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Doing Child Welfare Differently … LAC experiences in 3 cultural and organizational contexts.

Doing Child Welfare Differently … LAC experiences in 3 cultural and organizational contexts. Umeå University Evelyn Khoo, MSW PhD. ‘The Travelling Idea of LAC’ (Nygren). Aims : 3 key functions of LAC – BBIC Implementation in 3 contexts Opinions

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Doing Child Welfare Differently … LAC experiences in 3 cultural and organizational contexts.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Doing Child Welfare Differently… LAC experiences in 3 cultural and organizational contexts. Umeå University Evelyn Khoo, MSW PhD

  2. ‘The Travelling Idea of LAC’(Nygren)

  3. Aims: 3 key functions of LAC – BBIC Implementation in 3 contexts Opinions Because: Context matters to the 5 Ws and How The Research Project: Looking After Children in Need SWEDISH COUNCIL FOR WORKING LIFE AND SOCIAL RESEARCH

  4. The Research Project: Looking After Children in Need OACAS Local Sites People

  5. Collecting the Data SURVEYS 59 170 165 FOCUS GROUPS Managers Social Workers Key Informant Interviews DOCUMENTS - AAR, Training etc.

  6. Oh, really?? Not quite… Everybody Loves LAC

  7. Mostly positive about LAC’s strengths Important for ‘Best Practices’ Helps decision-making Strengthens accountability Time is the greatest barrier The Enthusiasts

  8. Children in a series of short-term placements often miss out on the fundamentals, particularly in regard to peer relationships, self image etc. It improves work with children and families. I wish that DCS would use this tool as I despair over some of the casework they do without LAC guidelines. I feel it is a good monitoring tool for child in care. Yet, it could be made more inclusive to their voices. Barnardos

  9. SwedenCautious Optimists • Generally positive but wider range of opinions • Buy into BBIC’s unique care philosophy • Conceptual Map is key • Child is in focus • Time, Budgets & Organizational Limits

  10. BBIC is a great way to carry out [work. It gives] structure and put the child in focus. But, it is incredibly time consuming. So, follow-up can be delayed and there a risk that too much work is put on administration. It is important to discuss the values behind the concept and come to an agreement on what is most important about BBIC – filling in all the forms correctly or learning to use the ideas behind the triangle or ideas in the forms. It’s easy to get hung up on discussions about all the forms. You have to keep your head out of that if you don’t want to drown and instead discuss and decide on which bits are most important and take one piece at a time. The child is the focus. BBIC Kommuns

  11. Mostly positive but not wildly enthusiastic More varied opinions AAR focused An exercise in form-filling Time and Organization are limits CAS Fans and Critics

  12. Looking After Children is child focused. This is great! LAC challenges the fiscal policy of agencies - this is good. LAC is time consuming - this too is good for kids… Workers need policy changes to ensure they have the monies and time or the process will become frustrating for staff. Please ask the children and youth how they feel about this. They feel forced and abnormal (different from their peers in the home). This LAC was to respond to policy and research, not to the interests or needs of children. CAS

  13. Context has influencedthe purpose, meaning and legitimacy of LAC. Context has channelled LAC efforts in specific directions. Translating LAC impacts practice. Why the similarities & differences?

  14. Improves parenting standards and practices Guiding practice & decision-making Makes us responsible parents What LAC does well

  15. Limiting professional discretion Form-filling Resources Time Money Skills Problems still…

  16. Key People Matter Leaders, ‘fire keepers’, users Training and Support are essential Initial and ongoing Integration follows implementation Strategies needed Lessons Learned

  17. Khawp khun Cám ón Salamot Gracias Giitus Merci! Thank you! Tack! Danke Kiitos Arigato Ngiyabonga

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