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Eduweb structure

Eduweb structure. Eduweb is a portuguese/brazilian holding company, based in Portugal, which aims to be the leader in e-learning services in Portuguese speaking countries. Main offices.

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Eduweb structure

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  1. Eduweb structure Eduweb is a portuguese/brazilian holding company, based in Portugal, which aims to be the leader in e-learning services in Portuguese speaking countries.

  2. Main offices

  3. Eduweb’s mission is to accelerate and facilitate the process of change, production, management and knowledge spread among people and organizations, specially throughout the Lusophony. As a supplier of solutions, contents and technologies for New Learning, Eduweb believes the application of the concept  places people, once again, at the centre of the learning process, in which all delivery channels (in class, web, mobile, printed, audiovisual, etc.) have a specific role in each client’s global solution. Mission

  4. Business fields

  5. LMS Plataform - AulaNet LMS Plataform – Aulanet support tool for training, in both academical and business universes, being distributed in countries such as Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Panama, Canada, Germany, South Africa, amongst others. • Software initialy created at PUC in Rio, supports four languages. • Environment for creating and maintaing the courses at distance. • Easy-to-use tool. • Integration of all media formats used on the web. • Flexibility of graphic and functional adaptation. • Compatible with SCORM standard.

  6. Web Tv Training - Content | Online Videos . Quality . Comercial . Estratégia . Human Resources . Health & Safety . Education . Administrative . Finantial

  7. Brazilian Clients

  8. Case – PUC Rio

  9. Case - UniGlobo

  10. Case:Programa Delegacia Legal Prémio e-learning Brasil 2004

  11. Clients in Portugal

  12. Case - Vodafone Project Management Instrucional Design multimédia Implementation SCORM production

  13. Case - ISLA Project Management Instrucional Design multimédia Implementation SCORM production

  14. Case - CEQUAL Project Management Instrucional Design multimédia Implementation SCORM production

  15. English Language – Business & Scholar

  16. Eduweb Brands LMS Plataform LMS, developed by PUC and Eduweb, with more than 400 instalations mainly in portuguese speaking countries. On line video repository, with more than 200 titles for Professional Training and Education. Children Virtual Community, with 30.000 users. Virtual School from 6 to 12 years. English courses platform with 3 levels: beguiners, intermediate and advanced.

  17. Research & Innovation bluetooth BIO sensors humidity vibration proximity gyroscope respiration colorimeter conductivity acceleration temperature magnetic field muscular activity linear/rotary motion galvanic skin response tilt gas flow EKG light force touch sonar voltage infrared compass pressure turbidity

  18. Research & Innovation

  19. Research & InnovationAI techniques behavioral & affective learning environments the learning agent is monitored in real-time the affective state is permanently assessed the contents are adjusted according to behavior (AI Bayesean Networks) the learning agent is involved in a richer experience

  20. New-Learning para a Lusofonia Portuguese Repositories

  21. Governmental Initiatives .gov Private\Business Initiatives .com Sectorial\Association Initiatives .net or .ngo Repositories and Initiative

  22. Governmental Initiative www.umic.pt 20.000 documents http://bnd.bn.pt/ 10.154 catalogue items & 250 000 documents www.monumentos.pt

  23. Governmental Initiative 52.500 documents http://www.iantt.pt/ 30.000 images http://www.ipmuseus.pt/

  24. Governmental Initiative http://www.giase.min-edu.pt/nonio/default_ing.htm Incentive teachers to Creat resources that mainly are not used today. Trained thousands of teachers. Thousands of Local school repositories. http://www.cienciaviva.pt/

  25. Associations/ Universities Initiative 1000 mathematics resources 9º year (motivation bad results on mathematics 9º year examinations) http://www.gave.min-edu.pt/np3/15.html http://www.apm.pt http://www.app.pt/materiaisdidacticos/index.html Many Others…

  26. Private/Business initiativehttp://www.professoresinovadores.com.pt

  27. Private/Business initiativehttp://www.escolavirtual.pt/

  28. Private/Business initiative http://www.cidadedamalta.pt

  29. Conclusions There are some well done projects from public & private initiative 2. Proliferation of small local repositories 3. Government must assure global structure and organization 4. Diferent players need to articulate strategies & dependencies 5. Need to re-think Business Models & partnerships 6. Need to assure quality, interoperability and medium term thinking 7.Need to innovate! Think Fast on new technology devices, type of media and new interaction paradigmas 8. Need to study & understand digital learning impact & improvment

  30. Conclusions Think. Thank you Rui Falcão rfalcao@eduweb.pt Eduweb Mobile : 351 968 048 761

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