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eduGenie - A Complete Technical Package for School Automation

Best School Administration Software or School Management Software is a paperless office automation solution for today’s modern schools.

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eduGenie - A Complete Technical Package for School Automation

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  1. 19/02/2018 eduGenie - A Complete Technical Package for School Automation.   +91- 9818005647 / 9560819555       enquiry@edugenie.in (http:/ /www.edugenie.in) EDUCATION THROUGH PLAY  Home (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/) Welcome to the ‘eduGenie’ products  About Us (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/about-us/) Know Us (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/know- eGalaxy e-Galaxy is a Web based solution deployed on the Cloud. Your Institution does not have to invest … us/) Our Vision Magic Tab (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/our- Think if there are 1000 student in a school and every day they need to notify parents for all subject homework, attendance… vision/) Our Mission http://www.edugenie.in/ 1/7

  2. 19/02/2018 eduGenie - A Complete Technical Package for School Automation. Parent Touch (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/our- Now, parents can get the school information they want and need via their smartphone. From classwork update……. mission/) Af?liate & Channel Partner Track Touch (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/af?liate- Your Transportation Department’s Link To The Students Desk Using EduGenie Web-Based Service To Share Information …. channel-partner/)  eConnect Dozens of applications and web services already have Pushover integration to quickly get you started. Just supply you….  Products (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/e-galaxy/) eGalaxy Magic Face (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/e- Magic Face is fully Automated attendence tracing system.In order to take an ef?cient access control and time&attendance ….. galaxy/) Magic Tab Magic Gate (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/magic- Magic Gate : When student walk through the gate attendence will be maked and sms will be genrate automatically.. tab/) Parent Touch Magic Go (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/parent- Magic Go : In Magic Go, student use this punch or proximity card for in and/or out and attenndence automatically generated…… touch/) http://www.edugenie.in/ 2/7

  3. 19/02/2018 eduGenie - A Complete Technical Package for School Automation. Our ‘Core Modules’ Track Touch (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/track- Smart Attendance System (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/automated-attendance-system/) touch/) Exam Test and Result Management (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/school-management-system/) Fees Management (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/student-fees-collection-software/) eConnect School Management Software ( http:/ /www.edugenie.in/best-school-management-software/) (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/econnect/) School Administration Software (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/school-administration-software/)  Smart Homework ("http:/ /www.edugenie.in/track-child-school-homework/) Magic Face School Information Management System (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/school-information-management-system/) Messaging and Noti?cation System (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/school-noti?cation-systems/) (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/magic- School ERP Software (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/school-erp-software/) face/) Transport Management (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/school-bus-tracking-system/) CRM Software For Schools (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/crm-software-schools/) Magic Gate Educational Software For Schools (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/educational-software-schools/) (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/magic- College Management Software (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/college-management-software/ ) Mobile App For Schools (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/mobile-app-schools/) gate/) School App for Parents (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/school-app-parents/) Magic Go Apps and Devices for Schools (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/apps-devices-schools/) Teacher Management System (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/teacher-management-system/) (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/magic- School Communication Apps (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/school-communication-apps/) go/) School Account Management Software (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/school-account-management-software/)  About ‘eduGenie’  Services Website Development http://www.edugenie.in/ 3/7

  4. 19/02/2018 Website Development eduGenie - A Complete Technical Package for School Automation. About eduGenie (http:/ /galaxyitechsolutions.in/Galaxy- School Management Software is a paperless of?ce automation solution for today’s modern schools. Software-Services/) The School Management Software provides facility to carry out all day to day critical operations of the schools faster, easier, ef?cient and accurate. Highly laborious and time consuming tasks like admissions, fee management, timetable generation, payroll management, and accounting are carried out easily and accurately, saving a lot of time. Digital Promotions It helps the staff to manage, analyze and generate reports of school information saving a lot of time, manpower and money. (http:/ /galaxyitechsolutions.in/Galaxy- Read More Promotech/) Digital Books eduGenie - A Complete School Management   Galaxy (http:/ /galaxyitechsolutions.com/) Galaxy Software Services (http:/ /galaxyitechsolutions.in/Galaxy- Software-Services/) Galaxy Promotech (http:/ /galaxyitechsolutions.in/Galaxy- Promotech/) Clients Testimonials Galaxy Mobitech (http:/ /galaxyitechsolutions.in/Galaxy- http://www.edugenie.in/ 4/7

  5. 19/02/2018 eduGenie - A Complete Technical Package for School Automation. We have adopted this ERP system in 2012. We are very happy with the support and quality of the ERP. It covers our every need with careful planning. Mobitech/) Ajay Patel India (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/testimonial-category/india/) Galaxy Wireless Services (http:/ /galaxyitechsolutions.in/Galaxy- Voted OUTSTANDING by our local schools authority Wireless-Services/)  Send Us‘Your Enquiry’  Get in Touch (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/get-in-touch/) eduGenie  is an enhanced school management software that automates the education sector . An educational institute is a place where the management, the students, the parents and the faculty are identi?ed as stake holders. Enquire now For Further information contact now ! (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/get-in- Name touch/) Email Reseller Program Phone (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/reseller- Message program/) School Name Career@eduGenie Number of student (http:/ /www.edugenie.in/careeredugenie/) Location  Captcha here* http://www.edugenie.in/ 5/7

  6. 19/02/2018 eduGenie - A Complete Technical Package for School Automation. SUBMIT Our ‘Clients’ About Us School Management Software is a paperless of?ce automation solution for today’s modern schools. Likes on facebook http://www.edugenie.in/ 6/7

  7. 19/02/2018 eduGenie - A Complete Technical Package for School Automation. Edugenie 48 likes Like Page Be the first of your friends to like this Ed i Our Twitter Feeds Tweets by @eduGenieIN eduGenie @eduGenieIN #Edugenie is a best customer #support and #affordable #prices, Edugenie gives you an #opportunity to #promote our product in the #market, grow and earn with us. Call Now:+91- 9818005647 / 9560819555 Embed View on Twitter Most popular tag eGalaxy (http://www.edugenie.in/e-galaxy/) , Magic Tab (http://www.edugenie.in/magic-tab/) , Parent Touch (http://www.edugenie.in/parent-touch/) , Track Touch (http://www.edugenie.in/track-touch/) , eConnect (http://www.edugenie.in/econnect/) , Magic gate (http://www.edugenie.in/magic-gate/) , Magic face (http://www.edugenie.in/magic-face/) , Magic Go (http://www.edugenie.in/magic-go/) Copyright © 2016 all rights reserved. (https:/ /www.facebook.com/edugenieIN/) (https:/ /plus.google.com/u/0/112082711342657174361) (https:/ /twitter.com/eduGenieIN) (https:/ /www.pinterest.com/edugenieIN/) (https:/ /www.linkedin.com/in/edugenieIN) (http:/ /edugeniein.blogspot.in/) http://www.edugenie.in/ 7/7

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