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This Document will helps you to learn how to migrate a wordpress site to a new server with the help of Duplicator? But If you need any assistant you can call toll free: 1- 800-514-2544 (US & Canada) and Visit:https://www.growyourbrand.com/ for 24/7 instant chat support.

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  1. HOW TO MIGRATE A WORDPRESS SITE BY USING DUPLICATOR? This article helps you to understand how to move a wordpress site to a new server? This article consists of following topics: Why I need so? How can do it myself without impacting websites? Difficulty level [Easy, Medium, Hard]. Total time consumed. Why i need to do so? If you’ve been hit with multiple spam recovery is a long and difficult in your site. If you didn’t have that much traffic to begin with, you might just want to start from scratch. Often, in a new business, you discover that you need to completely change your direction. Sometimes, you’ll want to start over with a new name and a new site. Then you easily move a wordpress site in a new server. How can i do it myself without impacting website? To move a wordpress site to new server follow the steps:

  2. Create Backup of your website login into wp-admin Step1: Put your Username Step2: Put your Password Step3: Click Login

  3. Now you can see your Dashboard look like: 3: Install the plugin Duplicator Step1:Go to sidebar menu and click on Plugins Step2: Click on add new

  4. Step3: Go to search box and type duplicator Step4: Click on Install Now Step5: Activate plugin by click on Activate You can see Duplicator plugin add in the sidebar menu.

  5. 4: Create Backup of website/Build a Package Step1: Go to sidebar and click on Duplicator Step2: Click on create new Step3: In a 1-Setup of your package, Name of your package already given. Step4: Click on Next

  6. Step5: After set up Scan the package Step6: After complete scanning click on Build Step7:After Building package there are two files genrate: 1: archive of your site (as a .ZIP file) 2: installer file (as a .PHP file). Download both files by click on Installer and Archive, Which is saved in a download folder in your local machine.

  7. Upload on server 1:Log in your cPpanal Step1: type your user name Step2: Type your Password Step3: Click on Log in 2: Create New Database Step1:Go to DATABASE Section and click on MySQL Database

  8. Step2: write Database Name(my_db1) Step3: Click on Create Database Then get a message (added the database).Click on Go Back. 3:Add New User: Step1: Write Username(anju) Step2: Type Password Step3: Retype Password Step4: Click on Create User

  9. Now you get a message(Successfully created a MySQL user).Click on Go Back. 4:Add User to Database Step1: Select user by drop-down menu Step2: Select database by drop-down menu Step3: Click on Add.

  10. 5:After that Manage User Privileges Step1: Check the box All Privileges Step2: Click on Make Changes You get a message(requested privileges on the database).Click on Go Back

  11. Now you can see your database and user crate successfully. 6:Upload Files Step1: Go to files in cPanal Step2: Click on File Manager

  12. Step3: Click on public_html Step4: Click on upload Step5: Select files to upload from your computer one by one. Its take a time in uploading depend on size.

  13. Refresh cPanal and see both files here.

  14. Now your website becomes live. Open your browser and paste the url of your site. Difficulty Level {Easy, Medium, High} High Total Time Consumed 1 Hour Related Plugins or WorkAround Duplicator

  15. If Your Need Any Assistant You can directly call toll free: +1- 800-514-2544 (US & Canada) Instant Chat Support. Visit: https://www.growyourbrand.com/

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