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MATURITA TOPICS Canada_General facts II _14

MATURITA TOPICS Canada_General facts II _14. ANJ_Maturita. Mgr. Filip Soviš. www.zlinskedumy.cz. Canada. Geography ( moutains , rivers , lakes , etc .) Climate People & Lifestyle ( culture , sport, etc .) Natural Wonders , Wildlife Places of Interest Other. PART II. Canada.

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MATURITA TOPICS Canada_General facts II _14

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  1. MATURITA TOPICSCanada_General facts II_14 ANJ_Maturita Mgr. Filip Soviš www.zlinskedumy.cz

  2. Canada • Geography (moutains, rivers, lakes, etc.) • Climate • People&Lifestyle (culture, sport, etc.) • Natural Wonders, Wildlife • PlacesofInterest • Other PART II

  3. Canada What do you know about the geography ofCanada? • a seashoreon theArcticOcean - thelongestcoastline • in thesouthan 8,892km boundarywiththeUSA • in thenorth‑westAlaska • acrosstheArcticOceanisRussia • 80% ofthepopulation150km fromtheUS‑Canadianborder • thesouthern part ofthe country covered in forest • thenorthern part mostlytundra • mountainranges: Torngats, Appalachians and Lau­rentians in theeast; the Rocky Mountains, theCoastal and Mackenzie Mountains and theMelvilleHills in thewestcoast • thehighestmountainisMt Logan (RM in the Yukon; 6,050 m)

  4. Canada Can you name any lakes, rivers and parks? • 2 millionlakes (about 7.6% oftheCanadianlandmass) • fourofthe Great Lakeswiththe USA: Lake Superior, Huron, Erie and Ontario • otherlakes: Great Slave Lake, Winnipeg, Great BearLake in theNorthwestTerritories • rivers: theSt Lawrence (3.058 km; shipsfromtheGreat Lakes to theAtlanticOcean), the Mackenzie, theYukon, theFraser, the Columbia, the Nelson • 38 nationalparks: Banff (in Alberta; founded in 1885 - theeasternslopesofAlberta's Rocky Mountains); TukutNogaitpark situated in theNorthwestTerritories • over 1,000 provincialparks and nearly 50 territorialparks • only 12% ofthelandissuitableforagriculture

  5. Canada Which famous waterfalls are situated on the border with the USA? Niagara Falls • created by theWisconsin glaciation (the last iceageabout 10,000 years ago) • thename: 1) fromthe "Niagagarega" people 2) from"Ongniaahra" = "point oflandcut in two" • theCanadian part iscalledHorseshoeFall • on the Niagara River (drainsLakeErieintoLakeOntario) • drop about53 m (theAmericanFallsbetween 21–30 m) • major producerofhydro‑electricityforthecountry

  6. Canada What is the climate in Canada? • mostly a continentalclimatewithcoldsnowywinters and warmsummers • the far north a polarclimate (permanentlyfrozenicecaps; -50°C) • most ofthepopulationwithin300 km ofthesouthernborder: mildsprings, hot summer (sometimes 35°C), pleasantlycrispautumns, coldwinter (to -25°C) • thelushvegetationofBritishColumbia'swestcoast • moderateclimateis in theeast

  7. Canada WhataboutthewestofCanada? • Western Canada (the Western provinces, commonly the West) • four provinces: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba • British Columbia= the Pacific Province (moderate oceanic climate) • Alberta and British Columbia= "mountain provinces" • Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba= the Prairie Provinces (simply the Prairies) • Alberta (dry continental climate, warm summers,cold winters) • Saskatchewan and Manitoba (continental climate, extremes in weather)

  8. Canada What do you know about Canadianwildlife (flora and fauna)? • natural habitatfor many different animal species • beaver = theCanadiannational animal • Canadian Horse declared an official Canadian symbol in 1909 • typicalanimals: bison, moose, bears, cougars, rattle-snakes, Canadagoose, coyote, etc • approximately 17,000 identified species of trees, flowers, herbs, ferns, mosses and other flora • Maple leaf and maple tree is the national flora symbol

  9. Canada What are some characteristic Canadian sports and pastimes? • icehockey (inventedthere) • American (Canadian) football • basketball • lacrosse • curling

  10. Canada Do you know any famous Canadians? • award‑winningwriters: Margaret Atwood (The Blind Assassin), Michael Ondaatje (TheEnglishPatient) • music: Leonard Cohen (singer and poet), Neil Young (guitarist, singer‑songwriter), Nelly Furtado (pop singer), CelineDion (known as Queenof Pop), Brian Adams (singer), Crash Test Dummies (band) • actors: comedianJim Carrey, Dan Aykroyd (Ghostbusters), Sandra Bullock, KeanuReeves • directors: James Cameron(Aliens, Terminator, True Lies, Titanic) • sportsmen: Wayne Gretzky, Mario Lemieux, SidneyCrosby (hockey), Terry Fox(runner; missingone leg), DonovanBailey (sprinter), RyderHesjedal (cycling), Jennifer Jones (curling)

  11. Canada Ifyouwentthere, whatwouldyou do there, likevisiting? • Niagara Falls ("HorseshoeFalls", themost powerfulwaterfall in North America) • Montreal (uniqueamongNorthAmericancitiesbecauseofitshistory, French) • Toronto (a lively, multicultural city) • Vancouver (spectacularnatural beautywherethePacificOceanmeetstheCoastalMountains) • Calgary (The Calgary Stampede, oneoftheworld'slargestrodeosknown as "TheGreatestOutdoor Show on Earth") • Saint John (the Saint John City Market – theoldestcontinuingfarmer's market in Canada)

  12. Bibliografické citace BRIDGE. Canada[online]. 2010-2013 [cit. 2013-02-28]. Soubor typu PDF. Dostupné z: http://www.bridge-online.cz/maturita/maturitni-karty BURNIE, Glen a Rob RAESIDE. FlagsoftheWorld. CRW Flags' Online Catalog [online]. 1996-2013, 2013-01-04 [cit. 2013-01-05]. Dostupné z: http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/country.html#n ALT, Tobias. PeytoLake-Banff NP-Canada[online]. 2005 [cit. 2013-02-28]. Obrázek typu JPEG, CreativeCommons. Dostupné z: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Peyto_Lake-Banff_NP-Canada.jpg SMITH-DLUHÁ, Gabrielle. Angličtina: otázky a odpovědi nejen k maturitě. 1. vyd. Dubicko: INFOA, 2007, 231 s. Zrcadlový text. ISBN 978-80-7240-489-6.

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