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  1. CODE OF ETHICS FOR MEMBERS OF NACS WORKING AS SEXOLOGISTS • The purpose of theseethicalrules is to define the general principles and to establish standards for professionalsworking with sex therapy, sex counselling, sex education and sex research and to inform and protectmembers of the public who seektheir services. It does not supplant codes of ethics of otherorganizations to which the sexologistmaybelong, but is intended to be supplemental.

  2. ETHICAL PRINCIPALS • a) The sexologist is responsible for maintaining high professional and human standards of care at all times and in interaction with all clients • b) The sexologist must be aware of the clientsdependency and his/herown power in the therapeuticrelationship and neverexploit this situation for his/herownpurposes in anyways.

  3. c) The sexologist must alwaysrespect the dignity, the autonomy and the ultimate right to self-determination of the client.

  4. RULES OF ETHICS Competence • 1) It is the responsibility of the sexologist to maintainprofessionalcompetence by currenteducationinclusiveadequate supervision, keepinghimself/herselfacquainted with actual standards and new developments of the profession. The sexologist must recognizehis/herown limitations and be ready in duecase to refer the client to anothertherapist.

  5. The sexologist-clientrelationship • 2) All clientsshould be treated with the same professionalsolcitude, withoutanydiscrimination with regard to origin, status, race, gender, age, beliefs, sexualorientation and disability.

  6. 3) Sexologist must not abuse the client-sexologistrelationshipfinancially, sexually, emotionally or in anyotherway. It is not acceptable for a sexologist to havesexualrelationship with anyclient. This principel is alsoapplicable to former clients.

  7. Physicalcontact • 4) Examination and therapeuticproceduresinvolvingphysicalcontact must only be performed by someonespecificallytrained for suchprocedures and the purpose and natureshouldbeforehand be clarified with the client.

  8. Confidentiality • 5) The veryexistence of a sexologist-clientrelationship and all information exchangedbetweensexologist and client is confidentialunlessanythingelse is stipulatedbetween the sexologist and the client.

  9. 6) If the sexologist has any personal, legal, or practical limits of confidentiality, these limits must be discussed with the clientbefore the examination/therapy or as soon as possible. In rare cases of possibleimminentdanger to the life or safety of an individual it may be permissible for the sexologist to make disclosures to other persons or public authoritieswithout the consent of the client.

  10. 7) Apart from this special situation all information from the sexologist to private or professional persons or public authoritiesaboutidentifiedclientpresupposes the consent of the client and the client’s right to be acquainted with the report. Whenonlyonepert partner of a clientcoupleconsents

  11. GuidingEthicalPrinciples WAS • Autonomy • Benefience • Non-Malfeasance • Justice

  12. Principle 1: • Sexologistsshallhaveappropriateprofessional preparation and maintain an ongoingcommitment to continuingeducation.

  13. Principle 2: • Sexologists must operateonlywithintheir area of professionalexpertise and competecy

  14. Principle 3: • Sexologistsshouldinformclients, patients and research participants of theirprofessionalqualifications and affiliations.

  15. Principle 4: • Sexologistsshoulduphold and enhance the integrity of the profession.

  16. Principle 5: • Whenavailable, Sexologistsshouldengage in science-basedpractice.

  17. Principle 6: • Sexologistshave a responsibility to maintain and enhance the knowledge, health and welfare of theircommunities

  18. Principle 7: • Sexologistsshouldexerciserespect for colleagues.

  19. Principle 8: • Sexologistsshall not breach the professionalrelationship

  20. Principle 9: • The sexologistshallrespect and uphold the autonomy and dignity of thosereceivingtheirprofessional services.

  21. Principle 10: • The sexologistshallmaintainprofessionalconfidentiality.

  22. Principle 11: • Whereappropriate, the Sexologistshouldobtaininformedconsent

  23. Principle 12: • Sexologistswillmaintainappropriaterecords.

  24. Principle 13: • Sexologistswill provide information on theirfeeschedule to potential clients.

  25. Principle 14: • Sexologistsshallemployrecognized research protocols.

  26. Principle 15: • Sexologistsshallemployrecognizedprotocols in the use of human research subjects.

  27. Principle 16: • Sexologistsshallemployrecognizedprotocols in the use of animal research subjects.

  28. Principle 17: • Sexologistsshallutilizepeerreview to evaluatetheir work.

  29. Principle 18: • Sexologistshave an obligation to provide support for, or to conduct research and to disseminatefindings.

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