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Stronge Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Performance Evaluation System

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Stronge Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Performance Evaluation System

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    1. Stronge and Associates Educational Consulting, LLC Stronge Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Performance Evaluation System

    2. Why is effectiveness so important?

    3. Dallas Research: Teacher Quality Dallas, Texas data: 2800-3200 students per cohort Comparison of 3 “highly effective” & 3 “ineffective” teachers (Jordan, Mendro, & Weerasinghe, 1997)

    4. Dallas Research: Teacher Quality Dallas, Texas data: 2800-3200 students per cohort Comparison of 3 “highly effective” & 3 “ineffective” teachers (Jordan, Mendro, & Weerasinghe, 1997)

    5. Sequence of Effective Teachers

    6. Sequence of Effective Teachers

    7. Residual Effect

    8. Time in School Year Needed to Achieve the Same Amount of Learning

    9. Time in School Year Needed to Achieve the Same Amount of Learning

    10. Annual Student Achievement Gains

    11. Stronge Evaluation System Effectiveness is the goal. Evaluation is merely the means.

    12. Key Features Uniform evaluation system for teachers, educational specialists, principals, and superintendents (Summer 2012) Camera-ready handbooks and training materials Simplified set of research-based performance standards Extensively field tested Aligned with InTASC and ISLLC standards Professional growth and accountability oriented Multiple data sources Includes measures of student progress Provides diagnostic profile of evaluatee Fully customizable to district and state requirements

    13. Main Components

    14. Teacher Performance Standards

    15. Principal Performance Standards

    16. Educational Specialist Performance Standards

    17. Recommended Data Sources for Teachers

    18. Recommended Data Sources for Principals

    19. Evaluation Process

    20. Forms Specific forms for teachers, educational specialists, and principals Numerous optional forms (self-assessment, communication log, professional development log, interim performance evaluation, specific focus of observation) Straight-forward, easy to use Customizable to meet individual district and state requirements Available in hard-copy or via MyLearningPlan® OASYSTM

    21. Student Learning Objectives (abbreviated)

    22. Sample Observation Form (abbreviated)

    23. Sample Documentation Log Cover (abbreviated)

    24. Sample Student Surveys (abbreviated)

    25. Terms Used in Rating Scale

    26. Grade Inflation Superior 25,332

    27. Rating Levels

    28. Sample Summative Evaluation Form (abbreviated)

    29. Student Progress (Standard 7)

    30. Focus on Effectiveness Outstanding Teachers & Leaders = Student Results

    31. Validity

    36. Stronge Teacher Effectiveness Variables: Criterion Validity

    37. Stronge Qualities of Effective Teachers: Concurrent Validity

    38. Qualities of Effective Teachers

    39. A Comparison of Perceptions Regarding Relative Importance of Qualities of Effective Teachers between Administrators and Teachers

    40. Personnel Evaluation Standards

    41. Stronge Evaluation System: Sample State Use - Georgia

    42. Stronge Evaluation System in Use: Georgia

    43. Training in Stronge Evaluation System

    44. Additional Options: Video Library Video training certification with multiple measures Video library tied to Stronge teacher standards Associated documentation examples Professional development options

    45. Additional Options: SLO Platform Student Learning Objectives Platform SMART SLO/goal setting guidebook Comprehensive set of SLO/goal setting examples Library of potential assessments

    46. Additional Options: Teacher Hiring Teacher hiring component Job descriptions based on teacher and principal performance standards On-line application system Interview questions based on qualities of effective teachers Screening interview protocol Building-level interview protocol Rating interview responses Demonstration lesson protocol

    47. Why Choose the Stronge Evaluation System? Uniform evaluation system for teachers, educational specialists, principals, and superintendents (summer) Handbooks, training materials, support materials, OASYS electronic management platform included Measures of student progress accounted for Fully customizable to district and state requirements Aligns HR process with performance standards Reasonably priced--$24 per user per year (installation fee waived through August 15, 2012)

    48. Pricing

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