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Global Science: Capitalizing on Opportunities for Africa

Global Science: Capitalizing on Opportunities for Africa. Invited Presentation UMichigan African Studies Center STEM-Africa Conference at KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana May 28-31, 2012. Anne C Petersen, PhD U Michigan & Global Philanthropy Alliance. Global Science.

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Global Science: Capitalizing on Opportunities for Africa

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  1. Global Science: Capitalizing on Opportunities for Africa Invited Presentation UMichigan African Studies Center STEM-Africa Conference at KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana May 28-31, 2012 Anne C Petersen, PhD U Michigan & Global Philanthropy Alliance

  2. Global Science US National Science Foundation (NSF) as example of Minority World science policy NSF Director Subra Suresh said recently “Good science anywhere is good for science everywhere.” NSF now has a global research agenda NSF just hosted the first meeting of the Global Research Council – a summit on merit review

  3. Opportunities for African STEM Increased Economic Activity

  4. Other STEM Opportunities • African Govt/Academy/Academe • African Union commitment to S&T • AAS, ASADI, national academy changes • University efforts – PAU, other change • African diaspora • Some diaspora scientists returning • Those remaining away want to partner • Need continued focus: benefit Africa • Funding • Increased R&D efforts within Africa • Increased external funds to Africa • Need increased investments

  5. ASADI

  6. Yes Challenges Exist • Major: Weaknesses in many African universities • Too many universities for resources • Insufficient research infrastructure • Too few PhD faculty • Women especially underrepresented – need all available talent • Minor: • Research funding still scarce • Unstable politics in some countries • Global recession still affecting Europe and US (with effects on external funding)

  7. Global R&D Spending Current Resources

  8. Effective Approaches • Most important: National goals with investment in R&D • Example: China, Singapore, South Africa (Mbeki) • Close second: Bottom up commitments to build capacity • Example: Maori (NZ) 500 PhD Project • More research collaborations • Example: Africa Array - Council for Geoscience, Wits U, Penn State • More partnerships among institutions for education and research • Example: U Michigan UMAPS Program and this conference series

  9. Additional Approaches • Partnerships with Industry • Many willing to fund R&D in Universities • Systemic issue: faculty salaries high enough • Research Parks • Highly successful in many countries • Must have upfront funding for Park and start up funding for emerging science companies • Online Resources • Online data bases (eg Google, Minority World Universities) • Online capacity building (eg e-learning)

  10. Resources to Accomplish Goals Usually only consider money People: greatest resource for programs Human spirit - more powerful than anything else as long as we don’t impede or destroy it. But will discuss funding opportunities

  11. Sustainability of Efforts • Goal is sustainable efforts. • Sustainability requires enduring, effective partnerships. • Good partnerships require: • mutual interest • mutual benefit • mutual respect • mutual responsibility

  12. Possible Sources of Funds • Government (own country, others) • Corporate (not to be underestimated) • Private philanthropy • Foundations • Individuals • Other (eg, member fees, activity fees, fee for service/contracts, endowment)

  13. Information on US Foundations • The Council on Foundation’s U.S. International Grantmaking Project: http://www.usig.org/ • Information and resources on international grantmaking. • The Foundation Center: http://www.fdncenter.org • The Foundation Center's mission is to strengthen the nonprofit sector by advancing knowledge about U.S. philanthropy. The Foundation Center collects, organizes, and communicates data on U.S. philanthropy; conducts research on the field; provides education and training on the grantseeking process; and provides public access to information and services through the website. • FoundationSearch: http://www.foundationsearch.com/ • A North America source of web based foundation funding information for non-profits. • European Foundations • European Foundation Centre:http://www.efc.be • Funder and information source.

  14. Summary Time of opportunity for African R&D Challenges remain but can be addressed Are existing approaches that have demonstrated effectiveness Use diverse approaches for funding Most important is to plan strategically for best outcomes

  15. Thanks!

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