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REGIONAL CAPACITIES, OPPORTUNITIES, GAPS AND NEEDS. South American, RAIII Mr Héctor Sosa Chairman on DPM WG. Disaster, Prevention and Mitigation Programme Coordination Meeting of WMO Programmes and Constituent Bodies Geneva, 4-6 December 2006. Agenda. Impacts of hazards

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  1. REGIONAL CAPACITIES, OPPORTUNITIES, GAPS AND NEEDS South American, RAIII Mr Héctor Sosa Chairman on DPM WG Disaster, Prevention and Mitigation Programme Coordination Meeting of WMO Programmes and Constituent Bodies Geneva, 4-6 December 2006

  2. Agenda • Impacts of hazards • Preliminary results of the WMO country-level DPM survey • Preliminary results of the WMO regional-level DPM survey • Opportunities and recent initiatives for implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), and key partners • Regional activities and capacities available through WMO network (RSMCs and RTCs)

  3. Impacts of hazards in South America

  4. Number of Disasters (1980-2005) Source: EM-DAT: The OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database - www.em-dat.net - Université Catholique de Louvain - Brussels - Belgiumc More than 80% of disasters are related to hydro-meteorological factors.

  5. Loss of Human Life (1980-2005) Source: EM-DAT: The OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database - www.em-dat.net - Université Catholique de Louvain - Brussels - Belgium 30% of loss of life are related to hydro-meteorological factors

  6. Economic Losses (1980-2005) Source: EM-DAT: The OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database - www.em-dat.net - Université Catholique de Louvain - Brussels - Belgium 75% of economic losses are related to hydro-meteorological factors

  7. Preliminary results of the WMO country-level DPM surveyin RA III (South America)

  8. Responses to the WMO Country-Level DPM Survey in South America 10 out of 12 Members responded

  9. Ranking of the hazards from the country-level survey HIGH IMPACTS LOW IMPACTS

  10. Number of countries keeping data archives HIGH IMPACT LOW IMPACT River flooding Strong winds Flash flood Thunderstorm or lightning Drought Forest or wild land fire Hailstorm Earthquakes Landslide or mudslide Hazards to aviation Dense fog Coastal flooding Cold wave Tornado Volcanic events Heavy snow Avalanche Heat wave Tropical cyclone Tsunami Smoke, Dust or Haze Storm surge Waterborne hazards Marine hazards Freezing rain Airborne substances Sandstorm Desert locust swarm • Very few countries maintain impact databases • Need for strengthening National Meteorological and Hydrological Services' capacities for hazard data archiving

  11. Number of countries issuing warnings HIGH IMPACT LOW IMPACT River flooding Strong winds Flash flood Thunderstorm or lightning Drought Forest or wild land fire Hailstorm Earthquakes Landslide or mudslide Hazards to aviation Dense fog Coastal flooding Cold wave Tornado Volcanic events Heavy snow Avalanche Heat wave Tropical cyclone Tsunami Smoke, Dust or Haze Storm surge Waterborne hazards Marine hazards Freezing rain Airborne substances Sandstorm Desert locust swarm Warnings could be significantly enhanced through strengthening of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services' capacities

  12. Current Contributions of NMHSs to key sectors relevant to Disaster Risk Management The contributions could be significantly enhanced through strengthening of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services' capacities

  13. Preliminary results of the WMO regional-level DPM survey in RA III (South America)

  14. Regional-level DPM survey is being implemented by RA Working Group on DPM to address issues related to: i) Providing information on initiatives through various economic groupings and agencies to develop regional strategic plans for implementing the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) ii) Strengthening regional capacity’s in disaster risk management iii) Identification and prioritization of hazards that pose the greatest risk resulting in a need for cross boundary / sub-regional / regional collaboration and cooperation iv) Understanding the current capacities and activities in the region in support of disaster risk management, and how these regional capacities and activities support these focus areas, including the projects underway through the working groups of the Regional Association v) Identification of gaps and needs and cross-boundary challenges for enhancing capacities in support of disaster risk management vi) Regional priorities with respect to addressing these gaps and needs vii) Identification of existing and potential future partnerships and concrete project areas of the regional association with other agencies involved in disaster risk reduction. viii) Prioritization of activities / projects in support of Members capacities in disaster risk management in your Regional Association.

