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Comprehensive Practice

Practical English, Book I. Unit 2 Part C. Comprehensive Practice. Unit 2: Part C. Consolidation Skills. Consolidation. Exercise Check-up Listening Practice. Skills. Translation Skills Writing Skills Reading Practice Oral Practice. Exercise Check-up. Translation Practice 4, P. 35

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Comprehensive Practice

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  1. Practical English, Book I Unit 2 Part C Comprehensive Practice

  2. Unit 2: Part C • Consolidation • Skills

  3. Consolidation • Exercise Check-up • Listening Practice

  4. Skills • Translation Skills • Writing Skills • Reading Practice • Oral Practice

  5. Exercise Check-up • Translation • Practice 4, P. 35 • Practice 5, P. 35

  6. 很难说准确,我们所说的“摇滚乐”是如何起源的。它的根可以追溯到许多不同的国家,不同类型的音乐和音乐家。很难说准确,我们所说的“摇滚乐”是如何起源的。它的根可以追溯到许多不同的国家,不同类型的音乐和音乐家。 Exercise Check-up 1. It is difficult to say exactly how the music we call “rock and roll” began. Its roots go back to many different countries and many different kinds of music and musicians.

  7. 人们一想到早期的摇滚乐一定会想到“摇滚乐之王”埃尔维斯-普莱斯利。人们一想到早期的摇滚乐一定会想到“摇滚乐之王”埃尔维斯-普莱斯利。 Exercise Check-up 2. No one thinks of early rock and roll without thinking of Elvis Presley, the “King of Rock and Roll”.

  8. 他继续录唱片,但他的音乐缺少了他早期歌曲的生命力。他继续录唱片,但他的音乐缺少了他早期歌曲的生命力。 Exercise Check-up 3. He continued to record, but his music rarely had the life of his early songs.

  9. 音乐是美国历史的一个组成部分。音乐能表达人们的困惑和情感。随着岁月的流逝,音乐也在发展和变化。音乐是美国历史的一个组成部分。音乐能表达人们的困惑和情感。随着岁月的流逝,音乐也在发展和变化。 Exercise Check-up 4. Music is a part of the history of America. It expresses the problems and feelings of its people. As the years pass, the music grows and changes.

  10. 即使当人们无法理解同一种语言时,他们能欣赏同一种音乐。许多人通过唱歌来学习和练习英语。了解美国音乐有助于了解美国人,以及他们的历史和文化。即使当人们无法理解同一种语言时,他们能欣赏同一种音乐。许多人通过唱歌来学习和练习英语。了解美国音乐有助于了解美国人,以及他们的历史和文化。 Exercise Check-up 5. Even when people cannot understand the same language, they can share the same music. Many people learn and practice English by singing songs. Understanding American music can help you understand American people, their history and culture.

  11. Exercise Check-up 1. 他的观点和我的差不多。 ? be similar to ? idea / opinion / view His views are similar to mine.

  12. Exercise Check-up 2. 这位教师对学生有很大的影响。 ? great / strong The teacher has great influence on his students.

  13. Exercise Check-up 3. 她没锁门就出去了。 ? without She went out without locking the door.

  14. Exercise Check-up 4. 这些照片使我回想起了我的学生时代。 ? ? remind…of school days These photos remind me of my school days.

  15. Exercise Check-up 5. 到2050年我们将把我国建成世界上中等发达的国家之一。 ? make/ build into By the year of 2050 we shall have made our country one of the medium developed countries in the world.

  16. Exercise Check-up 6. 了解中国的历史和文化有助于了解中国人民。 Knowing China’s history and culture can help you understand Chinese people.

  17. Listening Practice • Passage • Short Conversation

  18. Listening Practice 《实用英语I》Unit 1 Listening & Speaking Part III – B, P.37 1. You are going to listen to a short passage. Listen to it twice and then fill in the blanks with the missing words.

  19. Listening Practice Introduction • A great difference between American social customs and those of other countries is _______________ names are used. • Most Americans do not want to be treated in any especially respectful way because of _________ or social rank. • Many Americans even find the terms “Mr.”, “Mrs.” or “Miss” __________. • Using only first names indicates ____________ and acceptance. the way in which theirage tooformal friendliness

  20. Listening Practice 《实用英语I》Unit 2 Listening & Speaking Part III – A, P.40 2. Listen to people talking about books and films. What opinions do you hear? Choose the correct answers.

  21. Listening Practice 1. A. Like it very much. B. Thought it is OK. C. Didn’t like it.

  22. Listening Practice 2. A. Like it very much. B. Thought it is OK. C. Didn’t like it.

  23. Listening Practice 3. A. Like it very much. B. Thought it is OK. C. Didn’t like it.

  24. Listening Practice 4. A. Like it very much. B. Thought it is OK. C. Didn’t like it. Check-up

  25. Script & Check-up 1. Oh, I love that movie! I think I’ve probably seen it ten times. It’s really great! A. Like it very much. B. Thought it is OK. C. Didn’t like it. A. Like it very much.

