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10 Tips to Minimize Allergy Symptom

It is believed that allergic rhinitis (commonly called allergy) affects 10-30% of the population globally.

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10 Tips to Minimize Allergy Symptom

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  1. 10 10 Tips to Minimize Allergy Tips to Minimize Allergy Symptom Symptom It is believed that allergic rhinitis (commonly called allergy) affects 10-30% of the population globally. That means that up to 2 billion people today are allergic to some substance. Serena Williams, Drew Barrymore, Clay Aiken, Billy Bob Thornton, Lionel Ritchie, Kate Middleton, Eva Longoria, Cameron Diaz, Jessica Simpson, Vanessa Hudgens, Miley Cyrus, and chances are, you too, are allergic to something or the other, even if you don’t know it yet. Up until the early 20th century, allergies weren’t known to exist. So, while our grandparents have lived long, happy lives without having to face an allergy, ever, we are already overfamiliar with the various varieties of it – gluten, lactose, peanuts, pollen, dust, animal dander, citrus fruits, fish, shellfish, soy, cinnamon, nutmeg, garlic, oats, insect sting, latex etc. Thanks to the alarming pollution levels and the abysmal lifestyle choices today, allergies are becoming even more common each day, in people of all ages, starting as young as 2 years. Therefore, managing allergies has become a challenging yet necessary task for every parent. Here are 10 tips to minimize allergy symptoms during the peak season: 1.Limit exposure to the elements of nature when allergy is at peak, especially during high pollen count. This is a preventative measure that will save you a lot of work later, even if you’re not directly allergic to pollen. In general, in cases of dust, animal dander, and mould allergies, it is best to keep windows closed (but to not restrict sunlight) and use an air purifier at home. 2.Wash up as soon as you’re home from the outside. Every time you leave the house, all kinds of pollutants and allergens stick to your clothes, shoes, and hair. So, for an individual with a highly sensitive allergy, it is advised that they take a bath after an outing. 3.Get an air mask. It'll keep allergens from getting into your airways when you absolutely can’t avoid going out.

  2. 4.Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals boost the immune system and reduce incidences or severity of allergic reactions. 5.Stay hydrated. If you feel stuffy or have postnasal drip from your allergies, sip more water, juice, or other non-alcoholic drinks. The extra liquid can thin the mucus in your nasal passages and give you some relief. 6.Choose natural products. It is the best way to avoid chemicals that may act as indoor allergens. 7.Steams are the best way to keep the nasal-oesophageal passage clear during an acute allergic reaction. This will help make the overall experience less painful. 8.Avoid smoking and secondary cigarette smoke. It can worsen your runny, itchy, stuffy nose and watery eyes. Choose smoke-free restaurants, nightclubs, and hotel rooms. Avoid other fumes that can make your symptoms worse, too, like aerosol sprays and smoke from wood- burning fireplaces. 9.Limit how many throw rugs you keep to reduce dust and mould. If you do have them, make sure you can wash them. 10.Meet an expert and learn about your triggers in detail in order to avoid them and improve your quality of life. For more health, wellness and fitness articles visit- healthhunt.in

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