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S t anding O r d e r s f o r S D PI Di ab e t e s P r e v e n ti on F oll o w -U p L abs

Standing orders for follow- up labs Minneapolis Indian Health Board. S t anding O r d e r s f o r S D PI Di ab e t e s P r e v e n ti on F oll o w -U p L abs

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S t anding O r d e r s f o r S D PI Di ab e t e s P r e v e n ti on F oll o w -U p L abs

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  1. Standing orders for follow-up labs Minneapolis Indian Health Board • StandingOrders forSDPIDiabetesPrevention Follow-Up Labs • Purpose:Tocompletea follow-up assessmentbyobtainingafasting glucose, Hemoglobin A1C, fastinglipid panel, andan A/Cratio on allparticipantswho complete the 16 week DPP Curriculum. • EquipmentNeeded: • Supplies fora fasting glucose,afastinglipid panel, Hemoglobin A1C,& A1C. • Procedure: • Potential participants willcheckin atthefront desk whereacharge ticket and stickers will begenerated. • ARegisteredandLicensedDietitian, ordesignee,working for the SDPI Diabetes Prevention Programwill bepagedafterthepotential participant checks in. • ARegisteredandLicensedDietitian, ordesignee,working for the SDPI Diabetes Prevention Programwillletaphysician know the participantis here forafasting glucose, Hemoglobin A1C, fastinglipid panel, anda A/Cratio. • No vitalsarerequired forthis visit. • Forallfollow-upappointments, aRegistered andLicensed Dietitian, or designee,working for theSDPIDiabetes Prevention Programwill submitorders signedbyaphysicianfor afasting glucose,Hemoglobin A1C, fastinglipid panel,and aA/Cratio • A Registered andLicensed Dietitian, ordesignee,working for the SDPI Diabetes Prevention Programwillgrab aurinecupfromthe medical storage roomand placethepatient’s stickeron it. Theurine cupwillbegiven to the patientwhowillbe instructed to place full urine cup into the small door thatgoes to lab in the patientbathroom.

  2. StandingOrders forSDPIDiabetesPrevention Screening • Purpose:To screen forthe SpecialDiabetes ProgramforIndians (SDPI) Diabetes Prevention Programto determineeligibilityusingafasting glucose, a2 hr OGTT, anda fastinglipid panel. • EquipmentNeeded: • Supplies fora fasting glucose,a2 hrOGTT, afastinglipid panel, a Hemoglobin A1C& afastinglipid panel. • Procedure: • Potential participants willcheckin atthefront desk whereacharge ticket and stickers will begenerated. • ARegisteredandLicensedDietitian, ordesignee,working for the SDPI Diabetes Prevention Programwill bepagedafterthepotential participant checks in. • ARegisteredandLicensedDietitian, ordesignee,working for the SDPI Diabetes Prevention Programwillletaphysician know the potential participantis hereforfasting glucose, a2 hr OGTT, a fastinglipid panel, a Hemoglobin A1C& afastinglipid panelto determineeligibilityfor theSDPIDiabetes Prevention Program. • No vitalsarerequired forthis visit. • Forall screening appointments, aRegistered andLicensed Dietitian, or designee,working for theSDPIDiabetes Prevention Programwill submitorders signedbyaphysicianforafasting glucose,a2 hr OGTT,a fasting lipid panel, a Hemoglobin A1C& afastinglipidpanel.

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