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Sexual differentiation

Genetic (chromosomal) Gonadal Hormonal Phenotypic Brain (hypothalamic) Behavioral Legal. Sexual differentiation. X sperm. Y sperm. Ovum. XX. XY. Gonads. testis. ovary. Ducts. M. oviduct. Ducts. W. v. def. Genitals. penis. vagina. X sperm. Y sperm. Ovum. FEMALE. MALE.

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Sexual differentiation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Genetic (chromosomal) Gonadal Hormonal Phenotypic Brain (hypothalamic) Behavioral Legal Sexual differentiation

  2. X sperm Y sperm Ovum XX XY Gonads testis ovary Ducts M oviduct Ducts W v. def Genitals penis vagina

  3. X sperm Y sperm Ovum FEMALE MALE XX XY Gonads testis ovary Ducts M oviduct Ducts W v. def Genitals penis vagina

  4. Genetic sex determination Ovum: X Sperm: Female X Y Male

  5. Does maleness result from

  6. Female Male Does maleness result from Turner’s syndrome Klinefelter’s syndrome

  7. Y X X XX XY Genetic sex

  8. Y X XO XY Genetic sex

  9. SRY Sex-determining Region of the Y chromosome

  10. Male XX translocation Female XY deletion Mendel tutorial at Rutgers

  11. SRY no SRY Indifferent gonad TDF no TDF Ovary Testis Gonadal sex

  12. Oviduct, uterus degenerates Vas deferens degenerates Mullerian ducts Wolffian ducts

  13. Wolffian SRY Wolffian SRY testes

  14. Oviduct, uterus Vas deferens Testis Mullerian ducts MIH Wolffian ducts T

  15. Undifferentiated genitals Clitoris Vagina Penis Scrotum

  16. testes Grew male-like leg spur

  17. + ovary genitals genitals + testis Normally: testis causes penis/scrotum ovary causes clitoris/vagina

  18. + ovary genitals genitals + testis Normally: testis causes dev male genitals ovary causes dev female genitals

  19. + ovary genitals genitals genitals + testis genitals

  20. Testis Undifferentiated genitals Clitoris Vagina Penis Scrotum

  21. X sperm Y sperm XX XY SRY TDF testis T ovary M MIH oviduct T W v. def penis vagina

  22. Testis Undifferentiated genitals T DHT Clitoris Vagina Penis Scrotum

  23. Y sperm Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome XY SRY TDF testis T M MIH T W DHT vagina

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