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My dream job

AJC OPA present . My dream job. A rchitect in space. Team leader : Célia CHENEBAULT. Country : France School : Sup’biotech. We are not the first who have this dream. 1/ My dream job. What a wonderful idea to build a city on Mars!!!

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My dream job

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AJC OPA present Mydream job Architect in space Team leader : Célia CHENEBAULT Country : France School : Sup’biotech by Célia Chenebault, Jade Laurin, Arthur Zandvliet, Thomas Sénéchal

  2. We are not the first who have this dream 1/ Mydream job What a wonderful idea to build a city on Mars!!! The conditions on Mars are different so we need new technologies and skills. A city for tourists ? Or for residents ? Or for resources? by Célia Chenebault, Jade Laurin, Arthur Zandvliet, Thomas Sénéchal

  3. 1/ Mydream job How ? Draw plans like on earth but we have to consider the new scientific conditions: gravitation, pressure, … Which technologies ? - some robots such as Curiosity, Spirit and Opportunity - Construction material Where ? On a planet in space especially on mars Our work Collaboration ? -With NASA -With Builders - With engineers by Célia Chenebault, Jade Laurin, Arthur Zandvliet, Thomas Sénéchal

  4. Whatoutcome ? 1/ Mydream job A city on anotherplanet!!!! A new life couldbegin by Célia Chenebault, Jade Laurin, Arthur Zandvliet, Thomas Sénéchal

  5. Our workingday 1/ Mydream job • If the architectonlydraws plans, heis not obliged to go on the planet, hecouldstayat home to work. He uses pens to realisehis plans but hecouldalso do that on a computer with a modealisation software. • He has got a flexible scheduleuntilhedoeshiswork. But he has to beavailable, if the builders on the planetneedhis help. • He also has to communicatewith the scientificcommunity in order to be sure thathis plans are doable. So he has to meetthemat least once a week. by Célia Chenebault, Jade Laurin, Arthur Zandvliet, Thomas Sénéchal

  6. Industries ? Sectors ? 2/ Perfect éducation by Célia Chenebault, Jade Laurin, Arthur Zandvliet, Thomas Sénéchal

  7. 2/ Perfect éducation SchoolKnowlegde by Célia Chenebault, Jade Laurin, Arthur Zandvliet, Thomas Sénéchal

  8. 2/ Perfect éducation Personalknowlegde and experience • Creativity • Human contact > understand the needs of people in space > be able to communicatewithscientists, industries, builders …. > becausehis building must last • It maybe good if he has already gone to spacebecauseheknows the exact situation by Célia Chenebault, Jade Laurin, Arthur Zandvliet, Thomas Sénéchal

  9. Whatkind of school ? 2/ Perfect éducation An engineering school , or a university, or an architect school to get a doctorate level. It is advice to make a these after study and specialize him-self in physics or astrophysics Intership in a architectcompagny by Célia Chenebault, Jade Laurin, Arthur Zandvliet, Thomas Sénéchal

  10. A day at school, university, … 2/ Perfect éducation The mostinterestingday at school it is a day which is devoted to praticeworks in the morning : > drawing plan for a new building > make scientist experience to demonstrate quality of the material in extreme conditions. And the afternoon was devoted to the meeting of scientists in order to talk about the new industry discoveries : materials, technology; see the laboratory work. As a result, the student would develop a network, to shape an opinion about real facts and better understandthe scientist problem by Célia Chenebault, Jade Laurin, Arthur Zandvliet, Thomas Sénéchal

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