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CSE 4504/6504 Lab

CSE 4504/6504 Lab. TA: Byron Williams Office: Bu209 Office hours: W: 3:15 – 5 pm R: 2 – 3:15 pm Email: bjw1@cse.msstate.edu Phone: 325-7503. Lab Overview. Exercises on ER diagrams, queries, and normalizations.

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CSE 4504/6504 Lab

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  1. CSE 4504/6504 Lab TA: Byron Williams Office: Bu209 Office hours: W: 3:15 – 5 pm R: 2 – 3:15 pm Email: bjw1@cse.msstate.edu Phone: 325-7503

  2. Lab Overview • Exercises on ER diagrams, queries, and normalizations. • Term project : We will give a basic specification for a DB. You will write your own specification and requirement analysis, construct ER model for the DB, do the normalization and database design, then implement the interface for the DB.

  3. Lab Overview (cont.) • You need to have a RA account. Go to the following website to create one if you do not have one: http://www.its.msstate.edu/Services/Accounts/Create/ra_account.php • Oracle on RA: swsetup oracle sqlplus <login_id>/<password> (login_id : NetID, default password: NetID)

  4. Requirement analysis and database specification • Application analysis • Database analysis • Database specification

  5. Application Analysis The requirements about the functionality of the application. Examples: • The normal user can add or query the information in a DB. • Only admin can delete and update. • When user add a duplicate professor, it will popup a window.

  6. Database Analysis • Identify the requirements about how a database looks and the constraints on the conceptual database design. • Identify what information should be stored in the DB. • Identify the constraints and relationships among these information

  7. Examples: A university database: • Every professor has an SSN, a name, age, and a research specialty • Every project has a project number, a sponsor name, starting and ending date, and a budget • Each project is managed by one professor • A professor can manage multiple projects

  8. Database Specification • ER diagram • UML

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