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Review of C++ Syntax

Review of C++ Syntax. C++: Separate Files. Header files Filenames end with .h Used to store declarations of functions, variables, classes. Source files Store C++ source code. Include header with #include statement. C++: Comments. Single line: // My comment goes here Multi line: /*

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Review of C++ Syntax

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  1. Review of C++ Syntax

  2. C++: Separate Files • Header files • Filenames end with .h • Used to store declarations of functions, variables, classes. • Source files • Store C++ source code. • Include header with #include statement

  3. C++: Comments • Single line: // My comment goes here • Multi line: /* My first comment line Another comment line Yet another comment line */

  4. C++: Data Types • Primitive data types: • char • int • float • double • Modifiers: • Amount of data held: short, long • Use of sign bit: signed, unsigned • User-defined: Build on top of primitive and other user-defined types

  5. C++: Collections of Types • array: • Homogeneous collection of indexed data • struct: • Heterogeneous collection of named data • Public data items by default • class: • Heterogeneous collection of named data • Operations on that data • Private data items by default

  6. C++: Data Declarations • Constants • Literals and fixed values – 5, ‘a’, 4.331 • Variables • Instance of a type • Location in memory whose contents can change during program execution • Constant variable • Variable whose contents are fixed • const keyword

  7. C++: Data Declarations • Enumerated Types: • Assigned names to integer constants • Pointers: • Hold memory address of a variable • De-referenced to access the actual data • *variableName • References: • Provide an alternate name for an object • Used in calling functions • &variableName

  8. C++: Scope • File Scope: • Any declarations not within a block or class. • Global variables that can be used anywhere in file. • Local Scope: • Declared within a block • Holds within a block and any subblocks nested within that block • Class Scope: • Declarations within a class are associated with that class

  9. C++: Scope • Less common scope usage: • Scope operator, ::, allows access to global variable if within a block that contains a local variable of the same name • extern avoids re-declaration of global variable across multiple files • allows you to use variable defined elsewhere • static allows re-declaration of global variables in multiple files

  10. C++: Standard I/O • #include <iostream> • Writing to screen: • cout << variable << “string literal” << endl; • Reading from keyboard: • cin >> variable;

  11. C++: File I/O • #include <fstream> • Use same << and >> operators as with cin and cout • Output Streams: • ofstream fileVariableName(“filename”, ios::out); • If, after declaring the file, fileVariableName equals 0, the file couldn’t be opened • To write, replace cout with the fileVariableName you have chosen (in this case, outFile) • outFile << “Hello World” << endl;

  12. C++: File I/O • Input Streams: • ifstream fileVariableName(“filename”, ios::in); • fileVariableName set to 0 if couldn’t be opened • inFile >> VariableName To Read From File;

  13. C++: Functions • Every function has four parts: • Function name • Parameter list (function inputs) – parameter types and names • Return type (function outputs) • Body, enclosed by curly brackets • An example: double square(double inputValue) { double squareValue = inputValue * inputValue; return squareValue; }

  14. C++: Functions • Every function must end with a return statement if the return type is not void • Function names can be overloaded as long as they have different signatures (parameter lists).

  15. C++: Parameter Passing • Pass by value • Example: double square (double value) • Default mechanism • Make a copy of the argument • Doesn’t change argument when function returns • Pass by reference: • Example: double square(double & value) • Copies address of argument into function • Manipulates underlying data • Default for arrays

  16. C++: Parameter Passing • Why pass by reference? • Faster than pass by value for large objects • Allows you to return more than one thing from a function

  17. C++: Parameter Passing • Best option: constant pass by reference • Example: double square(const double & value) • Uses reference passing for speed • Compiler prevents modification to argument within function body

  18. C++: Dynamic Allocation • Use the new keyword to allocate a new object from free memory. • Creates an object of desired type and returns a pointer to it. • int* myInteger = new int; • int* myIntegerArray = new int[10]; • Returns 0 if unable to allocate memory • Use the delete keyword to free the memory being used by an object. • delete myInteger; • delete [] myIntegerArray;