  15. Strengthening of capacities for provision of operational hazard early detection and warnings • Monitoring, Prediction and Warnings Integrated System of Severe Meteorological Events in the South-southeast Region of South America (Virtual centre). • Climatic Perspective Forums. • CIIFEM activities. • Others

  16. Monitoring, Prediction and Warnings Integrated System of Severe Meteorological Events in the SSE RAIII (Virtual centre).

  17. Objectives • To coordinate Monitoring, Predition and early warning Net between NMHSs in the Southest part of RAIII. • To stablish a Intranet Network between the participants. • To promove national level coordinations between other institutions and their National Emergency Management Authority. • To training forecasters and/or coorddinate operationals activities 24x7.

  18. Surface monitoring in real time

  19. Meteorological Information Process Global Model Information ~ 7/14 days Regional Model ~2/5 days, satellite images and other products Global and Regional Centre Warnings Local Models, radars ~ 1 day to 3 hours Feedback in each step RSMC Warnings to NMC National Centre makes National Broadcast

  20. NMCs Geo RSMC GMC & others Chile Brasilia ECMWF Paraguay Buenos Aires INPE/CPTEC Peru Offenbach Uruguay NCEP Posiblily Meteorological Centres involved

  21. VIRTUAL CENTRE All conected by Intranet. Forecasters working at each NMC Initial training: Spanish NMI INMET – RSMC Brasilia INPE/CPTEC - C. Paulista DHN SIMEPAR - Curitiba CLIMERH - Florianopolis Paraguay – NMC Asuncion Uruguay – NMC Montevideo Argentina – RSMC Buenos Aires

  22. NorthAfrica Southeastern Asia WestAfrica Caribbean Greater Horn of Africa Pacific West Coast of South America Southern Africa Southeastern South America Climatic Perspective Forum Tomado de L. Malone. OMM. Presentación en VI FPC COAS

  23. CIIFEN Since 2003, works in Guayaquil (Ecuador) as an International Organization (UN Resolution relatives to ENSO and Natural Disaster Reduction on the Region) MISSION Promote, complement and research scientific and applicative projects to improve the knowledge and early warning of ENSO and climate variability at regional scale, to contribute at the socio - economic impact reductions and generate essential bases for sustainable development politics

  24. DIB Project – Regional Public Property (RG-T1209) Climate information to agriculture risk management in the Andinian countries Approved : 19 October 2006 Begin on Dec 2006. 785.000 USD No reimbursed

  25. Components: • Information and data processing • climate System • Broadcast information System • Institutional strengthening

  26. INTERNATIONAL CHARTER SPACE AND MAJOR DISASTER • In promoting cooperation between space agencies and space system operators in the use of space facilities as a contribution to the management of crises arising from natural or technological disasters, the Charter seeks to pursue the following objectives: - supply during periods of crisis, to States or communities whose population, activities or property are exposed to an imminent risk, or are already victims, of natural or technological disasters, data providing a basis for critical information for the anticipation and management of potential crises; - participation, by means of this data and of the information and services resulting from the exploitation of space facilities, in the organization of emergency assistance or reconstruction and subsequent operations.

  27. INTERNATIONAL CHARTER SPACE AND MAJOR DISASTER in RAIII • CONAE (Argentina Space Agency) in agreement with other institutions provides: • Strengthening of capacities for provision of satellite information in RAIII during the emergency. - Strengthening of education and Joint training programme between NMHSs staff, risk managers, emergency response operators and media. (GULICH Institute)

  28. Potential Partner Agencies Involved in Disaster Risk Management • IDB • CPPS • CIIFEN • Red Cross • CEPAL • ISDR • UNDP • CAN CAPRADE

  29. Limiting factors of NMHSs in their contribution to disaster risk management

  30. Areas in which WMO's global and regional efforts could enhance NMHSs' contribution to disaster risk management

  31. Thanks!

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