  26. Script & Check-up 2. Well, I only saw it once and that was enough for me. I didn’t like it very much. It was just too silly. A. Like it very much. B. Thought it is OK. C. Didn’t like it. C. Didn’t like it.

  27. Script & Check-up 3. Oh, I couldn’t stop reading it once I got started. I stayed up till four o’clock in the morning to finish it! A. Like it very much. B. Thought it is OK. C. Didn’t like it. A. Like it very much.

  28. Script & Check-up 4. Well, the acting was good, but the story was a little slow, and I couldn’t understand the ending. It was all right, I guess. A. Like it very much. B. Thought it is OK. C. Didn’t like it. B. Thought it is OK.

  29. Translation Skills 引 申 词 义 一篇文章的所有词、句都按照一定的逻辑关系相互结合成一个整体。翻译时,必须结合上下文和逻辑关系,恰当确定每一词的涵义。 将词义加以引申,即透过原文的表层结构用恰当的汉语词语和符合汉语习惯的表达法把原文的深层含义表达出来。

  30. Translation Skills 1. 抽象化引申 e.g. 1)There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in his nature. 猿,表示聪明狡猾 虎, 表示凶残、力量 他的本性既残暴又狡猾。

  31. Translation Skills 2)Every life has its roses and thorns. 玫瑰, 象征幸福、爱情 荆棘,象征痛苦、挫折 每个人的生活都有甜有苦。

  32. Translation Skills Translate She sailed into the room. 她仪态万方地走进房间。

  33. Translation Skills 2. 具体引申 e.g. 1)The Great Wall is a must for most foreign visitors to Beijing. 必不可少的游览地 对于大多数到北京的外国旅游者来说, 长城是必不可少的游览地。

  34. Translation Skills 2) We would like to build a colored society where all men can have equal opportunity. 不同人种的 我们愿意建立一个机会均等而肤色人种不同的社会。

  35. Translation Skills Practice Translate the word “break” 1. He got up as soon as day broke. 天亮 他天一亮就起床。

  36. Translation Skills 2. Don’t wind your toy-car too tightly, or you will break it. 弄坏 别把玩具汽车的发条拧得太紧,不然会把它弄坏的。

  37. Translation Skills 3. I promised and I shall never break that promise. 违背 我许诺过,我永远也不会违背这个诺言。

  38. Translation Skills 4. You must break yourself of the bad habit of interrupting a speaker. 改掉 你必须改掉打断别人讲话的坏习惯。

  39. Translation Skills 5. The ground was broken for a library. 破土动工 图书馆已破土动工。

  40. Writing Skills Sign Language 标志用语

  41. Writing Skills 标志用语常用单词和短语表示某些指示、 规定、说明等。其特点是:语言精练,常用大写,无句号。

  42. Writing Skills 图像标志用于各种公共场所或商品包装以引起人们注意,其特点是简洁、直观、示意明确,使人一目了然。

  43. Railroad No Smoking Bicycle Lane Writing Skills What does these symbols stand for?

  44. Writing Skills Match the Chinese in Column B with the English expressions in Column A • AB • EXIT 勿在公共海滩扔杂物 • NO U TURN 切勿近火 • PRIVATE 小心轻放 • HANDLE WITH CARE 出口 • ON SALE OR RETURN 不准掉头 • KEEP OFF FIRE 请勿入内 • NO ADMITTANCE 包退包换 • DON’T LITTER THE 私人住宅 • PUBLIC BEACHES

  45. Reading Practice Scanning Scanning is to test your ability to locate specific information or facts as rapidly as possible.

  46. Reading Practice Directions Scan the following passages about the life story of Elvis Presley, and then answer the questions below it. Please focus on the detail of the story. Try to remember them when you are reading. You’d better hurry up while reading the passage, because time will not wait for you.

  47. Reading Practice Life Story of Elvis Presley Growing up as only child, Presley was raised in Memphis, where he sang church music, listened to music broadcasts on the radio, and heard black musicians perform the blues. In July 1954 Presley recorded the first of 15 songs for Sam Phillips, a rhythm and blues producer who had been searching for a white singer who sounded like a black man. Time is over!

  48. No. He was the only child in his family. In 1954. Reading Practice Questions 1. Did Elvis have any sisters or brothers? 2. When did he record his first of 15 songs?

  49. Reading Practice In 1956 Presley released “Heartbreak Hotel,” the first of 45 records that sold more than a million copies each, among them such hits as “Hound Dog”, “All Shook Up”, “Don’t Be Cruel”, and “Burning Love”. In the same year, he appeared in Love Me Tender, the first of 33 motion pictures, and made nationally televised appearances on Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey’s “Stage Show” and the “Ed Sullivan Show”. Time is over!

  50. Heartbreak Hotel Reading Practice Questions 3. What was the name of his first record album (唱片专辑)?

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