  19. Review of Classes and OOP

  20. OOP: Classes and Objects • Automobiles: • Lots of different types: • 2002 Toyota Tacoma, Automatic, 4 Passengers • 1995 Chevrolet Camaro, Manual, 4 Passengers • 2001 Volkswagen Jetta, Automatic, 4 Passengers • 2004 Honda Accord, Automatic, 4 Passengers • 1973 Ford Mustang, Manual, 2 Passengers

  21. C++: Classes • Prototype Automobile: • Year • Make • Model • TransmissionType • Passenger Capacity

  22. C++: Classes • Prototype automobile: Class • Designates defining features and functions • Lots of different instances/instantiations of automobiles: Objects • Actual realization of class prototype

  23. C++: Classes • What if there are features that belong to some instances of a class, but not all? • Trucks: • Bed length • Trucks are a specialization: They are all automobiles, but not all automobiles are trucks.

  24. C++: Inheritance Year Make Model TransmissionType PassengerCapacity Automobile IS-A Truck BedLength

  25. C++: Inheritance Vehicle IS-A IS-A IS-A Plane Boat Automobile IS-A Truck

  26. OOP: Data Types • Data Type: • Collection of objects • Set of operations that act on those objects • Integers: • Objects: {MININT,…,-1,0,1,…,MAXINT} • Operations: +, -, *, /, and many more • Other operations are not defined for integers: substring?

  27. OOP: Basic Definitions • Object: • Maintains local state • Performs computations • Object Oriented Programming: • Objects are the fundamental building blocks of implementation • Each object is an instance of some class • Classes are related to each other by inheritance

  28. OOP: Classes • Classes provide: • abstraction • encapsulation • Four components: • Class Name • Data Members • Member Functions • Access Levels – Apply to data members and member functions

  29. OOP: Class Example Rectangle.h #ifndef RECTANGLE_H #define RECTANGLE_H Class Rectangle { public: Rectangle(); // constructor ~Rectangle(); // destructor int getHeight(); // return height int getWidth(); // return width int getArea(); // return area private: int x1, y1, h, w; // (x1,y1) bottom left corner, h height, w width } #endif

  30. OOP: Access Levels • Public: • Data member or function can be accessed or invoked from anywhere in the program • Private: • Accessed or invoked only from the containing class or from a friend function or class • Protected: • Accessed or invoked from the containing class, its subclasses, or from a friend function or class

  31. OOP: Encapsulation • Declare data members of a class to be private or protected. • All functions that only deal with the implementation of the operations should be private. • Must use a provided public function to update or read the internal state of the object.

  32. OOP: Class Example Rectangle.h #ifndef RECTANGLE_H #define RECTANGLE_H Class Rectangle { public: Rectangle(); // constructor ~Rectangle(); // destructor int getHeight(); // return height int getWidth(); // return width int getArea(); // return area private: int x1, y1, h, w; // (x1,y1) bottom left corner, h height, w width } #endif

  33. OOP: Abstraction • Place class specification in .h file • Place class implementation in .cpp file #include “Rectangle.h” int Rectangle::getHeight() { return h;} int Rectangle::getWidth() { return w; } int Rectangle::getArea() { return w * h; } …. Rectangle:: provides the scope for these functions.

  34. OOP: Declaring Objects • Declaration: • Similar to declarations for primitive type data #include “Rectangle.h” int main() { Rectangle r, s; Rectangle *t = &s; } • Provides two rectangle variables and a pointer to a rectangle.

  35. OOP: Invoking Member Functions • Use . (dot operator) to access member functions of class objects. int firstRectangleHeight = r.getHeight(); • Use -> (arrow operator) to access member functions through a pointer. int pointerRectangleHeight = t -> getHeight();

  36. OOP: Two Important Functions • Two important functions should implement for classes: • Constructor – How to instantiate and initialize class • Destructor – What to do to clean up the class when no longer needed

  37. OOP: Constructors • Used to initialize data members of a class • Executed when object is created • Default constructor: • Allocates memory for data objects, but doesn’t initialize • Implicitly defined as public className(); // no arguments when no programmer-defined constructor

  38. OOP: Defining Constructors • Public member function • Name is identical to class name • No return type/return statements Rectangle::Rectangle(int x, int y, int height, int width) { x1 = x; y1 = y; h = height; w = width; } Rectangle r(1,1,3,5) Rectangle *r = new Rectangle(1,1,3,5) • Rectangle r; no longer works if you define a constructor like this! • Once a constructor has been defined, the default no-argument constructor is no longer valid unless the programmer also develops a no-argument constructor.

