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Presented by: Jeane Marie Sto . Domingo

Report in EDTEG 211. Presented by: Jeane Marie Sto . Domingo. Topics :. Concept Development. Concept development gives students the opportunity to form generalizations by grouping and labeling a list of words associated with a concept. The process is…. Listing. Grouping. Labeling.

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Presented by: Jeane Marie Sto . Domingo

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  1. Report in EDTEG 211 Presented by: Jeane Marie Sto. Domingo

  2. Topics:

  3. Concept Development Concept development gives students the opportunity to form generalizations by grouping and labeling a list of words associated with a concept. The process is… • Listing • Grouping • Labeling • Regrouping • Synthesizing Home

  4. Listing Teacher or students list items related to a subject “What are geometric shapes? Can you think of any examples or words that describe geometric shapes?” Student list: • Square • Circle • Cube • Prism • Triangle • Rectangle • Sphere previous

  5. Grouping Students group the items “Let’s sort these ideas into different categories. How would you sort them?” Student response: • Blocks: square, rectangle, • cube, prism • Round: circle, sphere • Points: triangle, cone previous

  6. Labeling Student gives labels and explanations for the newly defined groups “Give these groups titles. What would each group be called? Why?” Student response: • Flat shapes: These are shapes we can draw • Not flat shapes: These are shapes we can see and hold in real life. Flat Shapes Not flat shapes previous

  7. Regrouping Students regroup items or subsume individual items or whole groups “Could we regroup these objects? How would we do that? You can even add more shapes if you think of some.” Student response: • Blocks: square, rectangle, • cube, prism • Round: circle, sphere • Points: triangle, cone blocks previous rounds points

  8. Synthesizing Students synthesize the information by summarizing the data and forming generalizations “Make up one sentence that sums up all of these groups. What would it be?” Student response: • Geometric shapes have various numbers of sides and faces and can be two or three dimensional. square circle triangle rectangle sphere cube previous cone prism

  9. Language is a form of communication, whether spoken, written, or signed, that is based on a system of symbols. Home

  10. Language development is a process starting early in human life, when a person begins to acquire language by learning it as it is spoken and by _____________. Children's language development moves from _____________ • to___________. Infants start without language. Yet by four months of age, babies can read lips and discriminate speech sounds. The language that infants speak is called ___________. mimicry simple complex babbling

  11. recall Usually, language starts off as _______of simple words without associated meaning, but as children grow, words acquire meaning, with connections between words being formed. As a person gets older, new meanings and new associations are created and vocabulary increases as more words are learned.

  12. bodies Infants use their_________, __________and other preverbal vocalizations to communicate their wants, needs and dispositions. Even though most children begin to vocalize and eventually verbalize at various ages and at different rates, they learn their first language without conscious instruction from parents or caretakers. In fact research has shown that the earliest learning begins in ________when the fetus can recognize the sounds and speech patterns of its mother's voice vocal cries utero

  13. Language Development in the preschool years is characterized by the impressive advances that are accomplished. • vocabularies are increasing at a dramatic rate • they are learning and using the_______________, and they are better to communicate • learn as many as ___new words daily, so that by age of 6, they will have acquired around 10, 000 words. • acquire labels for objects rapidly because of their concrete experiences with the objects. • They tend to use who, what , when, where, and why words frequently. • can figure out the meanings of new words by ___________them to words that they already know. • they assume that words can refer to only one thing. Rules of language 5 comparing

  14. Grammar ___________simply refers to the set of rules that governs the use of words and how words are combined or changed to create meaningful phrases and sentences. Young children learn rules about word order and apply the many rules that govern the basic structure by hearing others speak. There are ___________ to preschoolers’ communication skills. Information- processing research indicates that preschoolers have difficulty coordinating skills used in conversations such as gaining and keeping a listener’s attention, paying attention to someone else, giving or asking information, considering another person’s point of view, and adjusting language accordingly. limitations Home

  15. Language Development Table

  16. Home

  17. Aspects of Language Development

  18. is a language’s sound system. Like the sound the letter /k/ makes in the word /ski/, the letter /c/ makes in /cat/ or the letters /ch/ in /Christmas/ • Phonology Basic sounds of Language back

  19. refers to the rules for combining morphemes, which are meaningful strings of sounds that contain no smaller meaningful parts. ie: the word helper has two morphemes; help + er • Morphology Words, suffixes, prefixes back

  20. Syntax involves the way words are combined to form acceptable phrases and sentences. ie: In the sentence “Regina smacks Kevin over the head”; you know who does the smacking. If the sentence were “Kevin smacks Regina over the head”; we would have a lawsuit. Rules that govern the meaning of words back

  21. refers to the meaning of words and sentences. ie: Girl and Woman share the same semantic denotations of female and human, but differ in their meanings regarding age. • Semantics How words are combined into meaningful statements back

  22. involves the use of appropriate conversation. ie: NOT walking up to your professor and yelling out, “yowat up teach?!?” . • Pragmatics The use of language in context

  23. Report In ED TEG 211 Curriculum Development in the Early Grades (Dr. Rufina Eleanor C. Aguila) By: Jeane Marie AicohSto. Domingo August 2011

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