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C. Flamant (1) , C. Champollion (1,2) , S. Bastin (1) and E. Richard (3)

Water vapour variability in the Rhine Valley and its role on convective initiation: first results from LEANDRE 2. C. Flamant (1) , C. Champollion (1,2) , S. Bastin (1) and E. Richard (3) (1) Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace, UPMC/CNRS/UVSQ (2) Géosciences Montpellier UM2/CNRS,

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C. Flamant (1) , C. Champollion (1,2) , S. Bastin (1) and E. Richard (3)

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  1. Water vapour variability in the Rhine Valley and its role on convective initiation: first results from LEANDRE 2 C. Flamant(1), C. Champollion(1,2), S. Bastin(1) and E. Richard(3) (1)Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace, UPMC/CNRS/UVSQ (2)Géosciences Montpellier UM2/CNRS, (3)Laboratoire d'Aérologie OMP/CNRS COPS workshop 27-29 February 2008, University of Hohenheim

  2. LEANDRE 2 01/08/08 around 0810 UTC Objectives • understand the role of mesoscale dynamics processes on the water vapour variability in the Rhine Valley, and particularly on the formation of dry layers and lids above the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL),

  3. Objectives • understand the role of mesoscale dynamics processes on the water vapour variability in the Rhine Valley, and particularly on the formation of dry layers and lids above the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL), • comprehend the relative importance soil moisture, surface heterogeneities, and orography on the ABL water vapour variability, • assess the impact of mesoscale water vapour variability on convection initiation (CI), and the role of dry layers & lids on CI or convection inhibition, • demonstrate the potential of airborne lidar-derived water vapor measurements for improving CI in mesoscale models through 4D assimilation, • contribute to the water vapour profiling instruments intercomparison.

  4. Tools & strategy • Systematic sampling of water vapour in the Rhine Valley (incl. the Vosges and the Black Forest) using the airborne DIAL LEANDRE 2, prior to CI events, • implementation of supersites with dedicated profiling systems, • Mesoscale simulations (control and sensitivity analyses), • lidar-derived water vapour mixing ratio profiles assimilation experiments (using AROME).

  5. Data Systematic sampling of water vapour in the Rhine Valley using the airborne DIAL LEANDRE 2, prior to CI events: LEANDRE 2 IOP 8b (15/07) High-pressure convection 2 flights: 0630 - 0950 UTC 1141 – 1457 UTC LEANDRE 2 IOP 9c (20/07) Forced convection 1 flight: 0657 – 0918 UTC LEANDRE 2 IOP 13a (01/08) High-pressure convection 2 flights: 0808 – 1106 UTC 1344 – 1643 UTC Water vapour mixing ratio Horizontal resolution ~3 km Vertical resolution ~300 m Atmospheric reflectivity Horizontal resolution ~3 km Vertical resolution ~300 m

  6. IOP 8b (15/07) High-pressure convection Meso-NH 1000 m Winds & wvmr

  7. IOP 8b (15/07) High-pressure convection Meso-NH 1000 m Winds & wvmr

  8. B1B5 C1C5 D1D5 West of Vosges Vosges Rhine Valley CI Time

  9. Time B4D4G4 North / Supersite R B3D3G3 Latitude Supersite V B1D1G1 South / Burnhaupt

  10. IOP 9c (20/07) Forced convection G4B4: 0657-0708 UTC B3G3: 0712-0724 UTC

  11. IOP 9c (20/07) Forced convection G2B2: 0732-0744 UTC G1D1: 0806-0814 UTC

  12. IOP 13a (01/08) High-pressure convection Meso-NH 2000 m Winds & wvmr Meso-NH 1000 m Winds & wvmr

  13. IOP 13a (01/08) High-pressure convection Meso-NH 2000 m Winds & wvmr Meso-NH 1000 m Winds & wvmr

  14. dust Time B4G4 North / Supersite R B3G3 Latitude Supersite V B2G2

  15. Saharan air mass C1C5 D1D5 E1E5 Vosges Rhine Valley Black Forest Time

  16. Conclusions and perspectives • great LEANDRE 2 dataset, we should be able to complete our initial objectives !! • LEANDRE 2 dataset quality currently being assessed by Paolo’s group  (bias & RMS deviation, see Rohini’s talk), • data available right now!!! cyf@aero.jussieu.fr • 15 July & 1 August  day long evolution, • 15 & 20 July  pre-CI observations in the Rhine Valley. • design mesoscale simulations 15 & 20 July, 1 August cases and sensitivity experiments, • liaise with other experimental groups, • conduct 4D-VAR assimilation experiments of airborne lidar-derived water vapour measurements, • contribute to the IASI water vapour profiling validation.

  17. First comparison of IASI water vapor mixing ratio profiles with airborne DIAL LEANDRE 2, dropsondes and radiosondes observations over the Black Forest region during COPS C. Flamant, H. Herbin, C. Champollion Data from: IOP 8b (15/07): LEANDRE 2, RDS in Hornisgrinde & IASI IOP 13a (01/08): LEANDRE 2, dropsondes, RDS in Hornisgrinde & IASI

  18. LEANDRE 2 IOP 8b (15/07) G4B4: 0630-0643 UTC Intercomparison region: Hornisgrinde (Black Forest) Profil IASI: 0905 UTC RDS: 0800 UTC DIAL LEANDRE 2 Hornisgrinde

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