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What is lynda.com?

What is lynda.com?.

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What is lynda.com?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is lynda.com? - California-based company specializing in online software training- Offers 999 video courses, with new courses added every week- Offers training in a wide variety of software types, including productivity, design, web development, animation, photography, 3D, and common web applications, such as Facebook and eBay.

  2. How has Princeton licensed lynda.com? We have purchased a site license to lynda.comAnyone with a valid Princeton netid can use the serviceAuthentication is through a special Princeton portal to lynda.com, and users authenticate via CAS

  3. How do I get to the Princeton lynda login? http://lynda.princeton.edu

  4. Log in through CAS

  5. Cookies! Enable them . . . or the authentication process will give you a scary error – griffins and all! Linda.com requires cookies to work.

  6. First-time use only: customize your interface

  7. Entering personal information is optional The site will remember your login as a unique user if you enter information or not.

  8. Enter email only if you might have a future lynda.com account, or want to subscribe to a lynda.com newsletter. If you use this email later when you get a new account, your training history will transfer to the new account.You can add an address now or later if you want to subscribe to a lynda newsletter.

  9. Additional instructions for some IE8 users! If the dropdown menus do not work, change your browser settings to “Compatibility View” From the “Tools” menu . . . . or from your navigation bar (There are no known issues with other browsers.)

  10. Set your site preferences - Movie player options: Quick Time movies work with course transcripts searches to jump to an exact place in a course.- Quick Time and Windows Media players allow you to play movies at different speeds- Flash movies allow you to maximize the screen.

  11. Sign up for news and email “Following” information:@lyndadotcom on Twitter , lynda.com on Facebook, or http://blog.lynda.com/ for info on new courses.

  12. . . . . or sign up for the RSS feed Latest releases are featured on the home page, along with a link to the RSS feed for new releases.

  13. Course features Many courses have the following features:- Closed captioning- Exercise files- Transcripts- Recommended prerequisites(Some older and the newest course may not yet have transcripts, but lynda.com is working to cover that gap.)

  14. Courses are offered at various depths, and in varying types Depending on the complexity of a software package, training is usually delivered at levels suitable for students who have never used the software before -- to the most advanced users who are familiar with the previous release.

  15. Logging out . . . and logging back in a x You can log out of lynda using the log out option on lynda.comYou CANNOT log back in using the log in button on lynda.comReturn to http://lynda.princeton.edu to re-log(You will still be logged into CAS)

  16. Cool stuff: iPhone app Use the web portal access (scroll down)Use the URL https://princeton.edu

  17. iPhone app, continued

  18. Cool stuff: iPad app Use the web portal log inUse the url https://princeton.edu

  19. iPad app, continued . . .

  20. Cool stuff: the Office Ribbon plugin (beta) Download the plugin from the “products” tabGet contextualized lynda content while using any MS Office application! (Office 2007 and above)

  21. Using the Office Ribbon in PowerPoint Don’t log in here, log into lynda.princeton.edu in a browser. A list of contextualized help appears here. The lynda.com ribbon tab

  22. More info: jtemos@princeton.edu(web page coming soon)

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