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The Power of Nature

Unit 5. The Power of Nature. Using language. Reading and Writing ----by Jesse WZMS. Jilin. is in Jilin province, Northeast China. Northeast normal university. Mazhan Senior High School __________________. is at the foot of Jinshan.

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The Power of Nature

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  1. Unit 5 The Power of Nature Using language Reading and Writing ----by Jesse WZMS

  2. Jilin is in Jilin province, Northeast China. • Northeast normal university • Mazhan Senior High School __________________. is at the foot of Jinshan (金山脚下)

  3. Jilin Recommend (推荐) • Covered with thick forest • Home to a diversity of plants and animals • Famous for a crater lake

  4. Skimming The Lake of Heaven What is each paragraph about? (one word) Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Changbaishan Tianchi Stories Advice structure

  5. Para 1 structure • Put the following information in correct order • Height • Location • Plants and animals • Reasons to visit • Nature reserve 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Location Nature reserve Height Plants and animals Reasons to visit • Why do many people come to visit Changbaishan? • What’s the relationship between “Height” and “Plants and animals”? A. Cause and effect(因果) B. Time order C. Space order Tip 1: Organize your passage in a logical way

  6. The attraction… is Tianchi or ... structure Transitional sentence (过渡句) • What’s the function of the last sentence of Para 1? A. to introduce the next topic B. to draw reader’s attention • Changbaishan • Tianchi • Stories • Advice There are many stories told about Tianchi. Tip 2: Change to another topic smoothly by using transitional sentence.

  7. Language Find out advanced expressions from the passage (高级表达) • Changbaishan isn’t destroyed by humans. • The lowest height of the mountain is 700 metres above sea level and the highest is over 2000. • Tianchi attracts the tourists most. • When you arrive at the top of the mountain, you can see clear waters and the other sixteen mountain peaks. • The most well-known story is about three young women from heaven. is kept in its natural state. The height of the land varies from …to… The attraction that arouses the greatest appreciation in the reserve is Tianchi or …… You are rewarded not only with the sight of ……, but also by the view of …… concerns

  8. Tip3: Use the new words and expressions A place of interst here ----Yuliao • 渔寮的很多地方还保持自然状态。(be kept in … state) • 渔寮的景色随季节的不同而不同。(vary from … to …) • 最能引起人们兴趣的是壮观的大海。(arouse, spectacular) • 如果你去渔寮,不仅可以收获美景,而且还有美味的海鲜。 • 保护渔寮的环境是和我们所有人都有关系的。 Many places of Yuliao _______________________. are kept in its natural state The scenery of Yuliao _________________________. varies from season to season The attraction that arouses the greatest appreciation is the spectacular sea. If you go to Yuliao, you will __________ not only ______________________, but also_________________. be rewarded by the beautiful scenery by delicious seafood Protecting the environment of Yuliao __________ all of us. concerns

  9. Combine two sentences together 1 2 4 3 Language Many people come to Changbaishan. The purpose is to study its unique plants and animals. Tianchi is a deep lake. The lake has formed in the crater of a dead volcano. There are many stories. The stories were told about Tianchi. The youngest girl swallowed the fruit. The girl became pregnant. Many people come to Changbaishan to study…… Tianchi is a deep lake that has formed …… There are many stories told about Tianchi. Having swallowed the fruit, the girl became pregnant.

  10. Tip4: Combine two sentences by clauses (从句), the form of “to do ” , “doing” and “done” etc. • Yandang mountain, ______ is one of China’s nature reserves, is in the southeast of Zhejiang. which • This May Day holiday, I took my family to Yandang mountain ___________ (appreciate) its beautiful scenery. to appreciate Having enjoyed/Enjoying • ____________________ (enjoy) the spectacular view, I felt quite satisfied and refreshed. • I heard many stories ___ (tell) about Fuqi Feng. told (夫妻峰) Yandang Mountain

  11. Writing: Introduction of Yandang mountain • 雁荡山位于浙江东南,树木茂密, 是中国的自然保护区之一,很多地方还保持着自然状态让很多的游客来游览。 • 雁荡山的景色随季节的不同而不同。 • 雁荡山是很多稀有动植物的家园。 • 一些人来到这里爬山,有些人来这里呼吸新鲜空气。 • 然而最吸引人之处是奇峰(fantastic peaks),如合掌峰(Hezhang Feng)、展旗峰(Zhanqi Feng)、夫妻峰(Fuqi Feng)。 • 夫妻峰是有关一对夫妻的故事。 • 如果你晚上去灵峰,不要忘了尽量使用你的想象力。 • 当你到那里,不仅可以收获山的美景,而且有优美的故事。 Yandang Mountain

  12. Homework • Finish your composition • Revise your composition by referring to the tips about writing. Tip 1: Organize your passage in a logical way. Tip 2: Change to another topic smoothly by using transitional sentence. Tip3: Use the new words and expressions. Tip4: Combine two sentences by clauses, “to do” “doing” and “done” etc.

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