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How to make your teeth "Snow White" at Irving Dental office.

When it comes to teeth, most people feel that brighter teeth are better.Everyone wants to have a smile that dazzles because yellow and dull color of teeth isnu2019t an option for folks who truly want to look their best with confidence. Meet Dentist Harper for the best dental treatments or call at 972.258.6462 for more.

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How to make your teeth "Snow White" at Irving Dental office.

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  1. How to make your teeth "Snow White" at Irving Dental office. When it comes to teeth, most people feel that brighter teeth are better. Everyone wants to have a smile that dazzles because yellow and dull color of teeth isn’t an option for folks who truly want to look their best with confidence. But now question comes in your that how you can obtain that Hollywood-level glow of your teeth? Here Tooth whitening is a popular dental procedure for everyone who wants a brighter smile; professional teeth whitening can be accomplished in 30-40 minute to one-hour sessions at Irving dental office.

  2. Why My Teeth color Change into Dull? • Tobacco use: Smoking or chewing tobacco can stain teeth. • Foods/drinks: Coffee, tea, colas, wines, and certain fruits and vegetables (for example, apples and potatoes) can stain your teeth • Oral Care: Poor dental hygiene, such as inadequate brushing or flossing, can lead to tooth discoloration. • Trauma : If you’ve been hit in the mouth, your tooth may change color because it reacts to an injury by laying down more dentin, which is a darker layer under the enamel.

  3. How Does it Work at Teeth Whitening Irving Texas ? • At Irving dental Irving T x teeth whitening delivers optimum results in a relatively short amount of time. First your Irving Family dentist will check the shade of your tooth than polished with pumice, a grainy material used to remove any plaque on the surface. Your teeth would be coated with a whitening solution on the front surface only. It will include hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide for the bleaching . Once applied this bleaching, the solution would be left on the teeth for 40 to 60 minutes, or reapplied regularly. Once the optimum shade has been reached the teeth would be rinsed. Additional visits would be scheduled until the desired shade is reached.

  4. If you still have questions regarding Teeth whitening Irving Texas please contact best Dentist Irving us or schedule an appointment for a consultation. You can also learn more about this topic by reading the Dentist Harper Site here! Contact Us Dr. Kimberly Harper, D.D.S. 3204 N. MacArthur Blvd, Suite C Irving, TX 75062 Phone: (972) 258-6462 Email: info@drkimberlyharper.com https://www.drkimberlyharper.com/

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