  39. OOP: Constructors • Workarounds: • Implement no argument constructor public Rectangle::Rectangle() { x1 = 0; y1 = 0; h = 0; w = 0; } • Initialize default values in argument constructor header: public Rectangle::Rectangle(int x = 0; int y = 0; int height = 0; int width = 0)

  40. OOP: Destructors • Frees memory before object disappears • Object goes out of scope • Object is deleted • If not user-defined, frees memory associated with data members. • If member is a pointer, only frees memory for pointer, not the object that is being referenced. • User defined is safest if complex object

  41. OOP: Destructors • Public member function • Name is identical to class name, prepended by a ~ • ~Rectangle() • No return type/return statements • No arguments

  42. OOP: Operator Overloading • Implementing language defined operators for user-defined objects • Test for equality: • int a = 3; int b = 3; if (a == b) • Rectangle r(0,0,1,1); Rectangle s(0,0,2,2); if (r == s) • Need to define == for the context of the Rectangle class • Same x1,y1 start points • Same width, same height • Must adhere to language defined function signature when overloading

  43. OOP: Operator Overloading // tests whether input rectangle s is equal to // our rectangle, given definition on previous slide int Rectangle::operator== (const Rectangle& s) { if (this == &s) return 1; else if ((x1 == s.x1) && (y1 == s.y1) && (h = s.h) && (w = s.w)) return 1; else return 0; } // checks if same object first (this pointer) // then checks for equality in x1,y1,h,w

  44. OOP: Operator Overloading • << operator (useful for cout, printing to screen) • Not a member function, but accesses member variables • Requires friend access Rectangle.h: friend ostream& operator << (ostream &os, const Rectangle &r) Rectangle.cpp: ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Rectangle& r) { os << “Position is “ << r.x1 << “ “ << r.x2 << endl; os << “Height is “ << r.h << endl; os << “Width is “ << r.w << endl; return os; }

  45. OOP: Inheritance • Bag: Datastructure that allows insertion and deletion of objects • Stack: Datastructure that allows insertion and deletion of objects, objects can only be deleted in a Last In, First Out order • A Stack IS-A Bag • Functions that require a Stack interface for operation can’t use a Bag datastructure, but programs that require a Bag interface could use a Stack

  46. OOP: Inheritance • Derived classes (subclasses) inherit: • All non-private members (data and functions) of the base class • Inherited members preserve the level of access of the base class • Inherited functions maintain the same prototype/signature. • Inherited functions can use the base-class implementation or define their own implementation.

  47. OOP: Inheritance Syntax • In Stack.h class Stack: public Bag denotes that the class Stack is derived from the class Bag • Don’t need to re-declare functions in header or source file for Stack unless constructor/destructor or overriding base version

  48. OOP: Dynamic Binding • With inheritance, pointer or reference to a derived class is implicitly converted to that of the base class. • Example: Rectangle r; Polygon *s = &r; • Dynamic type of Polygon pointer becomes Rectangle • What happens if we call a function on the Polygon pointer that is implemented in both Polygon and Rectangle? • standard typed variable: will call function for variable type • pointer/reference: will call function for dynamic type of pointer

  49. OOP: Virtual Functions • Virtual: • Implement function in base class and derived class • Function has keyword virtual in base class prototype • virtual int myFunction(); • Will call function for dynamic type • In this instance, Rectangle instead of Polygon • Non-virtual: • Implement function in base class and derived class • No virtual keyword • Will call function for true pointer type • Polygon instead of Rectangle

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