nufgL / lqmofsnfkn] Nofpg] kl/jt{gsf] dfkg ug{ tyf To;sf cfwf/df cg'udg tyf d"NofÍg ug{ ;lsG5 . glthfd"ns cg'udg tyf d"NofÍgsf nflu ;"rsx¿sf] lgwf{/0f / o;sf] dfkg ug{' cfjZos x'G5 . • gLlt, of]hgf, sfo{qmd tyf cfof]hgfx¿sf] Jojl:yt cg'udgsf nflu p2]Zo;Fu d]n vfg], lgikIf, :jtGq, ;/n . :ki6, dfkg ug{ ;lsg], k"/f ug{ ;lsg], e/kbf]{, ;do cjlw lsl6Psf tyf n]vfhf]vf / t'ngf ug{ ;lsg] vfnsf Jofjxfl/s / k|ltlglwd"ns sfo{;Dkfbg ;"rsx¿sf] ljsf; u/L k|of]udf Nofpg'k5{ . • u'0f:t/Lo ;"rsx¿ lgdf{0f ug{] ljleGg tl/sfx¿ 5g\ . ;"rsx? SMART x'g' cfjZos 5 . • S = Specific M= Measurable • A=Achievable R=Reliable • T=Time bound

  14. ;"rsx? (Indicators) • clGtd tx -k|efj tyf c;/_ • cGtl/d tx -nufgL, k|lqmof / pknJwL_ • sfo{ ;Dkfbg tx

  15. clGtd ;"rs -k|efj tyf c;/_ k"jf{wf/ If]q - ^ ;"rsx¿_

  16. clGtd ;"rs -k|efj tyf c;/_ ;fdflhs If]q -## ;"rsx?_

  17. cGtl/d txsf ;"rsx? -nufgL, k|lqmof / pknJwL_ k"jf{wf/

  18. :yfgLo ljsf; . zflGt tyf k"gM ;+/rgf

  19. sfo{;+kfbg txsf ;"rsx? <<< wGoafb!

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