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Firm But Flexible

Firm But Flexible. Components of Bone Powerpoint Adapted from materials provided by The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio http ://teachhealthk-12.uthscsa.edu/curriculum/bones/bone03c-chickenbone.asp. Objectives. By the end of this lab you should be able to:

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Firm But Flexible

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  1. Firm But Flexible Components of Bone Powerpoint Adapted from materials provided by The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio http://teachhealthk-12.uthscsa.edu/curriculum/bones/bone03c-chickenbone.asp

  2. Objectives • By the end of this lab you should be able to: • Determine structure and function of skeleton and bones • Analyze the gross anatomy of bone and bone tissue

  3. What is Bone? • Bone is a LIVING TISSUE made up of three main components

  4. What is Bone? • Bone is made of • 45% Minerals • Mainly Calcium & Phosphorus • 30% Living Tissue • Elastin & Collagen • 25% Water

  5. Minerals • The main minerals found in bone are CALCIUM and PHOSPHORUS • There function is to provide RIGIDITY to the bones, or (make them HARD)

  6. Living Tissues • The living tissues in the bone include • BLOOD VESSELS: which carry new blood cells, nutrients and wastes through the bones • Elastin: stretchy component of BONE and CARTILIDGE which allows the bone to BEND without breaking • COLLAGEN: new bone GROWTH, hardens with minerals

  7. How Bones Change . . . • In young animals, bones are made of more PROTEIN • As the animal ages, the collagen PROTEIN is hardened with MINERALS like calcium

  8. What would happen . . . • If an animal had a calcium deficiency when they were young?

  9. What would happen . . . • If an animal had a calcium deficiency when they were young? • Their bones wouldn’t have enough calcium to harden (or maintain hardness) as they age

  10. Lab Materials • Chicken Leg Bones • Vinegar • Bleach • Scale • Ruler • Lab Worksheet

  11. Test #1: Identifying Living Tissue • We will be using a substance (VINEGAR) that will breakdown the MINERAL portions of the bone • This process will result in only the LIVING TISSUES remaining • The bone will become ________________?

  12. Test #2: Identifying Bone Minerals • We will be using a substance (BLEACH) that will breakdown the SOFT TISSUE portions of the bone • This process will result in only the MINERALS remaining • The bone will become ________________?

  13. Procedure • Step 1: Take two chicken bones • Step 2: Remove all fat and remaining meat • Step 3: Weigh and measure each bone, record your findings on the lab worksheet • Step 4: Label one jar VINEGAR and one jar BLEACH • Step 5: Put one bone in each jar • Step 6: Pour enough liquid in each respective jar to cover the bones

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