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Gifted Education Information Night

Gifted Education Information Night. Nathan Hale August 20, 2012 Mrs. Rochelle L. Doty. No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings—Ralph Waldo Emerson What we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of the child– George Bernard Shaw.

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Gifted Education Information Night

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  1. Gifted Education Information Night Nathan Hale August 20, 2012 Mrs. Rochelle L. Doty

  2. No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings—Ralph Waldo EmersonWhat we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of the child– George Bernard Shaw Rochelle Doty, Gifted Education Resource Teacher

  3. Communication • Phone: Michael Collins: 847-357-6100 ext. 2102 Nathan Hale 847-357-6200 ext. 2102 • E-mail: RochelleDoty@sd54.org • Mrs. Doty’s Blog Collins@sd54.org/rdoty Hale@sd54.org/rdoty Rochelle Doty, Gifted Education Resource Teacher

  4. Communication…continued • Gifted Resource Observation Report • (each trimester) • Newsletter • Sent home at the end of each trimester with gifted resource observation. • A copy of the newsletter will be on my blog, too. • Conferences (please sign up tonight) • Getting to Know Your Child Rochelle Doty, Gifted Education Resource Teacher

  5. Gifted Resource Observation Report Rochelle Doty, Gifted Education Resource Teacher

  6. 16 Habits of Mind • Persisting • Managing Impulsivity • Listening with understanding and empathy • Thinking flexibly • Thinking about thinking • Striving for accuracy • Questioning and posing problems • Applying past knowledge to new situations • Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision • Gathering data through all senses • Creating, imagining, innovating • Responding with wonderment and awe • Taking responsible risks • Thinking interdependently • Remaining open to continuous learning Rochelle Doty, Gifted Education Resource Teacher

  7. Fast Facts (2) Junior Great Books (2-4) Analogies (2-6) Caesar's English (5-6) Red Hot Roots (2-6) Greek and Latin prefixes and roots Debate (2-6) Invention (2-6) Look Out Letters (3/4) READ/SCOPE Magazine (5/6) The Odyssey (5/6) Shakespeare (5/6) Weighty Words (5/6) ISAT Preparation Math: EMR Reading: ERR Writing Literacy Curriculum Rochelle Doty, Gifted Education Resource Teacher

  8. Science and Math Curriculum Science Math Math Olympiad Additional problems on my blog October-March 5 contests • Push in to science classrooms to engage students in an inquiry, problem based task • 1st trimester: 3rd and 4th • 2nd trimester: 5th and 6th • 3rd trimester: 1st and 2nd Rochelle Doty, Gifted Education Resource Teacher

  9. Gifted Services in District #54 • Building Based Services for Grades 2-6 • Criteria: Fall MAP-- Minimum of 95% (national percentile) on math and reading (Initial screening for 2nd -5th grade) • The GERT will provide support for high achieving first and second graders in the areas of math and reading. • Permission to test form will be sent via U. S. mail to the parents of eligible students. • Cognitive Ability Test: Verbal and Non-Verbal—must score a minimum of 120 in one area and 126 in the other area to qualify. • Magnet 3-6 grade • Criteria: Fall MAP-- Minimum of 98% (national percentile) on math and reading. • Cognitive Ability administered by GERT; minimum of 130 in both verbal and non-verbal. • WISC-IV administered by school psychologist; minimum of 133 verbal and 134 non-verbal • Students may only test every other year. • Discovery • Criteria: Fall MAP—Minimum of 95% (national percentile) or above on reading only. • Students currently identified as gifted are automatically eligible for testing. • Invitation sent via U. S. mail • Cognitive Ability Test: Verbal and Non-Verbal—must score a minimum of 127 on the verbal or non-verbal to qualify. • Students who do not meet that criteria are rank ordered for next placement if openings. Rochelle Doty, Gifted Education Resource Teacher

  10. Service Needs Action Plan:S. N. A. P. Students are asked to create a SNAP service learning project. They may work independently or in groups of 2-3 students. Possible ideas: recycling of a product, raising money for a charity, collecting clothes or canned goods for an organization. Rochelle Doty, Gifted Education Resource Teacher

  11. Additional information • Gifted schedules may change each trimester due to pushing into science lessons. • IAGC Conference-18th Annual Meeting at the Marriot in Naperville, IL • Illinois Association for Gifted Children • February 10-12, 2013 • Sunday Afternoon—presenter for parents  • Run to Read – Sunday, September 23, 2012 Dirksen School Rochelle Doty, Gifted Education Resource Teacher

  12. Questions and Answers Rochelle Doty, Gifted Education Resource Teacher

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